libyubihsm 0.1.0

FFI bindings to
libyubihsm-rs [![Build Status](](
Rust library for interfacing with the YubiHSM2.

## Requirements
libyubihsm-rs requires the [YubiHSM2 SDK]( in order
to build. Once downloaded, `` \(and a matching `` symlink\) should be
placed in the system library directory.

## Usage
Before working with the YubiHSM2, it's recommended to read the [Concepts
page]( in the YubiHSM2 documentation. As explained
there, most of the YubiHSM2's functionality requires the use of a `Session`. `Session`s can be
created through a `Connector`, which connects to a running instance of `yubihsm-connector` \(which
is included in the SDK\). Once a `Session` has been obtained, it can be used for cryptographic
functions provided by the YubiHSM2.

libyubihsm-rs is published on [crates]( It can be added as a dependency by adding
the following to your `Cargo.toml`:
version = "0.1"

## Documentation
Documentation is not currently hosted anywhere, but can be built by cloning this repository and
running `cargo doc`.