libzui 0.0.3

A Terminal UI Library, Written in Rust
# zui
A minimal terminal manipulation library written in Rust.

## What is it?
`zui` is a library that intends to make terminal interfaces, simple or complex, easy to create. It is heavily inspired by [Termion]( and [tui-rs](

It's goals are as follows:

- [x] Zero external dependencies (aside from libc)
- [x] Color Support
- [x] Text Styling
- [x] Low-level Terminal information
- [x] Cursor Support
- [x] Clear Terminal Support
- [x] ANSI Raw Mode Support
- [x] Keyboard Support & async stdin
- [x] Multiple Screens
- [x] Polish up existing interface and add docs (0.0.1 release)
- [ ] Mouse Support

## What isn't it?

It's goals are **not** as follows:

- Compile on non Unix machines

## License