libosu 0.0.28

General-purpose osu! library.

# This file was @generated by crate2nix 0.10.0 with the command:
#   "generate"
# See for more info.

{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>
, pkgs ? import nixpkgs { config = {}; }
, lib ? pkgs.lib
, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv
, buildRustCrateForPkgs ? if buildRustCrate != null
    then lib.warn "crate2nix: Passing `buildRustCrate` as argument to Cargo.nix is deprecated. If you don't customize `buildRustCrate`, replace `callPackage ./Cargo.nix {}` by `import ./Cargo.nix { inherit pkgs; }`, and if you need to customize `buildRustCrate`, use `buildRustCrateForPkgs` instead." (_: buildRustCrate)
    else pkgs: pkgs.buildRustCrate
  # Deprecated
, buildRustCrate ? null
  # This is used as the `crateOverrides` argument for `buildRustCrate`.
, defaultCrateOverrides ? pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
  # The features to enable for the root_crate or the workspace_members.
, rootFeatures ? [ "default" ]
  # If true, throw errors instead of issueing deprecation warnings.
, strictDeprecation ? false
  # Used for conditional compilation based on CPU feature detection.
, targetFeatures ? []
  # Whether to perform release builds: longer compile times, faster binaries.
, release ? true
  # Additional crate2nix configuration if it exists.
, crateConfig
  ? if builtins.pathExists ./crate-config.nix
    then pkgs.callPackage ./crate-config.nix {}
    else {}

rec {
  # "public" attributes that we attempt to keep stable with new versions of crate2nix.

  rootCrate = rec {
    packageId = "libosu";

    # Use this attribute to refer to the derivation building your root crate package.
    # You can override the features with { features = [ "default" "feature1" ... ]; }.
    build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
      inherit packageId;

    # Debug support which might change between releases.
    # File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
    debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
  # Refer your crate build derivation by name here.
  # You can override the features with
  # workspaceMembers."${crateName}".build.override { features = [ "default" "feature1" ... ]; }.
  workspaceMembers = {
    "libosu" = rec {
      packageId = "libosu";
      build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
        packageId = "libosu";

      # Debug support which might change between releases.
      # File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
      debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };

  # A derivation that joins the outputs of all workspace members together.
  allWorkspaceMembers = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
      name = "all-workspace-members";
      paths =
        let members = builtins.attrValues workspaceMembers;
        in (m: members;

  # "internal" ("private") attributes that may change in every new version of crate2nix.

  internal = rec {
    # Build and dependency information for crates.
    # Many of the fields are passed one-to-one to buildRustCrate.
    # Noteworthy:
    # * `dependencies`/`buildDependencies`: similar to the corresponding fields for buildRustCrate.
    #   but with additional information which is used during dependency/feature resolution.
    # * `resolvedDependencies`: the selected default features reported by cargo - only included for debugging.
    # * `devDependencies` as of now not used by `buildRustCrate` but used to
    #   inject test dependencies into the build

    crates = {
      "aho-corasick" = rec {
        crateName = "aho-corasick";
        version = "0.7.18";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0vv50b3nvkhyy7x7ip19qnsq11bqlnffkmj2yx2xlyk5wzawydqy";
        libName = "aho_corasick";
        authors = [
          "Andrew Gallant <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "memchr";
            packageId = "memchr";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "std" = [ "memchr/std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "anyhow" = rec {
        crateName = "anyhow";
        version = "1.0.58";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "014pw61axl4idagjdh9x96b06cy12vqs5599mzi11gnd7h2x41xv";
        authors = [
          "David Tolnay <>"
        features = {
          "backtrace" = [ "dep:backtrace" ];
          "default" = [ "std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "autocfg" = rec {
        crateName = "autocfg";
        version = "1.1.0";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1ylp3cb47ylzabimazvbz9ms6ap784zhb6syaz6c1jqpmcmq0s6l";
        authors = [
          "Josh Stone <>"

