pub unsafe extern "C" fn FT_W32_WaitCommEvent(
    ftHandle: FT_HANDLE,
    pulEvent: PULONG,
    lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED
) -> BOOL
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@noop FT_W32_WaitCommEvent @par Supported Operating Systems Linux Mac OS X (10.4 and later) Windows (2000 and later) Windows CE (4.2 and later) @par Summary This function waits for an event to occur. @param ftHandle Handle of the device. @param pulEvent Pointer to a location that receives a mask that contains the events that occurred. @param lpOverlapped Pointer to an overlapped structure. @returns If the function is successful, the return value is nonzero. If the function is unsuccessful, the return value is zero. @remarks This function supports both non-overlapped and overlapped I/O, except under Windows CE and Linux where only non-overlapped IO is supported. @n @b Non-overlapped @b I/O The parameter, lpOverlapped, must be NULL for non-overlapped I/O. @n This function does not return until an event that has been specified in a call to FT_W32_SetCommMask has occurred. The events that occurred and resulted in this function returning are stored in lpdwEvent. @n @b Overlapped @b I/O @n When the device has been opened for overlapped I/O, an application can issue a request and perform some additional work while the request is pending. This contrasts with the case of non-overlapped I/O in which the application issues a request and receives control again only after the request has been completed. @n The parameter, lpOverlapped, must point to an initialized OVERLAPPED structure. This function does not return until an event that has been specified in a call to FT_W32_SetCommMask has occurred. @n If an event has already occurred, the request completes immediately, and the return code is non-zero. @n The events that occurred are stored in lpdwEvent. @n If an event has not yet occurred, the request completes immediately, and the return code is zero, signifying an error. An application should call FT_W32_GetLastError to get the cause of the error. If the error code is ERROR_IO_PENDING, the overlapped operation is still in progress, and the application can perform other processing. Eventually, the application checks the result of the overlapped request by calling FT_W32_GetOverlappedResult. The events that occurred and resulted in this function returning are stored in lpdwEvent.