Expand description

Data structures for reading and writing replays

The main focus of this module is the Replay struct, which contains functions for opening and writing *.osr files.

Read more about the *.osr data format on the OSU wiki.

Simple Example

let replay = Replay::parse(&mut reader)?;
let action_data = replay.parse_action_data()?;
for frame in action_data.frames.iter() {
    println!("time={} x={} y={} btns={:?}", frame.time, frame.x, frame.y, frame.buttons);
println!("seed: {:?}", action_data.rng_seed);

Note that the frames of the actual replay (called action_data in libosu) is stored in compressed form at all times, so in order to actually change the action data, you will want to call Replay::update_action_data in order to write the changed action data back into the replay:

// assuming these were declared as mut instead
action_data.frames[0].x = 5.0;

Then you can write this back into a file:

let mut output = File::create("output.osr")?;
replay.write(&mut output)?;


The buttons being pressed during a frame of a replay

A replay object.

An action by the player while playing the map

A parser for decompressed replay actions to read compressed replay actions see create_decompressing_replay_action_parser


Errors that could occur while processing replays

Type Definitions

Result type for Replay processing