libnotcurses-sys 2.3.14

Low-level Rust bindings for the notcurses C library.
name = "libnotcurses-sys"
version = "2.3.14"
authors = [
    "nick black <>",
		"José Luis Cruz <>"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
edition = "2018"
description = "Low-level Rust bindings for the notcurses C library."
documentation = ""
repository = ""
homepage = ""
readme = "./"
links = "notcurses"
build = "build/"
categories = [
keywords = ["tui", "cli", "terminal", "ncurses", "ffi"]
include = ["build/", "examples/", "src/", "LICENSE-*", ""]

libc = { version = "^0.2.80", default-features = false }
cty = "^0.2.1"

bindgen = "^0.57"
pkg-config = "^0.3.18"

serial_test = "^0.5.0"
serial_test_derive = "^0.5.0"

rand = "^0.8"

# opt-level = 0            # [0-*3 | s | z]
# lto = "fat"              # [*fat | thin]
# debug = 1                # [*0/false | 1 | 2/true]
# debug-assertions = true  # [*false | true]