Module libpijul::pristine[][src]



An iterator for nodes adjacent to key through an edge with flags smaller than max_flag.

The position of a byte within a change.

A cursor over a table, initialised at a certain value.

Possible flags of edges.

A unique identifier for files or directories in the actual file system, to map “files from the graph” to real files.

The target half of an edge in the repository graph.

A node in the repository graph, made of a change internal identifier, and a line identifier in that change.


The external hash of changes.

Algorithm used to compute change hashes.


The trait of immutable transactions.

The trait of immutable transactions.


Check that each alive vertex in the graph is reachable, and vice-versa.

Check that each inode in the inodes table maps to an alive vertex, and that each inode in the tree table is reachable by only one path.

Write the graph of a channel to write W in graphviz format. Warning: this can be really large on old channels.

Write the graph of a channel to file f in graphviz format. Warning: this can be really large on old channels.

Find the last state of c1 that is also in c0.

Type Definitions