libes 0.1.0

Collection of Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme(s)


library of encryption scheme(s) is a collection of ECIES variants.
The goal of this is library is to become a one-stop shop for everything ECIES.

Why use libes?

The rust cryptography ecosystem is swarming with crates, with varying degrees of quality. I have taken it onto myself to navigate this, and I want to share the results with those who are trying to make sense of it like me.

In doing this I commit myself to:

  • Maintain a curated selection of relevant crates
    • Verify that dependencies have not made mistakes in their implementations
    • Use dependencies with good code, performance, and documentation quality
  • Provide a uniform and predictable API
    • Use shared constructors in the API to guarantee uniformity
    • Guarantee long-term support for all major releases
  • Keep the library up to date & vulnerability-free
    • Automatically update dependencies and test code
    • Prioritize issues & feedback on implementations

Table of Contents


Encryption Scheme Support

Support icon legend

  • 🚀 Completed
  • 🏗️ Development
  • 📅 Planned
  • 🤔 Planning
  • 🚫 Can/Will not implement
  • ✅ Compact mode compatible
  • ❔ Evaluating compact mode compatibility
  • ❌ Compact mode not compatible

Elliptic Curve Key Support Matrix

Algorithm Support Compact
x25519 🏗️
ed25519 🏗️
p256 🤔
p384 🤔
p521 🤔
k256 🤔

Encryption Support Matrix

Algorithm Support Compact
ChaCha20-Poly1305 🚫[^chacha_nonce_collision] N/A
XChaCha20-Poly1305 🏗️

[^chacha_nonce_collision]: ChaCha20 uses a 96-bit nonce, which when generated using a random function has an unsatisfactory risk of collision. XChaCha20 uses a 192-bit nonce where that is not an issue.

What is ECIES?

ECIES stands for Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme. It is a type of cryptographic procedure which allows encrypting data for a specific recipient given only the data to be encrypted and the recipients public key, everything else is derived from the input or generated with a CSPRNG (Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator).


How does ECIES work?

The following graph illustrates the behavior of an ECIES implementation with algorithm types and suggested variants.

Color coding:

  • Green: Elliptic Curve Key
  • Red: Encryption
  • Blue: Message Authentication
graph TB
    subgraph Input
        RK(Recipient's Public Key)
    subgraph Generate
        EK(Ephemeral Key)
        EK_PUB(Ephemeral Public Key)
        EK_PRI(Ephemeral Private Key)
    subgraph Derive
        DER_FN("Derive Shared Secret</br>(e.g. with ECDH)")
        DER_ENC_KEY("Derive Encryption Key</br>(e.g. with HMAC)")
        DER_MAC_KEY("Derive MAC Key</br>(e.g. with HMAC)")
    subgraph Process
        ENC_FN("Encrypt</br>(e.g. with AES-GCM)")
        MAC_FN("MAC</br>(e.g. with HMAC)")
    subgraph Output
        EK_OUT(Ephemeral Public Key)
    CSPRNG --> IV & EK
    EK --> EK_PUB & EK_PRI
    EK_PUB --> EK_OUT & MAC_FN
    IV --> IV_OUT & MAC_FN & ENC_FN
    RK --> DER_FN
    EK_PRI --> DER_FN
    MSG --> ENC_FN
    MAC_FN --> MAC_OUT
    %% Elliptic Curve Key link colorization
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 9 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 10 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    %% Message Authentication link colorization
    linkStyle 5 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 7 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 12 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 14 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 16 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 18 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    %% Encryption link colorization
    linkStyle 8 stroke:#f88379,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 11 stroke:#f88379,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 13 stroke:#f88379,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 15 stroke:#f88379,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 17 stroke:#f88379,stroke-width:2px;

Compact mode

DISCLAIMER: Compact mode is my own implementation idea, which I will only implement for algorithms that I have done extensive research on to ensure that it is cryptographically secure to do so. Regardless, I am not a cryptography researcher and I can not give a guarantee that issues will not arise in the future. If compact mode turns out to be useful/popular and resources allow, I will make sure compact mode receives a security audit.

Normally ECIES uses an encryption algorithm for the data, and then a MAC on the resulting ciphertext & other output necessary to decrypt the data.

By using an AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) encryption algorithm like AES-GCM or ChaCha20-Poly1305 there is no more need for an additional MAC, because it is already included in the encryption.

On top of that the Initialization Vector or nonce can be derived from the key-agreement operation since the ephemeral private key is randomly generated which results in the derived IV/nonce still being unique per message.

The now redundant additional MAC and IV/nonce can be omitted, saving a couple dozen bytes on each message.

The Compact column in the support matrices indicates if the mode is supported. To use compact mode both the Elliptic Curve Key and Encryption algorithms must indicate support.

How does compact mode work?

The following graph illustrates the behavior of a Compact ECIES implementation with algorithm types and suggested variants.

Color coding:

  • Green: Elliptic Curve Key
  • Red: Encryption
  • Blue: Message Authentication
graph TB
    subgraph Input
        RK(Recipient's Public Key)
    subgraph Generate
        EK(Ephemeral Key)
        EK_PUB(Ephemeral Public Key)
        EK_PRI(Ephemeral Private Key)
    subgraph Derive
        DER_FN("Derive Shared Secret</br>(e.g. with ECDH)")
        DER_IV("Derive IV/Nonce</br>(e.g. with HMAC)")
        DER_ENC_KEY("Derive Encryption Key</br>(e.g. with HMAC)")
    subgraph Process
        ENC_FN("Encrypt using AEAD</br>(e.g. with AES-GCM)")
    subgraph Output
        EK_OUT(Ephemeral Public Key)
    CSPRNG --> EK
    EK --> EK_PUB & EK_PRI
    EK_PUB --> EK_OUT
    RK --> DER_FN
    EK_PRI --> DER_FN
    DER_IV --> ENC_FN
    MSG --> ENC_FN
    ENC_FN --> ENC_OUT
    %% Elliptic Curve Key link colorization
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 5 stroke:#98FB98,stroke-width:2px;
    %% Message Authentication link colorization
    linkStyle 7 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 8 stroke:#0096ff,stroke-width:2px;
    %% Encryption link colorization
    linkStyle 6 stroke:#f88379,stroke-width:2px;
    linkStyle 9 stroke:#f88379,stroke-width:2px;

Conditional Compilation

All algorithm combinations are gated behind features, to reduce how much is being compiled. Features are named exactly like the algorithm names in the support matrices. Methods are then named in order of data flow (with hyphens dropped, and with the standard ECIES mode omitted in the name), e.g. x25519_XChaCha20Poly1305() or x25519_XChaCha20Poly1305_compact().

NOTE: no ECIES variant are available without activating any features, at minimum one Elliptic Curve Key feature and one Encryption feature.

NOTE: compact feature must be explicitly enabled to use compact mode.


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at your option.


All contributions are very appreciated. If you spot a mistake or a vulnerability in this crate or any of its dependencies please open an issue. Currently, there is no template for issues or pull requests, but please try to include enough information to be able to determine what to do without having to ask too many follow-up questions.

Contributions submitted to this project (be they issues, comments, or pull requests), as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, will be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Contributions with any additional terms than the licenses above, will not be accepted.