libpapi_sys 0.1.5

a simple rust binding for libpapi
Release Procedure for PAPI

Below is a step-wise procedure for making a PAPI release.
This is a living document and may not be totally current or accurate.
It is an attempt to capture current practice in making a PAPI release.
Please update it as appropriate.

One way to use this procedure is to print a copy and check off
the lines as they are completed to avoid confusion.
__ 0a. Notify developers that a release is imminent and the repository should be
	considered frozen. Check buildbot / make fulltest results to make sure
	the codebase is bug-free.

   Before running 'make fulltest', ensure you do NOT configure PAPI using 
   '--with-debug=yes'. This forces -O0 which will cause some the papi_tot_cyc.c
   test to fail. We run our 'make fulltest' with no components installed (other
   than the defaults). Several components require specialized hardware or OS or
   sudo privileges to operate. 

   You should use '--with-debug=yes' if you wish to do any valgrind testing for
   memory leaks. You can conduct such tests running the code
   ./validation_tests/memleak_check.c using valgrind. You may need to load a
   module to use valgrind.

__ 0b. Update your local copy from git to make sure you have all changes.
	git pull

__ 1. Update any documentation that may have changed. Pay particular attention
	to INSTALL.txt.

__ 2. Check/Change the version number in: papi.spec, src/papi.h, src/, src/,
	doc/Doxyfile-common (as PROJECT_NUMBER) ; and commit to the repo.
	Do not "git push" until autoconf is run (Step 3). You will have to run it, you just changed, which is the reason to run autoconf.
        The number may already have been updated after the last release, if so, skip this step.

-- 2a. 	You must find a machine to rebuild the doxygen pages. For the release 5.7.0, we used On that machine, doxygen was already in the $PATH (/usr/bin); you 
	can check using >doxygen -V to get the version. If not, Find the doxygen directories
	and add it to $PATH. e.g. >find /usr -name "doxygen" 2>/dev/null 
	export PATH=/usr/bin/doxygen-1.8.5/bin:$PATH
	-- or --
	setenv PATH /mnt/scratch/sw/doxygen-1.8.5/bin:$PATH

-- 2b. Rebuild the doxygen manpages
        ( cd doc && make && make install )
	You will want to check if anything needs to be committed to git.
	(Usually the $(papi_dir)/man/man1 and man3 directories).
	doxygen may generate some extraneous files in man1 and man3; eg 
	remove these. 
	Then you can go to each directory and add all files:
        >cd papi/man/man1
	>git add *
        >cd papi/man/man3 
	>git add *

-- 2c. Rebuild the website docs.
	We use Doxyfile-html for this, that is a configuration file in papi/doc
	that will be used by Makefile.
	newgrp papi 
	'newgrp' is a linux command, this changes your defacto group to papi (starts a new shell)
	( cd doc && make clean html )

-- 2d.  Update the web dir, wherever it may be. On, it is found on 
	/nfs/www/icl/projectsdev/papi/docs, but the sysadmin must give you write permission.
	for the example below, 'webdir' = '/nfs/www/icl/projectsdev'.
	You may wish to do a diff between this directory and the papi directory to ensure
	you are replacing the correct files.
        >diff webdir/papi/docs/* papi/doc/html/*

	Cleanup web dir install new files
	( /bin/rm -rf /webdir/papi/docs/* )
	( cp -R doc/html/* /webdir/papi/docs )
	( chmod -R 775 /webdir/papi/docs )

__ 3. If is changed, run autoconf (2.69) and commit the resulting
	configure file.
	NOTE: Using an autoconf version >2.69 will work, but will produce an
	inordinate number of extraneous differences between versions.
        You can check the version # with >autoconf -V
	One possible machine with 2.69 is saturn; also has 
	an autoconf with 2.69. 

