libtzfile 0.3.0

A low-level library to read timezone information files.

TZfile reading library

This low-level library parses the system timezone information files and returns a Tz struct representing the TZfile fields as described in the man page (

Only compatible with V1 (32 bits) format version for the moment.

Here an output sample without a lot of data for readability:

{ tzh_timecnt_data: [1901-12-13T20:45:52Z, 1918-03-31T09:00:00Z, 1918-10-27T08:00:00Z,
 1919-03-30T09:00:00Z, 1919-10-26T08:00:00Z, 1942-02-09T09:00:00Z, 1944-01-01T06:01:00Z,
  1944-04-01T07:01:00Z, 1944-10-01T06:01:00Z, 1967-04-30T09:00:00Z, 1967-10-29T08:00:00Z],
   tzh_timecnt_indices: [2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2], tzh_typecnt: [Ttinfo { tt_gmtoff: -26898, tt_isdst: 0, tt_abbrind: 0 },
Ttinfo { tt_gmtoff: -21600, tt_isdst: 1, tt_abbrind: 1 }, Ttinfo { tt_gmtoff: -25200, tt_isdst: 0, tt_abbrind: 2 },
Ttinfo { tt_gmtoff: -21600, tt_isdst: 1, tt_abbrind: 3 }], tz_abbr: ["LMT", "MDT", "MST", "MWT"] }

How to use:

Insert this in cargo.toml:

libtzfile = "0.3.0"

Or if you want to use git:

libtzfile = { git = "" }

A basic example:

extern crate libtzfile;
use libtzfile::*;

fn main() {
    // Opens TZfile
    let buffer = Tzfile::read("America/Phoenix").unwrap();
    // Parses TZfile header
    let header = Tzfile::parse_header(&buffer).unwrap();
    // Parses file content
    println!("{:?}", header.parse(&buffer));

It uses system TZfiles (default location on Linux and Macos /usr/share/zoneinfo). On Windows, default expected location is HOME/.zoneinfo. You can override the TZfiles default location with the TZFILES_DIR environment variable. Example for Windows:

$env:TZFILES_DIR="C:\Users\nbauw\Dev\rs-tzfile\zoneinfo\"; cargo run