[][src]Crate libucl

UCL (Universal Configuration Library)

This library is parser for UCL files.

Basic structure

UCL provide support for 2 different syntaxes:

  • JSON

        "param": "value",
        "section": {
            "flag": true,
            "number": 10000,
            "subsection": {
                "hosts": [
                        "host": "localhost",
                        "port": 9000
                        "host": "remotehost",
                        "port": 9090
  • nginx like UCL

    param = value;
    section {
        flag = true;
        number = 10k;
        subsection {
            hosts = {
                host = "localhost";
                port = 9000
            hosts = {
                host = "remotehost"
                port = 9090

Differences between UCL and JSON:

  • outmost braces are optional so {"a": "b"} is equivalent to "a": "b"
  • quotes on keys and strings are optional
  • : can be replaced with = or even skipped for objects
  • comma can be replaced with semicolon
  • trailing commas are allowed
  • automatic array creation - non-unique keys in object are allowed and are automatically converted to arrays

Parser usage

Simple example:

static DOC: &'static str = r#"
param = value;
section {
    flag = true;
    number = 10k;
    subsection {
        hosts = {
            host = "localhost";
            port = 9000
        hosts = {
            host = "remotehost"
            port = 9090

let parser = libucl::Parser::new();
let document = parser.parse(DOC).unwrap();

assert_eq!(document.fetch("param").unwrap().as_string(), Some("value".to_string()));


pub use error::UclError;
pub use error::UclSchemaError;
pub use parser::Parser;
pub use object::Object;
pub use object::emitter::Emitter;



Type Definitions
