[][src]Crate libbruteforce

This library helps you to brute force hashes (e.g. passwords). It includes a set of pre-configured hashing functions, like md5 or sha256. You can also provide your own hashing function. PLEASE DO NOT use this software to harm someones privacy in any kind! This project was made for fun and for teaching myself new things about Rust.


use libbruteforce::{symbols, crack};
use libbruteforce::transformation_fns;

let alphabet = symbols::full_alphabet();
// or let alphabet = symbols::build_alphabet(true, true, false, false, false, false, false)
let input = String::from("a+c");
let target = String::from("3d7edde33628331676b39e19a3f2bdb3c583960ad8d865351a32e2ace7d8e02d");

let result = crack(target.clone(), alphabet, input.len(), transformation_fns::SHA256_HASHING);





This function starts a multithreaded brute force attack on a given target string. It supports any alphabet you want to use. You must provide a transformation function. There is a pre-build set of transformation functions available, such as transformation_fns::NO_HASHING, or transformation_fns::SHA256. You can also provide your own function if it is compatible with transformation_fns::TransformationFn.