libzetta 0.3.1

libzetta is a stable interface for programmatic administration of ZFS
use std::{default::Default, path::PathBuf};
use strum_macros::{AsRefStr, Display, EnumString};

use std::collections::HashMap;

macro_rules! impl_zfs_prop {
    ($type_:ty, $as_str:literal) => {
        impl ZfsProp for $type_ {
            fn nv_key() -> &'static str { $as_str }

            fn as_nv_value(&self) -> u64 { *self as u64 }
pub trait ZfsProp {
    /// String representation of ZFS Property
    fn nv_key() -> &'static str;
    fn as_nv_value(&self) -> u64;
/// Controls how ACL entries inherited when files and directories created. Default value is
/// `Restricted`.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum AclInheritMode {
    /// For new objects, no ACL entries inherited when a file or directory created. The ACL on the
    /// new file or directory is equal to the permissions of the file or directory.
    #[strum(serialize = "discard")]
    Discard      = 0,

    /// For new objects, only inheritable ACL entries that have an access type of `deny` are
    /// inherited.
    #[strum(serialize = "noallow")]
    Noallow      = 1,

    /// For new objects, the `write_owner` and `write_acl` permissions removed when an ACL entry
    /// inherited.
    #[strum(serialize = "restricted")]
    Restricted   = 4,

    /// (Deprecated, might not work on all platforms) For new objects, the `write_owner` and
    /// `write_acl` permissions removed when an ACL entry inherited.
    #[strum(serialize = "secure")]
    Secure       = 2,

    /// When the property value set to passthrough, files created with permissions determined by
    /// the inheritable ACEs. If no inheritable ACEs exist that affect the permissions, then the
    /// permissions set in accordance to the requested permissions from the application.
    #[strum(serialize = "passthrough")]
    Passthrough  = 3,

    #[strum(serialize = "passthrough-x")]
    PassthroughX = 5,

impl Default for AclInheritMode {
    fn default() -> AclInheritMode { AclInheritMode::Restricted }

/// This property modifies ACL behavior when a file initially created or whenever a file or
/// directory's permissions modified by the chmod command.
/// NODE: Not available on ZOL
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum AclMode {
    /// All ACL entries removed except for the entries needed to define the mode of the file or
    /// directory.
    #[strum(serialize = "discard")]
    Discard     = 0,
    /// User or group ACL permissions reduced so that they are no greater than the group
    /// permissions, unless it is a user entry that has the same UID as the owner of the file or
    /// directory. Then, the ACL permissions reduced so that they are no greater than the owner
    /// permissions.
    #[strum(serialize = "groupmask")]
    GroupMask   = 2,

    /// During a `chmod` operation, ACEs other than `owner@`, `group@`, or `everyone@` are not
    /// modified in any way. ACEs with `owner@`, `group@`, or `everyone@` are disabled to set the
    /// file mode as requested by the `chmod` operation.
    #[strum(serialize = "passthrough")]
    Passthrough = 3,

    #[strum(serialize = "restricted")]
    Restricted  = 4,

impl Default for AclMode {
    fn default() -> AclMode { AclMode::Discard }

/// Controls the checksum used to verify data integrity. Default value is `on`.
/// NOTE: Some variants might not be supported by underlying zfs module. Consult proper manual pages
/// before using anything other than `on`.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Checksum {
    /// Use value from the parent
    #[strum(serialize = "inherit")]
    Inherit   = 0,
    /// Auto-select most appropriate algorithm. Currently, it is `fletcher4`.
    #[strum(serialize = "on")]
    On        = 1,
    /// Disable integrity check. Not recommended at all.
    #[strum(serialize = "off")]
    Off       = 2,
    /// Not only disables integrity but also disables maintaining parity for user data. This
    /// setting used internally by a dump device residing on a RAID-Z pool and should not be used
    /// by any other dataset.
    #[strum(serialize = "noparity")]
    NoParity  = 10,
    #[strum(serialize = "fletcher2")]
    Fletcher2 = 6,
    #[strum(serialize = "fletcher4")]
    Fletcher4 = 7,
    #[strum(serialize = "sha256")]
    SHA256    = 8,
    #[strum(serialize = "sha512")]
    SHA512    = 11,
    #[strum(serialize = "skein")]
    Skein     = 12,

