libnoise 1.1.2

A simple, performant, and customizable procedural noise generation library.
# libnoise


A simple, performant, and customizable procedural noise generation library
inspired by [libnoise for C++]( featuring:

-   Easy coherent noise generation through sources provided via `Source`
-   Modular generator creation by chaining adapters to modify and combine
    generator inputs and outputs, and the ability to flexibly create
    custom generators and adapters, all through the `Generator` trait
-   Efficient and cache friendly sampling of generators through
    `NoiseBuffer` and much of the generator complexity resolving at
    compile time
-   Easy visualization of generator outputs for debugging through

Libnoise provides utilities to generate coherent noise and customize them
by applying a variety of operations which modify and combine generators.
With a focus on customizability, the library allows users to create custom
generators and modifiers.

Most immediately relevant [documentation]( can be found in
[`Source`]( and
[`Generator`]( docs.

## Usage

First, add the dependency to your project by editing your `Cargo.toml`:
libnoise = "1.1"

To get started easily, create a source generator using one of the many
sources found in [`Source`](,
and apply adapters documented in [`Generator`](
For a more detailed introduction, see the [quickstart guide](

use libnoise::prelude::*;

// build a simplex noise generator seeded with 42
let generator = Source::simplex(42);

// sample the generator for input point [0.2, 0.5]
let value = generator.sample([0.2, 0.5]);

Note how the dimensionality, which is internally represented as a constant
generic argument, is automatically inferred by sampling the generator with
a 2-dimensional input point.

Naturally, we can create more interesting complex generators:

use libnoise::prelude::*;

// build a generator
let generator = Source::simplex(42)                 // start with simplex noise
    .fbm(5, 0.013, 2.0, 0.5)                        // apply fractal brownian motion
    .blend(                                         // apply blending...
        Source::worley(43).scale([0.05, 0.05]),     // ...with scaled worley noise
        Source::worley(44).scale([0.02, 0.02]))     // ...controlled by other worley noise
    .lambda(|f| (f * 2.0).sin() * 0.3 + f * 0.7);   // apply a closure to the noise

// sample the generator for input point [0.2, 0.5]
let value = generator.sample([0.2, 0.5]);

We can also use [`NoiseBuffer`]( for efficiently filling n-dimensional arrays
with noise, and [`Visualizer`]( to get a visual representation of a given
generator. The above generator produces the following image, when sampled for
every pixel position:


It is common to interpret the 3rd or 4th dimension as time, allowing us to
produce space-time noise such as:


## Contributing

Contributors and feature suggestions are welcome!

Should you want to contact me directly, it is best via discord (username: oogie).

## License

Libnoise is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

See [LICENSE-MIT]( for details.