libc 0.2.3

A library for types and bindings to native C functions often found in libc or other common platform libraries.
pub use self::imp::*;

mod imp {
    pub use core::option::Option;
    pub use core::clone::Clone;
    pub use core::marker::Copy;
    pub use core::mem;

mod imp {
    pub enum Option<T> {
    impl<T: Copy> Copy for Option<T> {}
    impl<T: Clone> Clone for Option<T> {
        fn clone(&self) -> Option<T> { loop {} }

    pub trait Clone {
        fn clone(&self) -> Self;

    #[lang = "copy"]
    pub trait Copy {}

    #[lang = "sync"]
    pub trait Sync {}
    impl<T> Sync for T {}

    #[lang = "sized"]
    pub trait Sized {}

    macro_rules! each_int {
        ($mac:ident) => (

    #[lang = "div"]
    pub trait Div<RHS> {
        type Output;
        fn div(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

    macro_rules! impl_div {
        ($($i:ident)*) => ($(
            impl Div<$i> for $i {
                type Output = $i;
                fn div(self, rhs: $i) -> $i { self / rhs }

    #[lang = "shl"]
    pub trait Shl<RHS> {
        type Output;
        fn shl(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

    macro_rules! impl_shl {
        ($($i:ident)*) => ($(
            impl Shl<$i> for $i {
                type Output = $i;
                fn shl(self, rhs: $i) -> $i { self << rhs }

    #[lang = "mul"]
    pub trait Mul<RHS=Self> {
        type Output;
        fn mul(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

    macro_rules! impl_mul {
        ($($i:ident)*) => ($(
            impl Mul for $i {
                type Output = $i;
                fn mul(self, rhs: $i) -> $i { self * rhs }

    #[lang = "sub"]
    pub trait Sub<RHS=Self> {
        type Output;
        fn sub(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

    macro_rules! impl_sub {
        ($($i:ident)*) => ($(
            impl Sub for $i {
                type Output = $i;
                fn sub(self, rhs: $i) -> $i { self - rhs }

    #[lang = "bitor"]
    pub trait Bitor<RHS=Self> {
        type Output;
        fn bitor(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

    macro_rules! impl_bitor {
        ($($i:ident)*) => ($(
            impl Bitor for $i {
                type Output = $i;
                fn bitor(self, rhs: $i) -> $i { self | rhs }

    pub mod mem {
        pub fn size_of_val<T>(_: &T) -> usize { 4 }