impl Default for Checksum {
    fn default() -> Self { Checksum::On }

/// Enables or disables compression for a dataset.
/// NOTE: Some variants might not be supported by underlying zfs module. Consult proper manual pages
/// before using anything other than `off`.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Compression {
    /// Use value from the parent
    #[strum(serialize = "inherit")]
    Inherit = 0,
    /// Auto-select most appropriate algorithm. If possible uses LZ4, if not then LZJB.
    #[strum(serialize = "on")]
    On      = 1,
    /// Disables compression.
    #[strum(serialize = "off")]
    Off     = 2,
    #[strum(serialize = "lzjb")]
    LZJB    = 3,
    /// The lz4 compression algorithm is a high-performance replacement for the lzjb algorithm.
    #[strum(serialize = "lz4")]
    LZ4     = 15,
    /// The zle compression algorithm compresses runs of zeros.
    #[strum(serialize = "zle")]
    ZLE     = 14,
    /// Fastest gzip level
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-1")]
    Gzip1   = 5,
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-2")]
    Gzip2   = 6,
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-3")]
    Gzip3   = 7,
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-4")]
    Gzip4   = 8,
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-5")]
    Gzip5   = 9,
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-6")]
    Gzip6   = 10,
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-7")]
    Gzip7   = 11,
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-8")]
    Gzip8   = 12,
    /// Slowest gzip level
    #[strum(serialize = "gzip-9")]
    Gzip9   = 13,

impl Default for Compression {
    fn default() -> Self { Compression::Off }
/// Sets the number of copies of user data per file system. These copies are in addition to any
/// pool-level redundancy.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Copies {
    #[strum(serialize = "1")]
    One = 1,
    #[strum(serialize = "2")]
    #[strum(serialize = "3")]

impl Default for Copies {
    fn default() -> Self { Copies::One }

/// What is cached in the primary cache (ARC).
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CacheMode {
    /// Both user data and metadata.
    #[strum(serialize = "all")]
    All      = 2,
    /// Just the metadata.
    #[strum(serialize = "metadata")]
    Metadata = 1,
    /// Neither user data nor metadata is cached.
    #[strum(serialize = "none")]
    None     = 0,

impl ZfsProp for CacheMode {
    fn nv_key() -> &'static str { unimplemented!() }

    fn as_nv_value(&self) -> u64 { *self as u64 }

impl Default for CacheMode {
    fn default() -> Self { CacheMode::All }

/// Controls whether the .zfs directory is hidden or visible in the root of the file system
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum SnapDir {
    #[strum(serialize = "hidden")]
    Hidden  = 0,
    #[strum(serialize = "visible")]
    Visible = 1,

impl Default for SnapDir {
    fn default() -> Self { SnapDir::Hidden }

#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CanMount {
    /// Allowed to be mounted
    #[strum(serialize = "on")]
    On     = 1,
    /// Can't be mounted
    #[strum(serialize = "off")]
    Off    = 0,
    /// Can be mounted, but only explicitly
    #[strum(serialize = "noauto")]
    NoAuto = 2,

impl Default for CanMount {
    fn default() -> Self { CanMount::On }

/// Controls the behavior of synchronous requests.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum SyncMode {
    /// Posix specified behavior.
    #[strum(serialize = "standard")]
    Standard = 0,
    /// All transactions are written and flushed. Large performance penalty.
    #[strum(serialize = "always")]
    Always   = 1,
    /// DANGER. Disables synchronous requests.
    #[strum(serialize = "disabled")]
    Disabled = 2,

impl Default for SyncMode {
    fn default() -> Self { SyncMode::Standard }

/// This property specifies how volumes should be exposed to the OS.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum VolumeMode {
    /// Controlled by system-wide sysctl/tunable.
    #[strum(serialize = "default")]
    Default = 0,
    /// Volumes with this property are exposed as [`geom(4)`]( device.
    #[strum(serialize = "geom")]
    GEOM    = 1,
    /// Volumes with this property are exposed as cdev in devfs.
    #[strum(serialize = "dev")]
    Dev     = 2,
    /// Volumes with this property are not exposed outside of zfs.
    #[strum(serialize = "none")]
    None    = 3,

