libp2p-core 0.20.1

Core traits and structs of libp2p
# 0.20.1 [2020-17-17]

- Update ed25519-dalek dependency.

# 0.20.0 [2020-07-01]

- Conditional compilation fixes for the `wasm32-wasi` target
  ([PR 1633]

- Rename `StreamMuxer::poll_inbound` to `poll_event` and change the
return value to `StreamMuxerEvent`. This new `StreamMuxerEvent` makes
it possible for the multiplexing layer to notify the upper layers of
a change in the address of the underlying connection.

- Add `ConnectionHandler::inject_address_change`.

# 0.19.2 [2020-06-22]

- Add PartialOrd and Ord for PeerId
  ([PR 1594]

- Updated dependencies.

- Deprecate `StreamMuxer::is_remote_acknowledged`
  ([PR 1616]