libshumate 0.2.0

Rust bindings for libshumate
//! # Rust Shumate bindings
//! This library contains safe Rust bindings for [Shumate](, a library that offers
//! building blocks for modern GNOME applications.
//! See also
//! - [GTK 4 Rust bindings documentation](mod@gtk)
//! - [libshumate documentation](
//! - [gtk-rs project overview](
//! # Example
//! The [`libshumate`](mod@crate) crate is usually renamed to `shumate`. You can
//! do this globally in your `Cargo.toml` file:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies.shumate]
//! package = "libshumate"
//! version = "0.x.y"
//! ```
//! ```no_run
//! # use libshumate as shumate;
//! use shumate::prelude::*;
//! use shumate::{Map};
//! use gtk::{Application, Box, ListBox, Orientation, ApplicationWindow};
//! fn main() {
//!     let application = Application::builder()
//!         .application_id("com.example.FirstShumateApp")
//!         .build();
//!     application.connect_activate(|app| {
//!         let content = Map::new();
//!         let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
//!             .application(app)
//!             .default_width(350)
//!             // add content to window
//!             .child(&content)
//!             .build();
//!     });
//! }
//! ```

// Re-export the -sys bindings
pub use ffi;
pub use gtk;

/// Asserts that this is the main thread and `gtk::init` has been called.
macro_rules! assert_initialized_main_thread {
    () => {
        if !::gtk::is_initialized_main_thread() {
            if ::gtk::is_initialized() {
                panic!("libshumate may only be used from the main thread.");
            } else {
                panic!("Gtk has to be initialized before using libshumate.");

macro_rules! skip_assert_initialized {
    () => {};

mod auto;

pub use auto::*;

pub mod prelude;
pub mod subclass;