impl Default for VolumeMode {
    fn default() -> Self { VolumeMode::Default }

/// Indicates whether the file name matching algorithm used by the file system should be
/// case-sensitive, case-insensitive, or allow a combination of both styles of matching.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CaseSensitivity {
    #[strum(serialize = "sensitive")]
    #[strum(serialize = "insensitive")]
    /// File system can support requests for both case-sensitive and case-insensitive matching
    /// behavior.
    #[strum(serialize = "mixed")]

impl Default for CaseSensitivity {
    fn default() -> Self { CaseSensitivity::Sensitive }

/// Configures deduplication for a dataset. If set to verify, ZFS will do a byte-to-byte comparision
/// in case of two blocks having the same signature to make sure the block contents are identical.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Dedup {
    #[strum(serialize = "on")]
    #[strum(serialize = "off")]
    #[strum(serialize = "verify")]
    #[strum(serialize = "sha256")]
    #[strum(serialize = "sha256,verify")]
    #[strum(serialize = "sha512")]
    #[strum(serialize = "sha512,verify")]
    #[strum(serialize = "skein")]
    #[strum(serialize = "skein,verify")]

impl Default for Dedup {
    fn default() -> Self { Dedup::Off }
///  Indicates whether the file system should perform a unicode normalization of file names whenever
/// two filenames are compared, and which normalization algorithm should be used.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Normalization {
    #[strum(serialize = "none")]
    #[strum(serialize = "formc", serialize = "formC")]
    #[strum(serialize = "formd", serialize = "formD")]
    #[strum(serialize = "formkc", serialize = "formKC")]
    #[strum(serialize = "formkd", serialize = "formKD")]

impl Default for Normalization {
    fn default() -> Self { Normalization::None }

/// Provide a hint to ZFS about handling of synchronous requests in this dataset.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum LogBias {
    /// ZFS will use pool log devices (if configured) to handle the requests at low latency.
    #[strum(serialize = "latency")]
    /// ZFS will not use configured pool log devices.  ZFS will instead optimize synchronous
    /// operations for global pool throughput and efficient use of resources.
    #[strum(serialize = "throughput")]

impl Default for LogBias {
    fn default() -> Self { LogBias::Latency }

/// Controls what types of metadata are stored redundantly
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum RedundantMetadata {
    /// ZFS stores an extra copy of all metadata. If a single on-disk block is corrupt, at worst a
    /// single block of user data (which is recordsize bytes long can be lost.)
    #[strum(serialize = "all")]
    /// ZFS stores an extra copy of most types of metadata. This can improve performance of random
    /// writes, because less metadata must be written.  In practice, at worst about 100 blocks (of
    /// recordsize bytes each) of user data can be lost if a single on-disk block is corrupt.
    #[strum(serialize = "most")]

impl Default for RedundantMetadata {
    fn default() -> Self { RedundantMetadata::All }

/// Specifies a compatibility mode or literal value for the size of dnodes in the file system.
#[derive(AsRefStr, EnumString, Display, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum DnodeSize {
    #[strum(serialize = "legacy")]
    #[strum(serialize = "auto")]
    #[strum(serialize = "1k")]
    #[strum(serialize = "2k")]
    #[strum(serialize = "4k")]
    #[strum(serialize = "8k")]
    #[strum(serialize = "16k")]

