libreauth 0.14.1

Collection of tools for user authentication.
name = "libreauth"
version = "0.14.1"
authors = ["Rodolphe Breard <>"]
edition = "2018"
description = "Collection of tools for user authentication."
documentation = ""
readme = ""
repository = ""
license = "CECILL-C OR CECILL-2.1"
keywords = ["authentication", "password", "oath", "hotp", "totp"]
categories = ["authentication", "cryptography"]
include = ["src/**/*", "Cargo.toml", "Licence_*.txt"]

features = ["cbindings", "key", "oath-uri", "pass"]

name = "libreauth"
crate-type = ["rlib", "staticlib", "cdylib"]

default = ["hash", "key", "oath", "pass"]
cbindings = ["libc"]
hash = ["hmac", "sha-1", "sha2", "sha3"]
key = ["base32", "base64", "hex", "getrandom"]
oath = ["base32", "base64", "hash", "hex"]
oath-uri = ["oath", "url"]
pass = ["base64", "crypto-mac", "hash", "key", "nom", "pbkdf2", "rust-argon2", "unicode-normalization"]

base32 = { version = "^0.4", optional = true }
base64 = { version = "^0.13", optional = true }
crypto-mac = { version = "^0.10", optional = true }
getrandom = { version = "^0.2", optional = true }
hex = { version = "^0.4", optional = true }
hmac = { version = "^0.10", optional = true }
libc = { version = "^0.2", optional = true }
nom = { version = "^6.0", optional = true, default-features = false }
pbkdf2 = { version = "^0.7", optional = true, default-features = false }
rust-argon2 = { version = "^0.8", optional = true }
sha-1 = { version = "^0.9", optional = true }
sha2 = { version = "^0.9", optional = true }
sha3 = { version = "^0.9", optional = true }
unicode-normalization = { version = "^0.1", optional = true }
url = { version = "^2.1", optional = true }