      "base64" = rec {
        crateName = "base64";
        version = "0.13.0";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1z82g23mbzjgijkpcrilc7nljpxpvpf7zxf6iyiapkgka2ngwkch";
        authors = [
          "Alice Maz <>"
          "Marshall Pierce <>"
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "bit-set" = rec {
        crateName = "bit-set";
        version = "0.5.3";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1wcm9vxi00ma4rcxkl3pzzjli6ihrpn9cfdi0c5b4cvga2mxs007";
        authors = [
          "Alexis Beingessner <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "bit-vec";
            packageId = "bit-vec";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "std" = [ "bit-vec/std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "bit-vec" = rec {
        crateName = "bit-vec";
        version = "0.6.3";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1ywqjnv60cdh1slhz67psnp422md6jdliji6alq0gmly2xm9p7rl";
        authors = [
          "Alexis Beingessner <>"
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
          "serde_no_std" = [ "serde/alloc" ];
          "serde_std" = [ "std" "serde/std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
      "bitflags" = rec {
        crateName = "bitflags";
        version = "1.3.2";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "12ki6w8gn1ldq7yz9y680llwk5gmrhrzszaa17g1sbrw2r2qvwxy";
        authors = [
          "The Rust Project Developers"
        features = {
          "compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
          "core" = [ "dep:core" ];
          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
      "build_const" = rec {
        crateName = "build_const";
        version = "0.2.2";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1dryhsf4vfi1plljgv069sgfr8m1rsg04qy76x36kh6swqsl5bml";
        authors = [
          "Garrett Berg <>"
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "bumpalo" = rec {
        crateName = "bumpalo";
        version = "3.10.0";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1qrx6sg13yxljk1yr705j5wg34iiy3531by1hqrpiihl8qhvvk1p";
        authors = [
          "Nick Fitzgerald <>"
        features = {
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
      "byteorder" = rec {
        crateName = "byteorder";
        version = "1.4.3";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0456lv9xi1a5bcm32arknf33ikv76p3fr9yzki4lb2897p2qkh8l";
        authors = [
          "Andrew Gallant <>"
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "bytes" = rec {
        crateName = "bytes";
        version = "1.2.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1nsni0jbx1048inbrarn3hz6zxd000pp0rac2mr07s7xf1m7p2pc";
        authors = [
          "Carl Lerche <>"
          "Sean McArthur <>"
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "cc" = rec {
        crateName = "cc";
        version = "1.0.73";
        edition = "2018";
        crateBin = [];
        sha256 = "04ccylrjq94jssh8f7d7hxv64gs9f1m1jrsxb7wqgfxk4xljmzrg";
        authors = [
          "Alex Crichton <>"
        features = {
          "jobserver" = [ "dep:jobserver" ];
          "parallel" = [ "jobserver" ];
      "cfg-if" = rec {
        crateName = "cfg-if";
        version = "1.0.0";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1za0vb97n4brpzpv8lsbnzmq5r8f2b0cpqqr0sy8h5bn751xxwds";
        authors = [
          "Alex Crichton <>"
        features = {
          "compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
          "core" = [ "dep:core" ];
          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
      "chrono" = rec {
        crateName = "chrono";
        version = "0.4.19";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "0wyfl6c00vhfl562spnfcna3zkw8jqvcp652m9iskhl8j26dc2k7";
        authors = [
          "Kang Seonghoon <>"
          "Brandon W Maister <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "libc";
            packageId = "libc";
            optional = true;
            name = "num-integer";
            packageId = "num-integer";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "num-traits";
            packageId = "num-traits";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "serde";
            packageId = "serde";
            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "time";
            packageId = "time";
            optional = true;
            name = "winapi";
            packageId = "winapi";
            optional = true;
            target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
            features = [ "std" "minwinbase" "minwindef" "timezoneapi" ];
        features = {
          "clock" = [ "libc" "std" "winapi" ];
          "default" = [ "clock" "std" "oldtime" ];
          "js-sys" = [ "dep:js-sys" ];
          "libc" = [ "dep:libc" ];
          "oldtime" = [ "time" ];
          "pure-rust-locales" = [ "dep:pure-rust-locales" ];
          "rustc-serialize" = [ "dep:rustc-serialize" ];
          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
          "time" = [ "dep:time" ];
          "unstable-locales" = [ "pure-rust-locales" "alloc" ];
          "wasm-bindgen" = [ "dep:wasm-bindgen" ];
          "wasmbind" = [ "wasm-bindgen" "js-sys" ];
          "winapi" = [ "dep:winapi" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "clock" "default" "libc" "oldtime" "serde" "std" "time" "winapi" ];
      "convert_case" = rec {
        crateName = "convert_case";
        version = "0.4.0";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "03jaf1wrsyqzcaah9jf8l1iznvdw5mlsca2qghhzr9w27sddaib2";
        authors = [
          "David Purdum <>"
        features = {
          "rand" = [ "dep:rand" ];
          "random" = [ "rand" ];
      "crc" = rec {
        crateName = "crc";
        version = "1.8.1";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1sqal6gm6lbj7f45iv3rw2s9w3pvvha8v970y51s7k7mwy6m8qyn";
        authors = [
          "Rui Hu <>"
        buildDependencies = [
            name = "build_const";
            packageId = "build_const";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "derive_more" = rec {
        crateName = "derive_more";
        version = "0.99.17";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0883jr0gdf9mi8rn7qbz1p0z7hqzfd275pil2gwm66bw1b9i1f2g";
        procMacro = true;
        authors = [
          "Jelte Fennema <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "convert_case";
            packageId = "convert_case";
            optional = true;
            name = "proc-macro2";
            packageId = "proc-macro2 1.0.42";
            name = "quote";
            packageId = "quote 1.0.20";
            name = "syn";
            packageId = "syn 1.0.98";
        buildDependencies = [
            name = "rustc_version";
            packageId = "rustc_version";
            optional = true;
        features = {
          "convert_case" = [ "dep:convert_case" ];
          "default" = [ "add_assign" "add" "as_mut" "as_ref" "constructor" "deref" "deref_mut" "display" "error" "from" "from_str" "index" "index_mut" "into" "into_iterator" "iterator" "mul_assign" "mul" "not" "sum" "try_into" "is_variant" "unwrap" ];
          "display" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "error" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "from" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "generate-parsing-rs" = [ "peg" ];
          "into" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "is_variant" = [ "convert_case" ];
          "mul" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "mul_assign" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "not" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "peg" = [ "dep:peg" ];
          "rustc_version" = [ "dep:rustc_version" ];
          "testing-helpers" = [ "rustc_version" ];
          "try_into" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
          "unwrap" = [ "convert_case" "rustc_version" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "add" "add_assign" "as_mut" "as_ref" "constructor" "convert_case" "default" "deref" "deref_mut" "display" "error" "from" "from_str" "index" "index_mut" "into" "into_iterator" "is_variant" "iterator" "mul" "mul_assign" "not" "rustc_version" "sum" "try_into" "unwrap" ];
      "difference" = rec {
        crateName = "difference";
        version = "2.0.0";
        edition = "2015";
        crateBin = [];
        sha256 = "1621wx4k8h452p6xzmzzvm7mz87kxh4yqz0kzxfjj9xmjxlbyk2j";
        authors = [
          "Johann Hofmann <>"
        features = {
          "bin" = [ "getopts" ];
          "getopts" = [ "dep:getopts" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
      "encoding_rs" = rec {
        crateName = "encoding_rs";
        version = "0.8.31";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0azc6rblf75vd862ymjahdfch27j1sshb7zynshrx7ywi5an6llq";
        authors = [
          "Henri Sivonen <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "cfg-if";
            packageId = "cfg-if";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "alloc" ];
          "fast-legacy-encode" = [ "fast-hangul-encode" "fast-hanja-encode" "fast-kanji-encode" "fast-gb-hanzi-encode" "fast-big5-hanzi-encode" ];
          "packed_simd" = [ "dep:packed_simd" ];
          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
          "simd-accel" = [ "packed_simd" "packed_simd/into_bits" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" ];
      "fastrand" = rec {
        crateName = "fastrand";
        version = "1.8.0";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "16b4z2rig7zmyxw1hsiydv89h9wcshilds13dfpc919kmb7hg957";
        authors = [
          "Stjepan Glavina <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "instant";
            packageId = "instant";
            target = { target, features }: (target."arch" == "wasm32");
        devDependencies = [
            name = "instant";
            packageId = "instant";
            target = {target, features}: (target."arch" == "wasm32");
            features = [ "wasm-bindgen" ];

      "fnv" = rec {
        crateName = "fnv";
        version = "1.0.7";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1hc2mcqha06aibcaza94vbi81j6pr9a1bbxrxjfhc91zin8yr7iz";
        libPath = "";
        authors = [
          "Alex Crichton <>"
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
      "form_urlencoded" = rec {
        crateName = "form_urlencoded";
        version = "1.0.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1491fmakavcmsjbm3q6iy0bhmn9l422jasdhzx5hkljgza3mmhjz";
        authors = [
          "The rust-url developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "matches";
            packageId = "matches";
            name = "percent-encoding";
            packageId = "percent-encoding";

      "futures" = rec {
        crateName = "futures";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "17id2zvn2acny759indn6yj2acfa6lhkwzaidxr2pqfiaigycgzp";
        dependencies = [
            name = "futures-channel";
            packageId = "futures-channel";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            features = [ "sink" ];
            name = "futures-core";
            packageId = "futures-core";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-executor";
            packageId = "futures-executor";
            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-io";
            packageId = "futures-io";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-sink";
            packageId = "futures-sink";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-task";
            packageId = "futures-task";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-util";
            packageId = "futures-util";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            features = [ "sink" ];
        features = {
          "alloc" = [ "futures-core/alloc" "futures-task/alloc" "futures-sink/alloc" "futures-channel/alloc" "futures-util/alloc" ];
          "async-await" = [ "futures-util/async-await" "futures-util/async-await-macro" ];
          "bilock" = [ "futures-util/bilock" ];
          "compat" = [ "std" "futures-util/compat" ];
          "default" = [ "std" "async-await" "executor" ];
          "executor" = [ "std" "futures-executor/std" ];
          "futures-executor" = [ "dep:futures-executor" ];
          "io-compat" = [ "compat" "futures-util/io-compat" ];
          "std" = [ "alloc" "futures-core/std" "futures-task/std" "futures-io/std" "futures-sink/std" "futures-util/std" "futures-util/io" "futures-util/channel" ];
          "thread-pool" = [ "executor" "futures-executor/thread-pool" ];
          "unstable" = [ "futures-core/unstable" "futures-task/unstable" "futures-channel/unstable" "futures-io/unstable" "futures-util/unstable" ];
          "write-all-vectored" = [ "futures-util/write-all-vectored" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "async-await" "default" "executor" "futures-executor" "std" ];
      "futures-channel" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-channel";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0420lz2fmxa356ax1rp2sqi7b27ykfhvq4w9f1sla4hlp7j3q263";
        dependencies = [
            name = "futures-core";
            packageId = "futures-core";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-sink";
            packageId = "futures-sink";
            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
        features = {
          "alloc" = [ "futures-core/alloc" ];
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "futures-sink" = [ "dep:futures-sink" ];
          "sink" = [ "futures-sink" ];
          "std" = [ "alloc" "futures-core/std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "futures-sink" "sink" "std" ];
      "futures-core" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-core";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1lqhc6mqklh5bmkpr77p42lqwjj8gaskk5ba2p3kl1z4nw2gs28c";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "std" ];
      "futures-executor" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-executor";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "19mq96kwgf06axgdc2fbrjhqzdnxww9vw6cz8b82gqr9z86bj84l";
        dependencies = [
            name = "futures-core";
            packageId = "futures-core";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-task";
            packageId = "futures-task";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-util";
            packageId = "futures-util";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "num_cpus" = [ "dep:num_cpus" ];
          "std" = [ "futures-core/std" "futures-task/std" "futures-util/std" ];
          "thread-pool" = [ "std" "num_cpus" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
      "futures-io" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-io";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0swn29fysas36ikk5aw55104fi98117amvgxw9g96pjs5ab4ah7w";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
      "futures-macro" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-macro";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "04pmj5xfk5rdhlj69wc7w3zvdg3xardg8srig96lszrk00wf3h9k";
        procMacro = true;
        dependencies = [
            name = "proc-macro2";
            packageId = "proc-macro2 1.0.42";
            name = "quote";
            packageId = "quote 1.0.20";
            name = "syn";
            packageId = "syn 1.0.98";
            features = [ "full" ];

