[][src]Crate libunftp

A FTP server library for Rust

The libunftp library is a safe, fast and extensible FTP(S) server implementation in Rust.

Because of its plugable authentication and storage backends (e.g. local filesystem, Google Cloud Storage) it's more flexible than traditional FTP servers and a perfect match for the cloud.

It is currently under heavy development and not yet recommended for production use.

Quick Start

 let ftp_home = std::env::temp_dir();
 let server = libunftp::Server::new_with_fs_root(ftp_home)
   .greeting("Welcome to my FTP server")




Contains the Authenticator and UserDetails traits that are used by various implementations and also the Server to authenticate users.


Contains the StorageBackend trait and its various implementations that is used by the Server



An instance of a FTP server. It contains a reference to an Authenticator that will be used for authentication, and a StorageBackend that will be used as the storage backend.