libcoap-sys 0.2.2+libcoap-4.3.1

Raw bindings to the libcoap CoAP library.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Cargo.toml for libcoap-sys
# This file is part of the libcoap-sys crate, see the README and LICENSE files for
# more information and terms of use.
# Copyright © 2021-2023 The NAMIB Project Developers, all rights reserved.

name = "libcoap-sys"
description = "Raw bindings to the libcoap CoAP library."
version = "0.2.2+libcoap-4.3.1"
edition = "2021"
license = "BSD-2-Clause AND BSD-1-Clause"
links = "coap-3"
readme = ""
repository = ""
authors = ["Hugo Hakim Damer <>"]
categories = ["external-ffi-bindings", "network-programming", "embedded"]
keywords = ["coap", "libcoap"]
exclude = ["src/libcoap/ext/"]

# The default features match those of libcoaps configure script, except for dtls, which is disabled here because it
# requires a backend to be set manually.
default = ["server", "client", "tcp", "async", "epoll", "vendored", "static"]
# While not specified here due to limitations in Cargo's syntax, the DTLS feature depends on one of the DTLS backends
# being enabled.
# If you are developing a library based on libcoap-sys and do not care about the DTLS backend, enable the dtls feature
# and let the user decide on the backend to use, either by re-exporting these features (see
# or by assuming that the user will use
# libcoap-sys as a dependency and enable the corresponding backend feature themselves, relying on Cargo's feature
# unification to enable it for your crate as well.
# Also note that the backends are **mutually exclusive** due to the C library having these backends as mutually
# exclusive features. If multiple backends are enabled (e.g. because multiple dependencies use libcoap-sys and use
# different backends), we select one based on the auto-detection order specified in
# (gnutls > openssl > mbedtls > tinydtls).
dtls = []
dtls_backend_openssl = ["dtls", "openssl-sys"]
dtls_backend_gnutls = ["dtls", "gnutls-sys"]
dtls_backend_mbedtls = ["dtls", "mbedtls-sys-auto"]
dtls_backend_tinydtls = ["dtls", "tinydtls-sys"]
# Enabling this feature will force libcoap-sys to be built with and statically linked to a vendored version of libcoap,
# which will be built by the build-script before building libcoap-sys.
# This way, it is no longer required to have libcoap installed to use this crate.
vendored = ["static"]
# Enable this feature to use static linking to libcoap instead of dynamic linking.
static = []
# Note that setting the feature flags currently has no effect on the generated Rust code, because the libcoap headers do
# not use these feature flags. They only affect the features built into the vendored C library (if enabled).
# Enable this feature to support CoAP over TCP
tcp = []
# Enable this feature to enable async functionality in libcoap.
# Note that this does not generate async-functions as they are used in Rust, just the necessary functions in the C
# library to make asynchronous requests.
async = []
# Enable this feature for server functionality.
server = []
# Enable this feature for client functionality.
client = []
# Enable this feature to enable epoll usage in the C library.
epoll = []

gnutls-sys = {version = "^0.1.2", optional = true}
openssl-sys = {version = "^0.9.74", optional = true}
mbedtls-sys-auto = {version = "^2.26", optional = true}
libc = "^0.2.126"
tinydtls-sys = {version = "^0.1.2", optional = true}

bindgen = "^0.65.1"
autotools = "^0.2.3"
fs_extra = "^1.2"
pkg-config = "^0.3.24"

features = ["dtls", "dtls_backend_openssl", "vendored"]