libxml 0.3.1

A Rust wrapper for libxml2 - the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project
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Rust wrapper for [libxml2](

The main goal of this project is to benefit from libxml2's maturity and stability while the native Rust XML crates mature to be near-drop-in replacements.

As of the `0.2.0` release of the crate, there are some modest safety guarantees:

 * Mutability, as well as ownership - we use `Rc<RefCell<T>>` wrappers to ensure runtime safety of libxml2 operations already in the Rust layer.
 * Memory safety guarantees - in particular `Node` and `Document` objects have automatic bookkeeping and deallocation on drop, for leak-free wrapper use.
 * No thread safety - libxml2's global memory management is a challenge to adapt in a thread-safe way with minimal intervention

**Coverage**: Only covers a subset of libxml2 at the moment, contributions are welcome. We try to increase support with each release.

**Welcome!** With these caveats, the contributors to the project are migrating production work towards Rust and find a continuing reliance on libxml2 a helpful relief for initial ports. As such, contributions to this crate are welcome, if your workflow is not yet fully supported.

## Installation prerequisites

Before performing the usual cargo build/install steps, you need to have the relevant components for using the original libxml2 code. These may become gradually outdated with time - please do let us know by opening a new issue/PR whenever that's the case.

### Linux/Debian

On linux systems you'd need the development headers of libxml2 (e.g. `libxml2-dev` in Debian), as well as `pkg-config`.

### MacOS
[Community contributed](

$ brew install libxml2 # e.g. version 2.9.12 
$ ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.12/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /usr/local/lib/libxml-2.0.dylib
$ export LIBXML2=/usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.12/lib/pkgconfig/libxml-2.0.pc

### Windows

[Community contributed](

* manually install builds tools c++ and english language by visiting [BuildTools]
* launch cmd prompt with admin privileges and execute these commands sequentially:
C:\> git clone
C:\> .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
C:\> setx /M PATH "%PATH%;c:\vcpkg" && setx VCPKGRS_DYNAMIC "1" /M
C:\> refreshenv
C:\> vcpkg install libxml2:x64-windows
C:\> vcpkg integrate install