      "futures-sink" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-sink";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0s58gx5yw1a21xviw2qgc0wzk225vgn4kbzddrp141m3kw9kw5i1";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "std" ];
      "futures-task" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-task";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0skpiz2ljisywajv79p70yapfwhkqhb39wxy3f09v47mdfbnmijp";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "std" ];
      "futures-util" = rec {
        crateName = "futures-util";
        version = "0.3.21";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0sh3wqi8p36csjffy0irq8nlx9shqxp7z4dsih6bknarsvaspdyq";
        dependencies = [
            name = "futures-channel";
            packageId = "futures-channel";
            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            features = [ "std" ];
            name = "futures-core";
            packageId = "futures-core";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-io";
            packageId = "futures-io";
            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            features = [ "std" ];
            name = "futures-macro";
            packageId = "futures-macro";
            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-sink";
            packageId = "futures-sink";
            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "futures-task";
            packageId = "futures-task";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            name = "memchr";
            packageId = "memchr";
            optional = true;
            name = "pin-project-lite";
            packageId = "pin-project-lite";
            name = "pin-utils";
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          "Ian <>"
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      "log" = rec {
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        edition = "2015";
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      "lzma-rs" = rec {
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          "Alex Crichton <>"
        dependencies = [
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        buildDependencies = [
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      "matches" = rec {
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        authors = [
          "Simon Sapin <>"

      "memchr" = rec {
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      "mime" = rec {
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          "Sean McArthur <>"

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        authors = [
          "Carl Lerche <>"
          "Thomas de Zeeuw <>"
          "Tokio Contributors <>"
        dependencies = [
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      "num" = rec {
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      "proptest-derive" = rec {
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          "Mazdak Farrokhzad <>"
        dependencies = [
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      "quick-error 1.2.3" = rec {
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        authors = [
          "Paul Colomiets <>"
          "Colin Kiegel <>"

      "quick-error 2.0.1" = rec {
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        version = "2.0.1";
        edition = "2018";
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        authors = [
          "Paul Colomiets <>"
          "Colin Kiegel <>"

      "quote 0.6.13" = rec {
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        edition = "2015";
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          "David Tolnay <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "proc-macro2";
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      "quote 1.0.20" = rec {
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        authors = [
          "David Tolnay <>"
        dependencies = [
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        features = {
          "default" = [ "proc-macro" ];
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      "rand" = rec {
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        authors = [
          "The Rand Project Developers"
          "The Rust Project Developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "libc";
            packageId = "libc";
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            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            target = { target, features }: (target."unix" or false);
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            optional = true;
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
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          "default" = [ "std" "std_rng" ];
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          "log" = [ "dep:log" ];
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          "std_rng" = [ "rand_chacha" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "getrandom" "libc" "rand_chacha" "std" ];
      "rand_chacha" = rec {
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        version = "0.3.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "123x2adin558xbhvqb8w4f6syjsdkmqff8cxwhmjacpsl1ihmhg6";
        authors = [
          "The Rand Project Developers"
          "The Rust Project Developers"
          "The CryptoCorrosion Contributors"
        dependencies = [
            name = "ppv-lite86";
            packageId = "ppv-lite86";
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            features = [ "simd" ];
            name = "rand_core";
            packageId = "rand_core";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
          "serde1" = [ "serde" ];
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        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
      "rand_core" = rec {
        crateName = "rand_core";
        version = "0.6.3";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1rxlxc3bpzgwphcg9c9yasvv9idipcg2z2y4j0vlb52jyl418kyk";
        authors = [
          "The Rand Project Developers"
          "The Rust Project Developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "getrandom";
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            optional = true;
        features = {
          "getrandom" = [ "dep:getrandom" ];
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          "serde1" = [ "serde" ];
          "std" = [ "alloc" "getrandom" "getrandom/std" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "getrandom" "std" ];
      "rand_xorshift" = rec {
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        version = "0.3.0";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "13vcag7gmqspzyabfl1gr9ykvxd2142q2agrj8dkyjmfqmgg4nyj";
        authors = [
          "The Rand Project Developers"
          "The Rust Project Developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "rand_core";
            packageId = "rand_core";
        features = {
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      "redox_syscall" = rec {
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        edition = "2018";
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        authors = [
          "Jeremy Soller <>"
        dependencies = [
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      "regex" = rec {
        crateName = "regex";
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        edition = "2018";
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        authors = [
          "The Rust Project Developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "aho-corasick";
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            name = "memchr";
            packageId = "memchr";
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            name = "regex-syntax";
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            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
        features = {
          "aho-corasick" = [ "dep:aho-corasick" ];
          "default" = [ "std" "perf" "unicode" "regex-syntax/default" ];
          "memchr" = [ "dep:memchr" ];
          "perf" = [ "perf-cache" "perf-dfa" "perf-inline" "perf-literal" ];
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          "unstable" = [ "pattern" ];
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      "regex-syntax" = rec {
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      "remove_dir_all" = rec {
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        version = "0.5.3";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1rzqbsgkmr053bxxl04vmvsd1njyz0nxvly97aip6aa2cmb15k9s";
        authors = [
          "Aaronepower <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "winapi";
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      "reqwest" = rec {
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        version = "0.11.11";
        edition = "2018";
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        authors = [
          "Sean McArthur <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "base64";
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            name = "encoding_rs";
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            name = "futures-core";
            packageId = "futures-core";
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            target = { target, features }: (!(target."arch" == "wasm32"));
            name = "futures-util";
            packageId = "futures-util";
            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
            target = { target, features }: (!(target."arch" == "wasm32"));
            name = "h2";
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            target = { target, features }: (!(target."arch" == "wasm32"));
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      "ring" = rec {
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      "serde_derive" = rec {
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          "Erick Tryzelaar <>"
          "David Tolnay <>"
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          "Erick Tryzelaar <>"
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      "serde_urlencoded" = rec {
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        authors = [
          "Alex Crichton <>"
          "Thomas de Zeeuw <>"
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      "syn 0.15.44" = rec {
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      "syn 1.0.98" = rec {
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      "tempfile" = rec {
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          "The Rust Project Developers"
          "Ashley Mannix <>"
          "Jason White <>"
        dependencies = [
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      "thiserror" = rec {
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          "David Tolnay <>"
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      "thiserror-impl" = rec {
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          "David Tolnay <>"
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      "tinyvec_macros" = rec {
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        sha256 = "0p5zvgbas5nh403fbxica819mf3g83n8g2hzpfazfr56w6klv9yd";
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      "tokio" = rec {
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          "Tokio Contributors <>"
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      "tokio-util" = rec {
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          "Tokio Contributors <>"
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          "Tower Maintainers <>"

