libocc 0.5.0

A library for occasionally connected computing


dependency status

This library aims to provide a simple interface for developing event-sourced occasionally-connected-computing experiences.

A port of libocc-ts (the TypeScript version of libocc)

See the docs at

See the TODO section below.


fn test_projector() {
    // Create a new book
    let mut my_book = book::Book {
        uuid: Uuid::new_v4(),
        some_number: 42,
        author: person::Person {
            uuid: Uuid::new_v4(),
            first_name: String::from("Alex"),
            last_name: String::from("Example"),

    // Create a new projector of type `Book`
    let mut books = crate::Projector::<book::Book>::new();

    // So far, the projector is empty.
    println!("Empty projector:");
    println!("{:?}\n", books.get_projection());
    assert_eq!(books.get_projection().len(), 0);

    // Add a new book

    // The projector now contains the new book in its initial state
    println!("Projector after creating new book:");
    println!("{:?}\n", books.get_projection());
    assert_eq!(books.get_projection().get(0).unwrap().some_number, 42);

    // This timestamp will be used in the future to get a previous state of the book
    let timestamp: crate::Timestamp = Utc::now();

    // Some time later ... (simulated delay)

    // Modify the book and save it in the projector
    my_book.some_number = 123;

    // The projector now contains the new version of the book
    println!("Projector after updating the book:");
    println!("{:?}\n", books.get_projection());
    assert_eq!(books.get_projection().get(0).unwrap().some_number, 123);

    // We can still retrieve the old version of the book (using the timestamp)
    println!("Projector before the book was updated:");
    println!("{:?}\n", books.project_at(&timestamp));


  • Data model
    • Implement self-describing hashes
      • Probably use multiformats
  • Implement some kind of sync-server
    • Decide on how to handle persistency
      • Maybe use a SQL database (PostgreSQL)
      • Maybe use SQLite
      • Maybe use a Rust-native storage format
    • Implement communication
      • RESTful API over HTTP
  • Future stuff
    • Custom data model (JSON alternative)
      • Implement a Serde serializer
      • Implement a Serde deserializer
    • Maybe some WebSocket stuff?
    • Persistance using a Git repository
    • Support incremental updates

Licence & Copyright

Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Bernd-L. All rights reserved.

AGPL v3: Free as in Freedom

libocc-rs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libocc-rs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with libocc-rs. If not, see

This project (including its source code and its documentation) is released under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License.