libfmod 2.206.6

A library wrapper for integrating FMOD Engine in Rust applications.

libfmod Version LICENSE MSRV

A Rust bindings for FMOD Engine. FFI wrapped in Rust code to make them safe, more idiomatic and abstract away uncomfortable manual C interface using.


Choose one of FMOD supported versions:

libfmod FMOD
2.222 2.02.22
2.206 2.02.06
libfmod = "~2.206"

FMOD Development Libraries

FMOD development libraries can't be integrated and distributed as part of this crate. You should download and install it considering your platform from:

Windows (MSVC)

You should manually provide FMOD development libraries for MSVC linker. Copy following files from default FMOD Engine installation folder C:\Program Files (x86)\FMOD SoundSystem\FMOD Studio API Windows\:


To one of the folders where Rust can find these libraries:


⚠️ When you're shipping your application make sure to copy FMOD *.dll to the same directory that your *.exe is in.

Linux / macOS

Before you can use libfmod, FMOD libraries must be installed on your computer. The standard locations for dynamic libraries on unix are /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib.

You may also place the files in a non-standard location in your file system, but you must create symbolic links to that location this way:

ln -s ~/FMOD/api/core/lib/libfmod.dylib /usr/local/lib/libfmod.dylib
ln -s ~/FMOD/api/studio/lib/libfmodstudio.dylib /usr/local/lib/libfmodstudio.dylib

You may also place the files in location in which Rust searches for dynamic libraries by default:


⚠️ When you're shipping your application make sure to copy FMOD libraries to the same directory that your executable is in.

Why no build options?

  • FMOD does not allow static linking
  • The crate not implement dynamic loading, only dynamic linking
  • There is no simple way to control how Rust search for libraries

So, we can provide some configuration (e.g "FMOD_SDK" location variable), but this is not useful because you still have to install the FMOD libraries as described above.


You can enable or disable wrapper features depending on your needs:

  • flags provides C-style flags with ergonomic Rust API based on bitflags crate

Getting Started

The simplest way to get started is to initialize the FMOD system, load a sound, and play it. Playing a sound does not block the application, all functions execute immediately, so we should poll for the sound to finish.

use libfmod::{Error, System, Init, Mode};

fn test_playing_sound() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let system = System::create()?;
    system.init(512, Init::NORMAL, None)?;
    let sound = system.create_sound("./path/to/my/sound.ogg", Mode::DEFAULT, None)?;
    let channel = system.play_sound(sound, None, false)?;
    while channel.is_playing()? {
        // do something else

See more examples in tests folder.


This library is automatically generated by libfmod-gen and can't be changed manually. All issues and pull requests must be created in repository of generator.