      "tracing" = rec {
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        authors = [
          "Eliza Weisman <>"
          "Tokio Contributors <>"
        dependencies = [
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      "tracing-core" = rec {
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          "Tokio Contributors <>"
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      "try-lock" = rec {
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        authors = [
          "Sean McArthur <>"

      "unicode-bidi" = rec {
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          "with_serde" = [ "serde" ];
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      "unicode-ident" = rec {
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        version = "1.0.2";
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        authors = [
          "David Tolnay <>"

      "unicode-normalization" = rec {
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          "kwantam <>"
          "Manish Goregaokar <>"
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          "erick.tryzelaar <>"
          "kwantam <>"
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          "Brian Smith <>"

      "url" = rec {
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      "wait-timeout" = rec {
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          "Alex Crichton <>"
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      "want" = rec {
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          "Sean McArthur <>"
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      "wasi 0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1" = rec {
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      "wasi 0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1" = rec {
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          "The Cranelift Project Developers"
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          "rustc-std-workspace-alloc" = [ "dep:rustc-std-workspace-alloc" ];
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      "wasm-bindgen" = rec {
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        version = "0.2.82";
        edition = "2018";
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        authors = [
          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
        dependencies = [
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          "serde_json" = [ "dep:serde_json" ];
          "spans" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro/spans" ];
          "strict-macro" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro/strict-macro" ];
          "xxx_debug_only_print_generated_code" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro/xxx_debug_only_print_generated_code" ];
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      "wasm-bindgen-backend" = rec {
        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-backend";
        version = "0.2.82";
        edition = "2018";
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          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
        dependencies = [
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            name = "once_cell";
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            name = "proc-macro2";
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            name = "quote";
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        features = {
          "extra-traits" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
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      "wasm-bindgen-futures" = rec {
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        version = "0.4.32";
        edition = "2018";
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          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
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            packageId = "wasm-bindgen";
            name = "web-sys";
            packageId = "web-sys";
            target = { target, features }: (builtins.elem "atomics" targetFeatures);
            features = [ "MessageEvent" "Worker" ];
        features = {
          "futures-core" = [ "dep:futures-core" ];
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      "wasm-bindgen-macro" = rec {
        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-macro";
        version = "0.2.82";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "00n6abwrvh0j63nqr95fff1h698r7c1rr10j2pxis1qj60yz2q5j";
        procMacro = true;
        authors = [
          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "quote";
            packageId = "quote 1.0.20";
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            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-macro-support";
        features = {
          "spans" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro-support/spans" ];
          "strict-macro" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro-support/strict-macro" ];
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      "wasm-bindgen-macro-support" = rec {
        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-macro-support";
        version = "0.2.82";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1nl0gcsm2zsfvj5z1ka8bkvgm0ma443vk6ljq8b95dyrpmafds2v";
        authors = [
          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "proc-macro2";
            packageId = "proc-macro2 1.0.42";
            name = "quote";
            packageId = "quote 1.0.20";
            name = "syn";
            packageId = "syn 1.0.98";
            features = [ "visit" "full" ];
            name = "wasm-bindgen-backend";
            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-backend";
            name = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
        features = {
          "extra-traits" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
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      "wasm-bindgen-shared" = rec {
        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
        version = "0.2.82";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "02hlb8hvfxzvgbqdhc2fh20xrb027sraacb5zyai1mf7sc5xv635";
        authors = [
          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"

      "web-sys" = rec {
        crateName = "web-sys";
        version = "0.3.59";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "189m6gbnxk1fmhn0ipq40pj3q6hbf8sj0sxqgqcj654lgyr5l1gd";
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          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
        dependencies = [
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            packageId = "wasm-bindgen";
        features = {
          "AbortSignal" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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          "Attr" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
          "AudioBufferSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "EventTarget" ];
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          "AudioNode" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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          "AudioWorkletNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
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          "BaseAudioContext" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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          "CssKeyframesRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
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          "FileSystemFileEntry" = [ "FileSystemEntry" ];
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            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu");
        features = {
          "debug" = [ "impl-debug" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "errhandlingapi" "fileapi" "handleapi" "impl-debug" "impl-default" "minwinbase" "minwindef" "namedpipeapi" "ntdef" "ntsecapi" "profileapi" "std" "sysinfoapi" "timezoneapi" "winbase" "winerror" "winnt" "winreg" "ws2ipdef" "ws2tcpip" "wtypesbase" ];
      "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu" = rec {
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        version = "0.4.0";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "1dmpa6mvcvzz16zg6d5vrfy4bxgg541wxrcip7cnshi06v38ffxc";
        authors = [
          "Peter Atashian <>"

      "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" = rec {
        crateName = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu";
        version = "0.4.0";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "0gqq64czqb64kskjryj8isp62m2sgvx25yyj3kpc2myh85w24bki";
        authors = [
          "Peter Atashian <>"

