[][src]Trait libp2p::core::swarm::PollParameters

Parameters passed to poll(), that the NetworkBehaviour has access to.

Associated Types

type SupportedProtocolsIter: ExactSizeIterator

Iterator returned by [supported_protocols].

type ListenedAddressesIter: ExactSizeIterator

Iterator returned by [listened_addresses].

type ExternalAddressesIter: ExactSizeIterator

Iterator returned by [external_addresses].

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Required methods

fn supported_protocols(&self) -> Self::SupportedProtocolsIter

Returns the list of protocol the behaviour supports when a remote negotiates a protocol on an inbound substream.

The iterator's elements are the ASCII names as reported on the wire.

Note that the list is computed once at initialization and never refreshed.

fn listened_addresses(&self) -> Self::ListenedAddressesIter

Returns the list of the addresses we're listening on.

fn external_addresses(&self) -> Self::ExternalAddressesIter

Returns the list of the addresses nodes can use to reach us.

fn local_peer_id(&self) -> &PeerId

Returns the peer id of the local node.

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