libp2p-stream 0.1.0-alpha

Generic stream protocols for libp2p

Generic (stream) protocols

This module provides a generic NetworkBehaviour for stream-oriented protocols. Streams are the fundamental primitive of libp2p and all other protocols are implemented using streams. In contrast to other NetworkBehaviours, this module takes a different design approach. All interaction happens through a [Control] that can be obtained via [Behaviour::new_control]. [Control]s can be cloned and thus shared across your application.


To accept streams for a particular StreamProtocol using this module, use [Control::accept]:


# fn main() {
# use libp2p_swarm::{Swarm, StreamProtocol};
# use libp2p_stream as stream;
# use futures::StreamExt as _;
let mut swarm: Swarm<stream::Behaviour> = todo!();

let mut control = swarm.behaviour().new_control();
let mut incoming = control.accept(StreamProtocol::new("/my-protocol")).unwrap();

let handler_future = async move {
    while let Some((peer, stream)) = {
        // Execute your protocol using `stream`.
# }

Resource management

[Control::accept] returns you an instance of [IncomingStreams]. This struct implements Stream and like other streams, is lazy. You must continuously poll it to make progress. In the example above, this taken care of by using the StreamExt::next helper.

Internally, we will drop streams if your application falls behind in processing these incoming streams, i.e. if whatever loop calls .next() is not fast enough.


As soon as you drop [IncomingStreams], the protocol will be de-registered. Any further attempt by remote peers to open a stream using the provided protocol will result in a negotiation error.


To open a new outbound stream for a particular protocol, use [Control::open_stream].


# fn main() {
# use libp2p_swarm::{Swarm, StreamProtocol};
# use libp2p_stream as stream;
# use libp2p_identity::PeerId;
let mut swarm: Swarm<stream::Behaviour> = todo!();
let peer_id: PeerId = todo!();

let mut control = swarm.behaviour().new_control();

let protocol_future = async move {
    let stream = control.open_stream(peer_id, StreamProtocol::new("/my-protocol")).await.unwrap();

    // Execute your protocol here using `stream`.
# }