libssh-rs-sys 0.1.2

Native bindings to the libssh library
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
version = 3

name = "autocfg"
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checksum = "1b03d17f364a3a042d5e5d46b053bbbf82c92c9430c592dd4c064dc6ee997125"

name = "libssh-rs-sys"
version = "0.1.2"
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name = "libz-sys"
version = "1.1.3"
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checksum = "de5435b8549c16d423ed0c03dbaafe57cf6c3344744f1242520d59c9d8ecec66"
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checksum = "216e1c6b4549e24182b9d7aa268f645414888a69daf44c7b2d8118da8e7b23e7"
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name = "openssl-sys"
version = "0.9.71"
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checksum = "7df13d165e607909b363a4757a6f133f8a818a74e9d3a98d09c6128e15fa4c73"
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name = "pkg-config"
version = "0.3.24"
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