impl Default for DnodeSize {
    fn default() -> Self { DnodeSize::Legacy }
/// Most of native properties of filesystem dataset - both immutable and mutable. Default values
/// taken from FreeBSD 12.
/// Notable missing properties:
///  - shareiscsi
///  - sharenfs
///  - sharesmb
///  - version
///  - zoned
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Getters, Builder)]
#[get = "pub"]
pub struct FilesystemProperties {
    name:                    PathBuf,
    /// Controls how ACL entries inherited when files and directories created.
    acl_inherit:             AclInheritMode,
    /// Controls how an ACL entry modified during a `chmod` operation.
    acl_mode:                Option<AclMode>,
    /// Controls whether the access time for files updated when they are read.
    atime:                   bool,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space available to a dataset and all
    /// its children, assuming no other activity in the pool. Because disk space shared within a
    /// pool, available space can be limited by various factors including physical pool size,
    /// quotas, reservations, and other datasets within the pool.
    available:               i64,
    /// Controls whether a file system can be mounted.
    can_mount:               CanMount,
    /// Indicates whether the file name matching algorithm used by the file system should be
    /// case-sensitive, case-insensitive, or allow a combination of both styles of matching.
    case_sensitivity:        CaseSensitivity,
    /// [Security label](
    /// Controls the checksum used to verify data integrity.
    checksum:                Checksum,
    /// Enables or disables compression for a dataset.
    compression:             Compression,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the compression ratio achieved for a dataset, expressed
    /// as a multiplier.
    compression_ratio:       f64,
    /// Sets the number of copies of user data per file system. Available values are 1, 2, or 3.
    /// These copies are in addition to any pool-level redundancy. Disk space used by multiple
    /// copies of user data charged to the corresponding file and dataset, and counts against
    /// quotas and reservations. In addition, the used property updated when multiple copies
    /// enabled. Consider setting this property when the file system created because changing this
    /// property on an existing file system only affects newly written data.
    copies:                  Copies,
    /// The birth time transaction group (TXG) of the object.
    create_txg:              Option<u64>,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the date and time a dataset created.
    creation:                i64,
    /// Configures deduplication for a dataset.
    dedup:                   Dedup,
    /// Controls whether device files in a file system can be opened.
    devices:                 bool,
    /// Specifies a compatibility mode or literal value for the size of dnodes in the file system.
    dnode_size:              DnodeSize,
    /// Controls whether programs in a file system allowed to be executed. Also, when set to
    /// `false`, `mmap(2)` calls with `PROT_EXEC` disallowed.
    exec:                    bool,
    /// The total number of filesystems that exist under this location in the dataset tree.  This
    /// value is only available when a filesystem_limit has been set somewhere in the tree under
    /// which the dataset resides.
    filesystem_count:        Option<u64>,
    /// Limits the number of filesystems that can be created on a dataset and its descendents.
    filesystem_limit:        Option<u64>,
    /// GUID of the dataset
    guid:                    Option<u64>,
    /// Read-only property that indicates whether a file system, clone, or snapshot is currently
    /// mounted.
    mounted:                 bool,
    /// Controls the mount point used for this file system.
    mount_point:             Option<PathBuf>,
    /// [Cross-protocol locking](
    nbmand:                  bool,
    ///  Indicates whether the file system should perform a unicode normalization of file names
    /// whenever two filenames are compared, and which normalization algorithm should be used.
    normalization:           Normalization,
    /// Controls what is cached in the primary cache (ARC).
    primary_cache:           CacheMode,
    // Read-only property for cloned file systems or volumes that identifies the snapshot from
    // which the clone was created.
