libosu 0.0.25

General-purpose osu! library.

[![dependency status](][3]

General-purpose osu! library


This package is hosted on [][1]. In order to include this library into
your project, simply add this line into your `Cargo.toml`:

libosu = "*"

The following features are available through adding features in `Cargo.toml`,
and are not included by default since they may bring in extra dependencies:

- `apiv1`: Bindings for the osu! API v1.
- `apiv2`: Bindings for the osu! API v2.
- `replay-data`: Action data for osu! replay files (requires LZMA).

Getting Started

Check out the [API Documentation][2] for details on how to use the various
functions, or check out some of the examples (pending).

Projects using libosu

- [editor] wip osu editor
- [mapping-tools] wip port of mapping tools to rust

If you have a project using libosu, open an issue with a brief description and
I'll add it to the list!


Authors: Michael Zhang

License: MIT