      "windows-sys" = rec {
        crateName = "windows-sys";
        version = "0.36.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1lmqangv0zg1l46xiq7rfnqwsx8f8m52mqbgg2mrx7x52rd1a17a";
        authors = [
        dependencies = [
            name = "windows_aarch64_msvc";
            packageId = "windows_aarch64_msvc";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc");
            name = "windows_aarch64_msvc";
            packageId = "windows_aarch64_msvc";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc");
            name = "windows_i686_gnu";
            packageId = "windows_i686_gnu";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "i686-pc-windows-gnu");
            name = "windows_i686_gnu";
            packageId = "windows_i686_gnu";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "i686-uwp-windows-gnu");
            name = "windows_i686_msvc";
            packageId = "windows_i686_msvc";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "i686-pc-windows-msvc");
            name = "windows_i686_msvc";
            packageId = "windows_i686_msvc";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "i686-uwp-windows-msvc");
            name = "windows_x86_64_gnu";
            packageId = "windows_x86_64_gnu";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu");
            name = "windows_x86_64_gnu";
            packageId = "windows_x86_64_gnu";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "x86_64-uwp-windows-gnu");
            name = "windows_x86_64_msvc";
            packageId = "windows_x86_64_msvc";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc");
            name = "windows_x86_64_msvc";
            packageId = "windows_x86_64_msvc";
            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc");
        features = {
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          "ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_DragDrop_Core" = [ "ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_DragDrop" ];
          "ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_ShareTarget" = [ "ApplicationModel_DataTransfer" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Email" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Email_DataProvider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Email" ];
          "ApplicationModel_ExtendedExecution" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
          "ApplicationModel_ExtendedExecution_Foreground" = [ "ApplicationModel_ExtendedExecution" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Holographic" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
          "ApplicationModel_LockScreen" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Payments" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Payments_Provider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Payments" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Preview" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Preview_Holographic" = [ "ApplicationModel_Preview" ];
          "ApplicationModel_Preview_InkWorkspace" = [ "ApplicationModel_Preview" ];
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          "ApplicationModel_Resources_Management" = [ "ApplicationModel_Resources" ];
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          "ApplicationModel_Search_Core" = [ "ApplicationModel_Search" ];
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          "ApplicationModel_UserDataAccounts_SystemAccess" = [ "ApplicationModel_UserDataAccounts" ];
          "ApplicationModel_UserDataTasks" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
          "ApplicationModel_UserDataTasks_DataProvider" = [ "ApplicationModel_UserDataTasks" ];
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          "Management_Deployment_Preview" = [ "Management_Deployment" ];
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          "Management_Update" = [ "Management" ];
          "Management_Workplace" = [ "Management" ];
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          "Media_Devices_Core" = [ "Media_Devices" ];
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          "Media_Playback" = [ "Media" ];
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          "UI_Popups" = [ "UI" ];
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          "UI_StartScreen" = [ "UI" ];
          "UI_Text" = [ "UI" ];
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          "UI_UIAutomation" = [ "UI" ];
          "UI_UIAutomation_Core" = [ "UI_UIAutomation" ];
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          "UI_ViewManagement_Core" = [ "UI_ViewManagement" ];
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          "UI_Xaml_Media_Media3D" = [ "UI_Xaml_Media" ];
          "UI_Xaml_Navigation" = [ "UI_Xaml" ];
          "UI_Xaml_Printing" = [ "UI_Xaml" ];
          "UI_Xaml_Resources" = [ "UI_Xaml" ];
          "UI_Xaml_Shapes" = [ "UI_Xaml" ];
          "Web_AtomPub" = [ "Web" ];
          "Web_Http" = [ "Web" ];
          "Web_Http_Diagnostics" = [ "Web_Http" ];
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          "Web_UI_Interop" = [ "Web_UI" ];
          "Win32_AI" = [ "Win32" ];
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          "Win32_AI_MachineLearning_WinML" = [ "Win32_AI_MachineLearning" ];
          "Win32_Data" = [ "Win32" ];
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          "Win32_Data_RightsManagement" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
          "Win32_Data_Xml" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
          "Win32_Data_Xml_MsXml" = [ "Win32_Data_Xml" ];
          "Win32_Data_Xml_XmlLite" = [ "Win32_Data_Xml" ];
          "Win32_Devices" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Devices_AllJoyn" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
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          "Win32_Devices_DeviceAndDriverInstallation" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
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          "Win32_Devices_Geolocation" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_HumanInterfaceDevice" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_ImageAcquisition" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_PortableDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_Properties" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_Pwm" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_Sensors" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_SerialCommunication" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_Tapi" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_Usb" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Devices_WebServicesOnDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
          "Win32_Foundation" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Gaming" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Globalization" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Graphics" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_CompositionSwapchain" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_DXCore" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct2D" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct2D_Common" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct2D" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D10" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D11" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D11on12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D9" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D9on12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D_Dxc" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D_Fxc" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_DirectComposition" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_DirectDraw" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_DirectManipulation" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_DirectWrite" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Dwm" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Dxgi" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Dxgi_Common" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Dxgi" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Gdi" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Hlsl" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Imaging_D2D" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Imaging" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_OpenGL" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Printing" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_Graphics_Printing_PrintTicket" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Printing" ];
          "Win32_Management" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Management_MobileDeviceManagementRegistration" = [ "Win32_Management" ];
          "Win32_Media" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Media_Audio" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_Audio_Apo" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
          "Win32_Media_Audio_DirectMusic" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
          "Win32_Media_Audio_DirectSound" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
          "Win32_Media_Audio_Endpoints" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
          "Win32_Media_Audio_XAudio2" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
          "Win32_Media_DeviceManager" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_DirectShow" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_DirectShow_Xml" = [ "Win32_Media_DirectShow" ];
          "Win32_Media_DxMediaObjects" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_KernelStreaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_LibrarySharingServices" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_MediaFoundation" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_MediaPlayer" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_Multimedia" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_PictureAcquisition" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_Speech" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_Streaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_Media_WindowsMediaFormat" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_Dhcp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_Dns" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_InternetConnectionWizard" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_MobileBroadband" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_Multicast" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_Ndis" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_NetBios" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_NetManagement" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_NetShell" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkDiagnosticsFramework" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkPolicyServer" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_P2P" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_QoS" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_Rras" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_Snmp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WNet" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WebDav" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WiFi" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectNow" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectionManager" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFilteringPlatform" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFirewall" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsNetworkVirtualization" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
          "Win32_Networking" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Networking_ActiveDirectory" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_BackgroundIntelligentTransferService" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_Clustering" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
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          "Win32_Networking_Ldap" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_NetworkListManager" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_RemoteDifferentialCompression" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_WebSocket" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_WinHttp" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_WinInet" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_WinSock" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
          "Win32_Networking_WindowsWebServices" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
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          "Win32_Security_AppLocker" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_Authentication" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication" ];
          "Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity_Provider" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" ];
          "Win32_Security_Authorization" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_Authorization_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Authorization" ];
          "Win32_Security_ConfigurationSnapin" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_Credentials" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_Cryptography" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_Cryptography_Catalog" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
          "Win32_Security_Cryptography_Certificates" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
          "Win32_Security_Cryptography_Sip" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
          "Win32_Security_Cryptography_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
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          "Win32_Security_DirectoryServices" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_EnterpriseData" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
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          "Win32_Security_NetworkAccessProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_Tpm" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_WinTrust" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
          "Win32_Security_WinWlx" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
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          "Win32_Storage_Cabinets" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_CloudFilters" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Compression" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_DataDeduplication" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_DistributedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_EnhancedStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_FileHistory" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_FileServerResourceManager" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_FileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Imapi" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_IndexServer" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_InstallableFileSystems" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_IscsiDisc" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Jet" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_OfflineFiles" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_OperationRecorder" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Packaging" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Packaging_Appx" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Packaging_Opc" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
          "Win32_Storage_ProjectedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Vhd" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_VirtualDiskService" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Vss" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Xps" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
          "Win32_Storage_Xps_Printing" = [ "Win32_Storage_Xps" ];
          "Win32_System" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_System_AddressBook" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Antimalware" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_ApplicationInstallationAndServicing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_ApplicationVerifier" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_AssessmentTool" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Com" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Com_CallObj" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
          "Win32_System_Com_ChannelCredentials" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
          "Win32_System_Com_Events" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
          "Win32_System_Com_Marshal" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
          "Win32_System_Com_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
          "Win32_System_Com_UI" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
          "Win32_System_Com_Urlmon" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
          "Win32_System_ComponentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Console" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Contacts" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_CorrelationVector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_DataExchange" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_DeploymentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_DesktopSharing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_DeveloperLicensing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Diagnostics" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Ceip" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
          "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
          "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug_WebApp" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" ];
          "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Etw" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
          "Win32_System_Diagnostics_ProcessSnapshotting" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
          "Win32_System_Diagnostics_ToolHelp" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
          "Win32_System_DistributedTransactionCoordinator" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Environment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_ErrorReporting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_EventCollector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_EventLog" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_EventNotificationService" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_GroupPolicy" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_HostCompute" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_HostComputeNetwork" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_HostComputeSystem" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Hypervisor" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_IO" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Iis" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Ioctl" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_JobObjects" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Js" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Kernel" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_LibraryLoader" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Mailslots" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Mapi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Memory" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Memory_NonVolatile" = [ "Win32_System_Memory" ];
          "Win32_System_MessageQueuing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_MixedReality" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Mmc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Ole" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_ParentalControls" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_PasswordManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Performance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Performance_HardwareCounterProfiling" = [ "Win32_System_Performance" ];
          "Win32_System_Pipes" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Power" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_ProcessStatus" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_RealTimeCommunications" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Recovery" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Registry" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_RemoteAssistance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_RemoteDesktop" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_RemoteManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_RestartManager" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Restore" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Rpc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Search" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Search_Common" = [ "Win32_System_Search" ];
          "Win32_System_SecurityCenter" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_ServerBackup" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Services" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_SettingsManagementInfrastructure" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_SetupAndMigration" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Shutdown" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_SideShow" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_StationsAndDesktops" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_SubsystemForLinux" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_SystemInformation" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_SystemServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_TaskScheduler" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Threading" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Time" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_TpmBaseServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_TransactionServer" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_UpdateAgent" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_UpdateAssessment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_UserAccessLogging" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_VirtualDosMachines" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_AllJoyn" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Composition" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_CoreInputView" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Direct3D11" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Display" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Capture" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Direct2D" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Holographic" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Isolation" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_ML" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Media" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Pdf" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Printing" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Shell" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Storage" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WinRT_Xaml" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
          "Win32_System_WindowsProgramming" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_WindowsSync" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_System_Wmi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
          "Win32_UI" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_UI_Accessibility" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Animation" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_ColorSystem" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Controls" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Controls_Dialogs" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
          "Win32_UI_Controls_RichEdit" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
          "Win32_UI_HiDpi" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input_Ime" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input_Ink" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input_KeyboardAndMouse" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input_Pointer" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input_Radial" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input_Touch" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
          "Win32_UI_Input_XboxController" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
          "Win32_UI_InteractionContext" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Magnification" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Notifications" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Ribbon" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Shell" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Shell_Common" = [ "Win32_UI_Shell" ];
          "Win32_UI_Shell_PropertiesSystem" = [ "Win32_UI_Shell" ];
          "Win32_UI_TabletPC" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_TextServices" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_WindowsAndMessaging" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Wpf" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Xaml" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
          "Win32_UI_Xaml_Diagnostics" = [ "Win32_UI_Xaml" ];
          "Win32_Web" = [ "Win32" ];
          "Win32_Web_MsHtml" = [ "Win32_Web" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "Win32" "Win32_Foundation" "Win32_Networking" "Win32_Networking_WinSock" "Win32_Security" "Win32_Storage" "Win32_Storage_FileSystem" "Win32_System" "Win32_System_IO" "Win32_System_Pipes" "Win32_System_WindowsProgramming" "default" ];
      "windows_aarch64_msvc" = rec {
        crateName = "windows_aarch64_msvc";
        version = "0.36.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "0ixaxs2c37ll2smprzh0xq5p238zn8ylzb3lk1zddqmd77yw7f4v";
        authors = [