    origin:                  Option<String>,
    /// Limits the amount of disk space a dataset and its descendants can consume.
    quota:                   u64,
    /// Controls whether a dataset can be modified.
    readonly:                bool,
    /// Specifies a suggested block size for files in a file system in bytes. The size specified
    /// must be a power of two greater than or equal to 512 and less than or equal to 128 KiB.
    /// If the large_blocks feature is enabled on the pool, the size may be up to 1 MiB.
    record_size:             u64,
    /// Controls what types of metadata are stored redundantly
    redundant_metadata:      RedundantMetadata,
    /// Compression ratio achieved for the referenced space of this snapshot.
    ref_compression_ratio:   f64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of data accessible by a dataset, which might
    /// or might not be shared with other datasets in the pool.
    referenced:              u64,
    /// Sets the amount of disk space a dataset can consume. This property enforces a hard limit on
    /// the amount of space used. This hard limit does not include disk space used by descendents,
    /// such as snapshots and clones.
    ref_quota:               u64,
    /// Sets the minimum amount of disk space is guaranteed to a dataset, not including
    /// descendants, such as snapshots and clones.
    ref_reservation:         u64,
    /// Sets the minimum amount of disk space guaranteed to a dataset and its descendants.
    reservation:             u64,
    /// Controls what is cached in the secondary cache (L2ARC).
    secondary_cache:         CacheMode,
    /// Controls whether the `setuid` bit is honored in a file system.
    setuid:                  bool,
    /// Controls whether the .zfs directory is hidden or visible in the root of the file system
    snap_dir:                SnapDir,
    /// The total number of snapshots that exist under this location in the dataset tree.  This
    /// value is only available when a snapshot_limit has been set somewhere in the tree under
    /// which the dataset resides.
    snapshot_count:          Option<u64>,
    /// Limits the number of snapshots that can be created on a dataset and its descendents.
    snapshot_limit:          Option<u64>,
    /// Controls the behavior of synchronous requests.
    sync:                    SyncMode,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space consumed by a dataset and all
    /// its descendants.
    used:                    u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is used by children of this
    /// dataset, which would be freed if all the dataset's children were destroyed.
    used_by_children:        u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is used by a dataset itself.
    used_by_dataset:         u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is used by a refreservation set
    /// on a dataset.
    used_by_ref_reservation: u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is consumed by snapshots of a
    /// dataset.
    used_by_snapshots:       u64,
    /// Indicates whether extended attributes are enabled or disabled.
    xattr:                   bool,
    /// Controls whether the dataset is managed from a jail.
    jailed:                  Option<bool>,
    /// Provide a hint to ZFS about handling of synchronous requests in this dataset.
    log_bias:                LogBias,
    /// The amount of space is "logically" accessible by this dataset.
    logical_referenced:      u64,
    ///  The amount of space is "logically" consumed by this dataset and all its descendents.
    logical_used:            u64,
    /// [Security label](
    mls_label:               Option<String>,
    /// Indicates whether the file system should reject file names that include characters that are
    /// not present in the UTF-8 character code set. If this property is explicitly set to off, the
    /// normalization property must either not be explicitly set or be set to none.
    utf8_only:               Option<bool>,
    /// Version (should 5)
    version:                 u64,
    /// Written?
    written:                 u64,
    /// Controls how the volume is exposed to the OS
    volume_mode:             Option<VolumeMode>,
    /// Virus scan - not used outside solaris
    vscan:                   bool,
    /// User defined properties and properties this library failed to recognize.
    unknown_properties:      HashMap<String, String>,

