libp2p-core 0.38.0

Core traits and structs of libp2p
syntax = "proto3";

package peer_record_proto;

// PeerRecord messages contain information that is useful to share with other peers.
// Currently, a PeerRecord contains the public listen addresses for a peer, but this
// is expected to expand to include other information in the future.
// PeerRecords are designed to be serialized to bytes and placed inside of
// SignedEnvelopes before sharing with other peers.
message PeerRecord {

  // AddressInfo is a wrapper around a binary multiaddr. It is defined as a
  // separate message to allow us to add per-address metadata in the future.
  message AddressInfo {
    bytes multiaddr = 1;

  // peer_id contains a libp2p peer id in its binary representation.
  bytes peer_id = 1;

  // seq contains a monotonically-increasing sequence counter to order PeerRecords in time.
  uint64 seq = 2;

  // addresses is a list of public listen addresses for the peer.
  repeated AddressInfo addresses = 3;