librelic 0.0.14

Package management library for Arch Linux
# librelic
[![Minimum rustc](](

***Package management library for the Arch Linux packaging ecosystem***

### Quick links
* [Usage]#usage
  * [Rustc requirments]#rustc-requirements
* [Research]#research
  * [Arch build system (ABS)]#arch-build-system-abs
    * [ABS repository tree]#abs-repository-tree
    * [asp package]#abs-package
    * [Build container]#build-container
    * [Pacman]#pacman
  * [Arch linux package management (ALPM)]#arch-linux-package-management
* [Contribute]#contribute
* [Contribute]#contribute
  * [Git-Hook]#git-hook
* [License]#license
  * [Contribution]#contribution
* [Backlog]#backlog
* [Changelog]#changelog

## Usage <a name="usage"/></a>

#### Requires rustc >= 1.42 <a name="rustc-requirements"/></a>
This minimum rustc requirement is driven by the
[tracing\_subscriber]( requirements

## Research <a name="research"/></a>
Collecting the research done while developing this project here.

* [Arch Build System]
* [Pacman]
* [Pacman source]
* [Package Management Rosetta Stone]

## Arch build system (ABS) <a name="arch-build-system-abs"/></a>
The ***Arch build system (ABS)*** packages all the software for the Arch Linux ecosystem and consists
of the following tools:

* ***ABS repository tree*** - a collection of git repositories that contain package descriptions
* ***PKGBUILD*** - a bash script in each software package directory desribing build and packaging steps 
* ***makepkg*** - command line tool for building packages from package directories with PKGBUILD
* ***pacman*** - command line tool for managing Arch Linux packages
* ***AUR*** - the Arch User Repository is a repository similar to the ABS maintained by the community

### ABS repository tree <a name="abs-repository-tree"/></a>
* ***Packages*** - git repo for the Arch Linux `core`, `extra` and `testing` package repositories
* ***Community*** - git repo for the `community` and `multilib` package repositories

Each package has its own subdirectory containing `repos` and `trunk` directories:
* `repos` contains the official arch linux repo configuration
* `trunk` is used for latest development still being tested before being promoted to `repos`


### asp package <a name="asp-package"/></a>
The `asp` package is just a thin wrapper around the svntogit repositories.

To clone the git repository for a specific package use:
$ asp checkout <pkg-name>

To update the cloned repo run:
$ asp update; git pull

### Build container <a name="build-container"/></a>
Building in a clean chroot prevents missing dependencies in packages and allows for a separation from
your current system. The best way to do this is to use a container to build in.

### Pacman <a name="pacman"/></a>
The [pacman package manager]( combines a simple binary
package format with an easy-to-use build system. ***pacman*** internally uses the ***libalpm***
library for interacting with the package databases. 

## Arch Linux Package Management (ALPM) <a name="arch-linux-package-management-alpm"/></a>
Arch Linux's package management depends on the ***Arch Linux Package Management (ALPM) library***
`libalpm` for all of its automation.

* [libalpm man]
* [pacman source about] pacman source README
* [Jguer/go-alpm (MIT)] bindings to libalpm in Go
* [derekdreery/alpm (MIT)] bindings to libalpm in Rust
* [pigeonhands/rust-arch (MIT)] bindings to libalpm in Rust
* [pigeonhands/kea (MIT)] aur helper in rust

### ALPM Public Interface <a name="alpm-public-interface"/></a>
`pacman` and `libalpm` are written in C and share the same [git repo](
`alpm.h` and `alpm_list.h` constitute the sum of all structures, data and functions declared
available to the frontend i.e. pacman. `pacman` provides a facade to the library. All the library
internal functions are prefixed with `_alpm_` while the public functions are prefixed wih `alpm_`.

### alpm databases <a name="alpm-databases"/></a>

### alpm hooks <a name="alpm-hooks"/></a>
[alpm hooks]( provide the ability to specify
scripts to run before or after transactions based on the packages and/or files being modified. Hooks
condist of a single *Action* section describing the action to be run and one or more *Trigger*
sections describing which tranactions it should run.

Hooks are read from files located in the system hook directory `/usr/local/share/libalpm/hooks` and
additional custom directories specified in `pacman.conf` which defaults to
`/usr/local/share/etc/pacman.d/hooks`. File names are required to have the suffix `.hook`. Hooks are
run in alphabetical order of their file names.

### alpm interface <a name="alpm-interface"/></a>

### alpm list <a name="alpm-list"/></a>

### alpm log <a name="alpm-log"/></a>

### alpm misc <a name="alpm-misc"/></a>

### alpm packages <a name="alpm-packages"/></a>

### alpm sync <a name="alpm-sync"/></a>

### alpm trans <a name="alpm-trans"/></a>

## Contribute <a name="Contribute"/></a>
Pull requests are always welcome. However understand that they will be evaluated purely on whether
or not the change fits with my goals/ideals for the project.

### Git-Hook <a name="git-hook"/></a>
Enable the git hooks to have automatic version increments
cd ~/Projects/relic
git config core.hooksPath .githooks

## License <a name="license"/></a>
This project is licensed under either of:
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 [LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

### Contribution <a name="contribution"/></a>
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in
this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without
any additional terms or conditions.


## Backlog <a name="backlog"/></a>
* Parse PKGBUILD file
* Add cli for working with relic directly
* ffi bindings for libalpm or rewrite in rust
* pacman database access
  * read `pacman.conf` to locate and load local and sync databases
  * `-Q query` the local database for provided targets
  * `-S sync` search the sync database for provided targets
* rank mirrors
* ABS interactions
  * download, build and package
  * install, update, remove packaages
* Add rust doc comments

## Changelog <a name="changelog"/></a>