impl FilesystemProperties {
    pub fn builder(name: PathBuf) -> FilesystemPropertiesBuilder {
        let mut ret = FilesystemPropertiesBuilder::default();;

impl FilesystemPropertiesBuilder {
    pub fn insert_unknown_property(&mut self, key: String, value: String) {
        if let Some(ref mut props) = self.unknown_properties {
            props.insert(key, value);
        } else {
            self.insert_unknown_property(key, value);

/// Most of native properties of volume dataset - both immutable and mutable. Default values taken
/// from FreeBSD 12.
/// Notable missing properties:
///  - shareiscsi
///  - sharenfs
///  - sharesmb
///  - version
///  - zoned
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Getters, Builder)]
#[get = "pub"]
pub struct VolumeProperties {
    name:                    PathBuf,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space available to a dataset and all
    /// its children, assuming no other activity in the pool. Because disk space shared within a
    /// pool, available space can be limited by various factors including physical pool size,
    /// quotas, reservations, and other datasets within the pool.
    available:               i64,
    /// Controls the checksum used to verify data integrity.
    checksum:                Checksum,
    /// Enables or disables compression for a dataset.
    compression:             Compression,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the compression ratio achieved for a dataset, expressed
    /// as a multiplier.
    compression_ratio:       f64,
    /// Sets the number of copies of user data per file system. Available values are 1, 2, or 3.
    /// These copies are in addition to any pool-level redundancy. Disk space used by multiple
    /// copies of user data charged to the corresponding file and dataset, and counts against
    /// quotas and reservations. In addition, the used property updated when multiple copies
    /// enabled. Consider setting this property when the file system created because changing this
    /// property on an existing file system only affects newly written data.
    copies:                  Copies,
    /// The birth time transaction group (TXG) of the object.
    create_txg:              Option<u64>,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the date and time a dataset created.
    creation:                i64,
    /// Configures deduplication for a dataset.
    dedup:                   Dedup,
    /// GUID of the dataset
    guid:                    Option<u64>,
    /// Provide a hint to ZFS about handling of synchronous requests in this dataset.
    log_bias:                LogBias,
    /// The amount of space is "logically" accessible by this dataset.
    logical_referenced:      u64,
    ///  The amount of space is "logically" consumed by this dataset and all its descendents.
    logical_used:            u64,
    /// [Security label](
    mls_label:               Option<String>,
    /// Read-only property that indicates whether a file system, clone, or snapshot is currently
    /// Controls what is cached in the primary cache (ARC).
    primary_cache:           CacheMode,
    /// Controls whether a dataset can be modified.
    readonly:                bool,
    /// Controls what types of metadata are stored redundantly
    redundant_metadata:      RedundantMetadata,
    /// Compression ratio achieved for the referenced space of this snapshot.
    ref_compression_ratio:   f64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of data accessible by a dataset, which might
    /// or might not be shared with other datasets in the pool.
    referenced:              u64,
    /// Sets the minimum amount of disk space is guaranteed to a dataset, not including
    /// descendants, such as snapshots and clones.
    ref_reservation:         u64,
    /// Sets the minimum amount of disk space guaranteed to a dataset and its descendants.
    reservation:             u64,
    /// Controls what is cached in the secondary cache (L2ARC).
    secondary_cache:         CacheMode,
    /// The total number of snapshots that exist under this location in the dataset tree.  This
    /// value is only available when a snapshot_limit has been set somewhere in the tree under
    /// which the dataset resides.
    snapshot_count:          Option<u64>,
    /// Limits the number of snapshots that can be created on a dataset and its descendents.
    snapshot_limit:          Option<u64>,
    /// Controls the behavior of synchronous requests.
    sync:                    SyncMode,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space consumed by a dataset and all
    /// its descendants.
    used:                    u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is used by children of this
    /// dataset, which would be freed if all the dataset's children were destroyed.
    used_by_children:        u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is used by a dataset itself.
    used_by_dataset:         u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is used by a refreservation set
    /// on a dataset.
    used_by_ref_reservation: u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space is consumed by snapshots of a
    /// dataset.
    used_by_snapshots:       u64,
    /// For volumes, specifies the block size of the volume in bytes. The block size cannot be
    /// changed after the volume has been written, so set the block size at volume creation time.
    /// The default block size for volumes is 8 KB. Any power of 2 from 512 bytes to 128 KB is
    /// valid.
    volume_block_size:       u64,
    /// Controls how the volume is exposed to the OS
    volume_mode:             Option<VolumeMode>,
    /// For volumes, specifies the logical size of the volume.
    volume_size:             u64,
    /// Written?
    written:                 u64,
    /// User defined properties and properties this library failed to recognize.
    unknown_properties:      HashMap<String, String>,

impl VolumeProperties {
    pub fn builder(name: PathBuf) -> VolumePropertiesBuilder {
        let mut ret = VolumePropertiesBuilder::default();;

impl VolumePropertiesBuilder {
    pub fn insert_unknown_property(&mut self, key: String, value: String) {
        if let Some(ref mut props) = self.unknown_properties {
            props.insert(key, value);
        } else {
            self.insert_unknown_property(key, value);

