Crate tor_sys

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This library builds Tor and a minimal set of its dependencies into a single library that can be loaded like any other Rust crate dependency.

By default it only uses the minimal set of dependencies required by Tor, namely OpenSSL, Libevent and Zlib. The with-lzma and with-zstd features can be used to enable the respective dependencies, and the vendored-lzma and vendored-zstd features can be used to compile and like those libraries statically.

The interface simply re-exports Tor’s functions defined in its tor_api.h header.


unsafe {
    let config = tor_main_configuration_new();
    let argv = vec![
    let argv: Vec<_> = argv.iter().map(|s| s.as_ptr()).collect();
    tor_main_configuration_set_command_line(config, argv.len() as i32, argv.as_ptr());

    assert_eq!(tor_run_main(config), 0);

