libp2p-secio 0.2.0

Secio encryption protocol for libp2p

The secio protocol is a middleware that will encrypt and decrypt communications going through a socket (or anything that implements AsyncRead + AsyncWrite).

Connection upgrade

The SecioConfig struct implements the ConnectionUpgrade trait. You can apply it over a Transport by using the with_upgrade method. The returned object will also implement Transport and will automatically apply the secio protocol over any connection that is opened through it.

# fn main() {
use futures::Future;
use libp2p_secio::{SecioConfig, SecioKeyPair, SecioOutput};
use libp2p_core::{Multiaddr, upgrade::apply_inbound};
use libp2p_core::transport::Transport;
use libp2p_tcp::TcpConfig;
use tokio_io::io::write_all;
use tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime;

let dialer = TcpConfig::new()
        # let private_key = b"";
        //let private_key = include_bytes!("test-rsa-private-key.pk8");
        # let public_key = vec![];
        //let public_key = include_bytes!("test-rsa-public-key.der").to_vec();
        // See the documentation of `SecioKeyPair`.
        let keypair = SecioKeyPair::rsa_from_pkcs8(private_key, public_key).unwrap();
    .map(|out: SecioOutput<_>, _|;

let future = dialer.dial("/ip4/".parse::<Multiaddr>().unwrap())
    .map_err(|e| panic!("error: {:?}", e))
    .and_then(|connection| {
        // Sends "hello world" on the connection, will be encrypted.
        write_all(connection, "hello world")
    .map_err(|e| panic!("error: {:?}", e));

let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let _ = rt.block_on(future).unwrap();
# }

Manual usage

Note: You are encouraged to use SecioConfig as described above.

You can add the secio layer over a socket by calling SecioMiddleware::handshake(). This method will perform a handshake with the host, and return a future that corresponds to the moment when the handshake succeeds or errored. On success, the future produces a SecioMiddleware that implements Sink and Stream and can be used to send packets of data.