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Getters, Builder)]
#[get = "pub"]
pub struct SnapshotProperties {
    name:                  PathBuf,
    /// The birth time transaction group (TXG) of the object.
    create_txg:            Option<u64>,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the date and time a dataset created.
    creation:              i64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk space consumed by a dataset and all
    /// its descendants.
    used:                  u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the amount of data accessible by a dataset, which might
    /// or might not be shared with other datasets in the pool.
    referenced:            u64,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the compression ratio achieved for a dataset, expressed
    /// as a multiplier.
    compression_ratio:     f64,
    /// Controls whether device files in a file system can be opened.
    devices:               bool,
    /// Controls whether programs in a file system allowed to be executed. Also, when set to
    /// `false`, `mmap(2)` calls with `PROT_EXEC` disallowed.
    exec:                  bool,
    /// Controls whether the `setuid` bit is honored in a file system.
    setuid:                bool,
    /// Indicates whether extended attributes are enabled or disabled.
    xattr:                 bool,
    /// Version (should 5)
    version:               u64,
    /// Indicates whether the file system should reject file names that include characters that are
    /// not present in the UTF-8 character code set. If this property is explicitly set to off, the
    /// normalization property must either not be explicitly set or be set to none.
    utf8_only:             Option<bool>,
    /// GUID of the dataset
    guid:                  Option<u64>,
    /// Controls what is cached in the primary cache (ARC).
    primary_cache:         CacheMode,
    /// Controls what is cached in the secondary cache (L2ARC).
    secondary_cache:       CacheMode,
    /// Snapshot marked for deferred destroy.
    defer_destroy:         bool,
    /// Number of holds on this snapshot.
    user_refs:             u64,
    /// Compression ratio achieved for the referenced space of this snapshot.
    ref_compression_ratio: f64,
    /// The amount of referenced space written to this dataset since the previous snapshot.
    written:               u64,
    /// List of datasets which are clones of this snapshot.
    clones:                Option<Vec<PathBuf>>,
    /// The amount of space that is "logically" accessible by this dataset.
    logically_referenced:  u64,
    /// Controls how the volume is exposed to the OS
    volume_mode:           Option<VolumeMode>,
    /// Indicates whether the file name matching algorithm used by the file system should be
    /// case-sensitive, case-insensitive, or allow a combination of both styles of matching.
    case_sensitivity:      CaseSensitivity,
    /// [Security label](
    mls_label:             Option<String>,
    /// [Cross-protocol locking](
    nbmand:                bool,
    ///  Indicates whether the file system should perform a unicode normalization of file names
    /// whenever two filenames are compared, and which normalization algorithm should be used.
    normalization:         Normalization,
    /// User defined properties and properties this library failed to recognize.
    unknown_properties:    HashMap<String, String>,

impl SnapshotProperties {
    pub fn builder(name: PathBuf) -> SnapshotPropertiesBuilder {
        let mut ret = SnapshotPropertiesBuilder::default();

impl SnapshotPropertiesBuilder {
    pub fn insert_unknown_property(&mut self, key: String, value: String) {
        if let Some(ref mut props) = self.unknown_properties {
            props.insert(key, value);
        } else {
            self.insert_unknown_property(key, value);

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Getters, Builder)]
#[get = "pub"]
pub struct BookmarkProperties {
    name:               PathBuf,
    /// The birth time transaction group (TXG) of the object.
    create_txg:         Option<u64>,
    /// Read-only property that identifies the date and time a dataset created.
    creation:           i64,
    /// GUID of the database
    guid:               Option<u64>,
    /// User defined properties and properties this library failed to recognize.
    unknown_properties: HashMap<String, String>,
impl BookmarkProperties {
    pub fn builder(name: PathBuf) -> BookmarkPropertiesBuilder {
        let mut ret = BookmarkPropertiesBuilder::default();

impl BookmarkPropertiesBuilder {
    pub fn insert_unknown_property(&mut self, key: String, value: String) {
        if let Some(ref mut props) = self.unknown_properties {
            props.insert(key, value);
        } else {
            self.insert_unknown_property(key, value);

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Properties {
    Unknown(HashMap<String, String>),

impl_zfs_prop!(AclInheritMode, "aclinherit");
impl_zfs_prop!(AclMode, "aclmode");
impl_zfs_prop!(CanMount, "canmount");
impl_zfs_prop!(Checksum, "checksum");
impl_zfs_prop!(Compression, "compression");
impl_zfs_prop!(Copies, "copies");
impl_zfs_prop!(SnapDir, "snapdir");
impl_zfs_prop!(VolumeMode, "volmod");