      "windows_i686_gnu" = rec {
        crateName = "windows_i686_gnu";
        version = "0.36.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1dm3svxfzamrv6kklyda9c3qylgwn5nwdps6p0kc9x6s077nq3hq";
        authors = [

      "windows_i686_msvc" = rec {
        crateName = "windows_i686_msvc";
        version = "0.36.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "097h2a7wig04wbmpi3rz1akdy4s8gslj5szsx8g2v0dj91qr3rz2";
        authors = [

      "windows_x86_64_gnu" = rec {
        crateName = "windows_x86_64_gnu";
        version = "0.36.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1qfrck3jnihymfrd01s8260d4snql8ks2p8yaabipi3nhwdigkad";
        authors = [

      "windows_x86_64_msvc" = rec {
        crateName = "windows_x86_64_msvc";
        version = "0.36.1";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "103n3xijm5vr7qxr1dps202ckfnv7njjnnfqmchg8gl5ii5cl4f8";
        authors = [

      "winreg" = rec {
        crateName = "winreg";
        version = "0.10.1";
        edition = "2015";
        sha256 = "17c6h02z88ijjba02bnxi5k94q5cz490nf3njh9yypf8fbig9l40";
        authors = [
          "Igor Shaula <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "winapi";
            packageId = "winapi";
            features = [ "impl-default" "impl-debug" "minwindef" "minwinbase" "timezoneapi" "winerror" "winnt" "winreg" "handleapi" ];
        features = {
          "chrono" = [ "dep:chrono" ];
          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
          "serialization-serde" = [ "transactions" "serde" ];
          "transactions" = [ "winapi/ktmw32" ];
      "xz2" = rec {
        crateName = "xz2";
        version = "0.1.7";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1qk7nzpblizvayyq4xzi4b0zacmmbqr6vb9fc0v1avyp17f4931q";
        authors = [
          "Alex Crichton <>"
        dependencies = [
            name = "lzma-sys";
            packageId = "lzma-sys";
        features = {
          "futures" = [ "dep:futures" ];
          "static" = [ "lzma-sys/static" ];
          "tokio" = [ "tokio-io" "futures" ];
          "tokio-io" = [ "dep:tokio-io" ];

# crate2nix/default.nix (excerpt start)

  /* Target (platform) data for conditional dependencies.
    This corresponds roughly to what buildRustCrate is setting.
  defaultTarget = {
    unix = true;
    windows = false;
    fuchsia = true;
    test = false;

    # This doesn't appear to be officially documented anywhere yet.
    # See
    os =
      if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
      then "macos"
    arch =;
    family = "unix";
    env = "gnu";
    endian =
      if == "littleEndian"
      then "little" else "big";
    pointer_width = toString stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits;
    vendor =;
    debug_assertions = false;

  /* Filters common temp files and build files. */
  # TODO(pkolloch): Substitute with gitignore filter
  sourceFilter = name: type:
      baseName = builtins.baseNameOf (builtins.toString name);
      ! (
        # Filter out git
        baseName == ".gitignore"
        || (type == "directory" && baseName == ".git")

        # Filter out build results
        || (
          type == "directory" && (
            baseName == "target"
            || baseName == "_site"
            || baseName == ".sass-cache"
            || baseName == ".jekyll-metadata"
            || baseName == "build-artifacts"

        # Filter out nix-build result symlinks
        || (
          type == "symlink" && lib.hasPrefix "result" baseName

        # Filter out IDE config
        || (
          type == "directory" && (
            baseName == ".idea" || baseName == ".vscode"
        ) || lib.hasSuffix ".iml" baseName

        # Filter out nix build files
        || baseName == "Cargo.nix"

        # Filter out editor backup / swap files.
        || lib.hasSuffix "~" baseName
        || builtins.match "^\\.sw[a-z]$$" baseName != null
        || builtins.match "^\\..*\\.sw[a-z]$$" baseName != null
        || lib.hasSuffix ".tmp" baseName
        || lib.hasSuffix ".bak" baseName
        || baseName == "tests.nix"

  /* Returns a crate which depends on successful test execution
    of crate given as the second argument.

