libcnb-test 0.11.4

An integration testing framework for buildpacks written with
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
// Enable lints that are disabled by default.
// This lint is too noisy and enforces a style that reduces readability in many cases.

mod app;
mod build;
mod build_config;
mod container_config;
mod container_context;
mod container_port_mapping;
mod log;
mod macros;
mod pack;
mod test_context;
mod test_runner;
mod util;

pub use crate::build_config::*;
pub use crate::container_config::*;
pub use crate::container_context::*;
pub use crate::log::*;
pub use crate::test_context::*;
pub use crate::test_runner::*;

// Suppress warnings due to the `unused_crate_dependencies` lint not handling integration tests well.
use indoc as _;
use ureq as _;