libbeaglebone 0.4.0

A friendly Rust interface to the BeagleBone family of devices.


Build Status

libbeaglebone is a WIP Rust library that aims to provide a friendly interface for common embedded functionality for the BeagleBone family of devices.


libbeaglebone will be feature-complete when the following interfaces are all implemented:

  • GPIO
  • PWM
  • ADC
  • UART
  • SPI
  • I2C

Note: libbeaglebone is still in development meaning many of the features haven't yet been implemented.


Simply add libbeaglebone = "0.2.0" under [dependencies] in your Cargo.toml and you're all set.


There are example programs available in the examples/ directory. You can compile them by running:

cargo build --example blinker

substituting blinker for the filename of the example you'd like to compile. Once compilation is complete, you can find the binary in the target/debug/examples directory.


I'd like to thank (in no particular order):

  • Trevor Woerner for his mentoring
  • The BeagleBoard organization for their help
  • Google for their sponsorship of the project


libbeaglebone is licensed under version 3 of the GPL license.

See also