    testCrateFlags: list of flags to pass to the test exectuable
    testInputs: list of packages that should be available during test execution
  crateWithTest = { crate, testCrate, testCrateFlags, testInputs, testPreRun, testPostRun }:
    assert builtins.typeOf testCrateFlags == "list";
    assert builtins.typeOf testInputs == "list";
    assert builtins.typeOf testPreRun == "string";
    assert builtins.typeOf testPostRun == "string";
      # override the `crate` so that it will build and execute tests instead of
      # building the actual lib and bin targets We just have to pass `--test`
      # to rustc and it will do the right thing.  We execute the tests and copy
      # their log and the test executables to $out for later inspection.
      test =
          drv = testCrate.override
              _: {
                buildTests = true;
          # If the user hasn't set any pre/post commands, we don't want to
          # insert empty lines. This means that any existing users of crate2nix
          # don't get a spurious rebuild unless they set these explicitly.
          testCommand = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "\n"
            (pkgs.lib.filter (s: s != "") [
              "$f $testCrateFlags 2>&1 | tee -a $out"
        pkgs.runCommand "run-tests-${}"
            inherit testCrateFlags;
            buildInputs = testInputs;
          } ''
          set -ex

          export RUST_BACKTRACE=1

          # recreate a file hierarchy as when running tests with cargo

          # the source for test data
          ${pkgs.xorg.lndir}/bin/lndir ${crate.src}

          # build outputs
          mkdir -p $testRoot

          # executables of the crate
          # we copy to prevent std::env::current_exe() to resolve to a store location
          for i in ${crate}/bin/*; do
            cp "$i" "$testRoot"
          chmod +w -R .

          # test harness executables are suffixed with a hash, like cargo does
          # this allows to prevent name collision with the main
          # executables of the crate
          hash=$(basename $out)
          for file in ${drv}/tests/*; do
            f=$testRoot/$(basename $file)-$hash
            cp $file $f
    pkgs.runCommand "${}-linked"
        inherit (crate) outputs crateName;
        passthru = (crate.passthru or { }) // {
          inherit test;
      } ''
      echo tested by ${test}
      ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (output: "ln -s ${crate.${output}} ${"$"}${output}") crate.outputs}

  /* A restricted overridable version of builtRustCratesWithFeatures. */
  buildRustCrateWithFeatures =
    { packageId
    , features ? rootFeatures
    , crateOverrides ? defaultCrateOverrides
    , buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc ? null
    , runTests ? false
    , testCrateFlags ? [ ]
    , testInputs ? [ ]
      # Any command to run immediatelly before a test is executed.
    , testPreRun ? ""
      # Any command run immediatelly after a test is executed.
    , testPostRun ? ""
        { features
        , crateOverrides
        , runTests
        , testCrateFlags
        , testInputs
        , testPreRun
        , testPostRun
          buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden =
            if buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc != null
            then buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
                if crateOverrides == pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
                then buildRustCrateForPkgs
                  pkgs: (buildRustCrateForPkgs pkgs).override {
                    defaultCrateOverrides = crateOverrides;
          builtRustCrates = builtRustCratesWithFeatures {
            inherit packageId features;
            buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden;
            runTests = false;
          builtTestRustCrates = builtRustCratesWithFeatures {
            inherit packageId features;
            buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden;
            runTests = true;
          drv = builtRustCrates.crates.${packageId};
          testDrv = builtTestRustCrates.crates.${packageId};
          derivation =
            if runTests then
                  crate = drv;
                  testCrate = testDrv;
                  inherit testCrateFlags testInputs testPreRun testPostRun;
            else drv;
      { inherit features crateOverrides runTests testCrateFlags testInputs testPreRun testPostRun; };

  /* Returns an attr set with packageId mapped to the result of buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
    for the corresponding crate.
  builtRustCratesWithFeatures =
    { packageId
    , features
    , crateConfigs ? crates
    , buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
    , runTests
    , target ? defaultTarget
    } @ args:
      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
      assert (builtins.isString packageId);
      assert (builtins.isList features);
      assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
      assert (builtins.isBool runTests);
        rootPackageId = packageId;
        mergedFeatures = mergePackageFeatures
            args // {
              inherit rootPackageId;
              target = target // { test = runTests; };
        # Memoize built packages so that reappearing packages are only built once.
        builtByPackageIdByPkgs = mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs pkgs;
        mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs = pkgs:
            self = {
              crates = lib.mapAttrs (packageId: value: buildByPackageIdForPkgsImpl self pkgs packageId) crateConfigs;
              build = mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs pkgs.buildPackages;
        buildByPackageIdForPkgsImpl = self: pkgs: packageId:
            features = mergedFeatures."${packageId}" or [ ];
            crateConfig' = crateConfigs."${packageId}";
            crateConfig =
              builtins.removeAttrs crateConfig' [ "resolvedDefaultFeatures" "devDependencies" ];
            devDependencies =
                (runTests && packageId == rootPackageId)
                (crateConfig'.devDependencies or [ ]);
            dependencies =
              dependencyDerivations {
                inherit features target;
                buildByPackageId = depPackageId:
                  # proc_macro crates must be compiled for the build architecture
                  if crateConfigs.${depPackageId}.procMacro or false
                  else self.crates.${depPackageId};
                dependencies =
                  (crateConfig.dependencies or [ ])
                  ++ devDependencies;
            buildDependencies =
              dependencyDerivations {
                inherit features target;
                buildByPackageId = depPackageId:
                dependencies = crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ];
            filterEnabledDependenciesForThis = dependencies: filterEnabledDependencies {
              inherit dependencies features target;
            dependenciesWithRenames =
              lib.filter (d: d ? "rename")
                      (crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ])
                      ++ (crateConfig.dependencies or [ ])
                      ++ devDependencies
            # Crate renames have the form:
            # {
            #    crate_name = [
            #       { version = "1.2.3"; rename = "crate_name01"; }
            #    ];
            #    # ...
            # }
            crateRenames =
                grouped =
                versionAndRename = dep:
                    package = crateConfigs."${dep.packageId}";
                  { inherit (dep) rename; version = package.version; };
              lib.mapAttrs (name: choices: versionAndRename choices) grouped;
          buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc pkgs
              crateConfig // {
                src = crateConfig.src or (
                  pkgs.fetchurl rec {
                    name = "${crateConfig.crateName}-${crateConfig.version}.tar.gz";
                    # Not rate-limited, CDN URL.
                    url = "${crateConfig.crateName}/${crateConfig.crateName}-${crateConfig.version}.crate";
                    sha256 =
                      assert (lib.assertMsg (crateConfig ? sha256) "Missing sha256 for ${name}");
                extraRustcOpts = lib.lists.optional (targetFeatures != [ ]) "-C target-feature=${lib.concatMapStringsSep "," (x: "+${x}") targetFeatures}";
                inherit features dependencies buildDependencies crateRenames release;

  /* Returns the actual derivations for the given dependencies. */
  dependencyDerivations =
    { buildByPackageId
    , features
    , dependencies
    , target
      assert (builtins.isList features);
      assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
      assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
        enabledDependencies = filterEnabledDependencies {
          inherit dependencies features target;
        depDerivation = dependency: buildByPackageId dependency.packageId;
      map depDerivation enabledDependencies;

  /* Returns a sanitized version of val with all values substituted that cannot
    be serialized as JSON.
  sanitizeForJson = val:
    if builtins.isAttrs val
    then lib.mapAttrs (n: v: sanitizeForJson v) val
    else if builtins.isList val
    then sanitizeForJson val
    else if builtins.isFunction val
    then "function"
    else val;

