librustosa 0.1.0

Calculate Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients from audio data
name = "librustosa"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [
    "Lorenz Schmidt <>",
    "Maximilian Krüger <>",
    "Jason Duffy <",    
edition = "2021"
description = "Calculate Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients from audio data"
keywords = ["dsp", "fft", "stream", "data", "fourier"]
license = "MIT"
categories = ["science"]
repository = ""

# See more keys and their definitions at

num-complex = "0.4"
ndarray = "^0.15"
apodize = "1.0"
num = "0.4"
strider = "0.1"

version = "0.7"
optional = true
features = ["system"]
default_features = false

version = "^6.0"
optional = true

default = ["fftrust"]

fftrust = ["rustfft"]
fftextern = ["fftw/system"]

# The development profile, used for `cargo build`
opt-level = 0  # Controls the --opt-level the compiler builds with
debug = true   # Controls whether the compiler passes `-g`