libevent-sys 0.2.4

Rust FFI bindings to the libevent library


Released API docs

Rust FFI bindings to libevent library made using Rust-Bindgen.

System Requirements

  • libclang is required by bindgen which is used to generate the Rust bindings. See bindgen requirements for more information. Also ensure that LIBCLANG_PATH is set, as some systems do not do so by default. libclang is only required if buildtime_bindgen is enabled.

  • cmake if self-building via the bundled feature. The current bundled release is release-2.1.11-stable.

  • pkg-config if not self-building via the bundled feature.

  • buildtime_bindgen is an optional feature, enabled by default, which indicates that the Rust libevent bindings should be generated at build time.

  • LIBEVENT_SYS_BINDGEN_FILE is an environment variable indicating the path of the file containing the pregenerated Rust bindings which must be populated when buildtime_bindgen is not enabled, and it is only applicable in this case.


Depends on libevent-dev or equivalent to be installed on the system. It can be found in most distro's package managers or from the libevent website linked above.

Once that is installed just use cargo build.