  /* Returns various tools to debug a crate. */
  debugCrate = { packageId, target ? defaultTarget }:
    assert (builtins.isString packageId);
      debug = rec {
        # The built tree as passed to buildRustCrate.
        buildTree = buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
          buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = _:;
          inherit packageId;
        sanitizedBuildTree = sanitizeForJson buildTree;
        dependencyTree = sanitizeForJson
            buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
              buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = _: crate: {
                "01_crateName" = crate.crateName or false;
                "02_features" = crate.features or [ ];
                "03_dependencies" = crate.dependencies or [ ];
              inherit packageId;
        mergedPackageFeatures = mergePackageFeatures {
          features = rootFeatures;
          inherit packageId target;
        diffedDefaultPackageFeatures = diffDefaultPackageFeatures {
          inherit packageId target;
    { internal = debug; };

  /* Returns differences between cargo default features and crate2nix default

    This is useful for verifying the feature resolution in crate2nix.
  diffDefaultPackageFeatures =
    { crateConfigs ? crates
    , packageId
    , target
      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
        prefixValues = prefix: lib.mapAttrs (n: v: { "${prefix}" = v; });
        mergedFeatures =
            (mergePackageFeatures { inherit crateConfigs packageId target; features = [ "default" ]; });
        configs = prefixValues "cargo" crateConfigs;
        combined = lib.foldAttrs (a: b: a // b) { } [ mergedFeatures configs ];
        onlyInCargo =
            (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: !(v ? "crate2nix") && (v ? "cargo")) combined);
        onlyInCrate2Nix =
            (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: (v ? "crate2nix") && !(v ? "cargo")) combined);
        differentFeatures = lib.filterAttrs
            n: v:
              (v ? "crate2nix")
              && (v ? "cargo")
              && (v.crate2nix.features or [ ]) != (v."cargo".resolved_default_features or [ ])
      builtins.toJSON {
        inherit onlyInCargo onlyInCrate2Nix differentFeatures;

  /* Returns an attrset mapping packageId to the list of enabled features.

    If multiple paths to a dependency enable different features, the
    corresponding feature sets are merged. Features in rust are additive.
  mergePackageFeatures =
    { crateConfigs ? crates
    , packageId
    , rootPackageId ? packageId
    , features ? rootFeatures
    , dependencyPath ? [ crates.${packageId}.crateName ]
    , featuresByPackageId ? { }
    , target
      # Adds devDependencies to the crate with rootPackageId.
    , runTests ? false
    , ...
    } @ args:
      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
      assert (builtins.isString packageId);
      assert (builtins.isString rootPackageId);
      assert (builtins.isList features);
      assert (builtins.isList dependencyPath);
      assert (builtins.isAttrs featuresByPackageId);
      assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
      assert (builtins.isBool runTests);
        crateConfig = crateConfigs."${packageId}" or (builtins.throw "Package not found: ${packageId}");
        expandedFeatures = expandFeatures (crateConfig.features or { }) features;
        enabledFeatures = enableFeatures (crateConfig.dependencies or [ ]) expandedFeatures;
        depWithResolvedFeatures = dependency:
            packageId = dependency.packageId;
            features = dependencyFeatures enabledFeatures dependency;
          { inherit packageId features; };
        resolveDependencies = cache: path: dependencies:
          assert (builtins.isAttrs cache);
          assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
            enabledDependencies = filterEnabledDependencies {
              inherit dependencies target;
              features = enabledFeatures;
            directDependencies = map depWithResolvedFeatures enabledDependencies;
            foldOverCache = op: lib.foldl op cache directDependencies;
              cache: { packageId, features }:
                  cacheFeatures = cache.${packageId} or [ ];
                  combinedFeatures = sortedUnique (cacheFeatures ++ features);
                if cache ? ${packageId} && cache.${packageId} == combinedFeatures
                then cache
                  mergePackageFeatures {
                    features = combinedFeatures;
                    featuresByPackageId = cache;
                    inherit crateConfigs packageId target runTests rootPackageId;
        cacheWithSelf =
            cacheFeatures = featuresByPackageId.${packageId} or [ ];
            combinedFeatures = sortedUnique (cacheFeatures ++ enabledFeatures);
          featuresByPackageId // {
            "${packageId}" = combinedFeatures;
        cacheWithDependencies =
          resolveDependencies cacheWithSelf "dep"
              crateConfig.dependencies or [ ]
              ++ lib.optionals
                (runTests && packageId == rootPackageId)
                (crateConfig.devDependencies or [ ])
        cacheWithAll =
            cacheWithDependencies "build"
            (crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ]);

  /* Returns the enabled dependencies given the enabled features. */
  filterEnabledDependencies = { dependencies, features, target }:
    assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
    assert (builtins.isList features);
    assert (builtins.isAttrs target);

          targetFunc = or (features: true);
        targetFunc { inherit features target; }
        && (
          !(dep.optional or false)
          || builtins.any (doesFeatureEnableDependency dep) features

  /* Returns whether the given feature should enable the given dependency. */
  doesFeatureEnableDependency = { name, rename ? null, ... }: feature:
      prefix = "${name}/";
      len = builtins.stringLength prefix;
      startsWithPrefix = builtins.substring 0 len feature == prefix;
    (rename == null && feature == name)
    || (rename != null && rename == feature)
    || startsWithPrefix;

  /* Returns the expanded features for the given inputFeatures by applying the
    rules in featureMap.

    featureMap is an attribute set which maps feature names to lists of further
    feature names to enable in case this feature is selected.
  expandFeatures = featureMap: inputFeatures:
    assert (builtins.isAttrs featureMap);
    assert (builtins.isList inputFeatures);
      expandFeature = feature:
        assert (builtins.isString feature);
        [ feature ] ++ (expandFeatures featureMap (featureMap."${feature}" or [ ]));
      outFeatures = lib.concatMap expandFeature inputFeatures;
    sortedUnique outFeatures;

  /* This function adds optional dependencies as features if they are enabled
    indirectly by dependency features. This function mimics Cargo's behavior
    described in a note at:
  enableFeatures = dependencies: features:
    assert (builtins.isList features);
    assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
      additionalFeatures = lib.concatMap
            assert (builtins.isAttrs dependency);
              enabled = builtins.any (doesFeatureEnableDependency dependency) features;
            if (dependency.optional or false) && enabled then [ ] else [ ]
    sortedUnique (features ++ additionalFeatures);

    Returns the actual features for the given dependency.

    features: The features of the crate that refers this dependency.
  dependencyFeatures = features: dependency:
    assert (builtins.isList features);
    assert (builtins.isAttrs dependency);
      defaultOrNil =
        if dependency.usesDefaultFeatures or true
        then [ "default" ]
        else [ ];
      explicitFeatures = dependency.features or [ ];
      additionalDependencyFeatures =
          dependencyPrefix = (dependency.rename or + "/";
          dependencyFeatures =
            builtins.filter (f: lib.hasPrefix dependencyPrefix f) features;
        in (lib.removePrefix dependencyPrefix) dependencyFeatures;
    defaultOrNil ++ explicitFeatures ++ additionalDependencyFeatures;

  /* Sorts and removes duplicates from a list of strings. */
  sortedUnique = features:
    assert (builtins.isList features);
    assert (builtins.all builtins.isString features);
      outFeaturesSet = lib.foldl (set: feature: set // { "${feature}" = 1; }) { } features;
      outFeaturesUnique = builtins.attrNames outFeaturesSet;
    builtins.sort (a: b: a < b) outFeaturesUnique;

  deprecationWarning = message: value:
    if strictDeprecation
    then builtins.throw "strictDeprecation enabled, aborting: ${message}"
    else builtins.trace message value;

  # crate2nix/default.nix (excerpt end)