[][src]Function libmodbus::prelude::set_float_cdab

pub fn set_float_cdab(src: f32, dest: &mut [u16])

set_float_cdab - set a float value in 2 registers using CDAB byte order

The set_float_cdab() function shall set a float to 4 bytes in swapped bytes Modbus format (CDAB insted of ABCD). The dest slice must contain two u16 values to be able to store the full result of the conversion.


  • src - float to 4 bytes (f32)
  • dest - slice must contain two u16 values


use libmodbus::prelude::*;
let mut dest = vec![0; 2];
set_float_cdab(123456.0, &mut dest);

assert_eq!(&dest, &[0xF147, 0x0020]);