__ 4. Create a ChangeLog for the current release.
	We use a python script to generate is for us.
	It expects the tag of the last release as an argument.
	./ papi-a-b-c-t
	mv ChangeLog ChangeLogP4XYZ.txt

__ 5. 	Scan the ChangeLog to remove extraneous fluff, like perfctr imports.

__ 6. 	Modfy RELEASENOTES.txt to summarize the major changes listed in the log.

__ 7. 	Add ChangeLogXYZ.txt to git and commit both ChangeLogXYZ.txt and

__ 8.	If this is not an incremental release, branch git.
	git checkout -b stable-X.Y [starting point eg master]

__ 9. 	Tag git: papi-X-Y-Z-t.
	git tag -a papi-X-Y-Z-t

__ 10. 	Push everything to the central repo.
	git push --tags
	-- or -- If you've created a new branch.
	git push --tags origin stable-X.Y:
        May also need to do a 'git push' NOW to get the master branch updated
        (follow instructions returned from git).

__ 11. 	Create a fresh clone of the papi repository.
	> git clone papi-X.Y.Z
	> cd papi-X.Y.Z
       	Note. If you created a new branch, check if the clone contains
       	your last commit and ChangeLog.  If not, you may need to switch
       	to the master, merge the branch and push.  
      	( ## if new branch ## git checkout master; git merge stable-X.Y; git push )
__ 12. 	Delete any unneccessary files or directories
	particularly .doc and .pdf files in the /doc directory
	Things needed in /doc {Doxyfile, Doxyfile-everything}
        You can use the script for this.
	NOTE: This deletes the .git directory, don't release out of your normal
	work directory, you will lose all the marbles this way.

__ 13. tar the directory:
	> tar -cvf papi-X.Y.Z.tar papi-X.Y.Z

__ 14. zip the tarball:
	gzip papi-X.Y.Z.tar

__ 15. Copy the tarball to the website; on this is 
       currently:  /nfs/www/icl/projects/papi/downloads
       previously: gonzo:/mnt/papi/downloads
       previously: /silk/homes/icl/projects/papi/downloads

__ 16. Check permissions on the tarball. 664 is good.

NOTE:  Steps 17 and 18 are typically done by the person responsible
       for the website, not the programmer completing the release. 

__ 17. Create a link with supporting text on the PAPI software web page.

__ 18. Create a News item on the PAPI Web page.

NOTE:  Steps 19 and 20 are typically done by PAPI PIs or management 
       (at this writing Heike Jagode and Anthony Danalis). 

__ 19. Email the papi developer and discussion lists with an announcement.

__ 20. Post the announcement on the PAPI User Forum.

__ 21. Bump the version number in the repository AFTER the release (look at step 2)
       papi.spec, src/papi.h, src/, src/, doc/Doxyfile-common (PROJECT_NUMBER) 
       Regenerate the configure using autoconf 2.69 (e.g. on saturn). Then commit.
       ( git commit -m "Updated version to X.Y.Z after the release"  doc/Doxyfile-common papi.spec \
          release_procedure.txt src/ src/configure src/  src/papi.h )
       This is to ensure more development commits (that may not be fully tested)
       will not be in the release version of the repository.


Patch Procedure for PAPI  January 29, 2010

Below is a step-wise procedure for making a PAPI patch.

One way to use this procedure is to print a copy and check off
the lines as they are completed to avoid confusion.
__ 0. Make sure you're on the branch you want to patch against.
	> git branch
	* stable-5.0

__1. Generate the patch.
	> git diff -p papi-5-0-0-t stable-5.0 > papi-5-0-1.patch

__ 2. Apply the patch.
	> wget
	> tar xzf papi-5.0.0.tar.gz && cd papi-5.0.0
	> patch -p1 ../papi-5-0-1.patch

__ 3. If the patch applied cleanly, build and test on affected platforms;
         otherwise clean up the patch and try again.

__ 4. Copy the diff file to icl:/sw/www/icl/projects/papi/downloads/patches

__ 5. Check permissions on the diff. 644 is good.

__ 6. Create a link with supporting text on the PAPI software web page.

__ 7. Create a News item on the PAPI Web page.

__ 8. Email the papi discussion list with an announcement.

__ 9. Post the announcement on the PAPI User Forum.