libastro 0.1.2

Astrology lib connected to the C lib Swiss ephemeris with rexport into c failed to build libastro-0.1.2
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: libastro-0.1.4

Traditional astrology for rust

Rust library by Stéphane Bressani (

Using swissephem c library by Astrodienst AG by Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl (

The source code is released under an CC License, which allows it to be used also on commercial projects. This software uses the swiss ephemeris which is licensed GPL.

Therefore, if you want to use astro_compute_swisseph in your commercial projects, you must adhere to the GPL license or buy a Swiss Ephemeris commercial license.

Use of library

For get the version as a pointer const c_char :

pub extern "C" fn sweversion() -> *const c_char {

For get a json with all svg and position inside as a pointer const c_char:

/// language = 0 => English
/// language = 1 => French
pub extern "C" fn compute(
    year: c_int,
    month: c_int,
    day: c_int,
    hour: c_int,
    min: c_int,
    sec: c_double,
    lat: c_double,
    lng: c_double,
    max_size: c_double,
    language: c_int,
    path: *const c_char,
) -> *const c_char {
    let lang: Language = match FromPrimitive::from_i32(language as i32) {
        Some(Language::English) => Language::English,
        Some(Language::French) => Language::French,
        None => Language::English,
    let d = DataChartNatal {
        year: year,
        month: month,
        day: day,
        hour: hour,
        min: min,
        sec: sec as f32,
        lat: lat as f32,
        lng: lng as f32,
    let path_c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(path) };
    let path_str: &str = path_c_str.to_str().unwrap();
    let data = svg_draw::chart(max_size as f32, d, &path_str, lang);

For transit

/// language = 0 => English
/// language = 1 => French
pub extern "C" fn compute_transit(
    year: c_int,
    month: c_int,
    day: c_int,
    hour: c_int,
    min: c_int,
    sec: c_double,
    lat: c_double,
    lng: c_double,
    year_transit: c_int,
    month_transit: c_int,
    day_transit: c_int,
    hour_transit: c_int,
    min_transit: c_int,
    sec_transit: c_double,
    lat_transit: c_double,
    lng_transit: c_double,
    max_size: c_double,
    language: c_int,
    path: *const c_char,
) -> *const c_char {
    let lang: Language = match FromPrimitive::from_i32(language as i32) {
        Some(Language::English) => Language::English,
        Some(Language::French) => Language::French,
        None => Language::English,
    let d = DataChartNatal {
        year: year,
        month: month,
        day: day,
        hour: hour,
        min: min,
        sec: sec as f32,
        lat: lat as f32,
        lng: lng as f32,
    let d_t = DataChartNatal {
        year: year_transit,
        month: month_transit,
        day: day_transit,
        hour: hour_transit,
        min: min_transit,
        sec: sec_transit as f32,
        lat: lat_transit as f32,
        lng: lng_transit as f32,
    let path_c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(path) };
    let path_str: &str = path_c_str.to_str().unwrap();
    let data =
        svg_draw::chart_with_transit(max_size as f32, d, d_t, &path_str, lang);

For all aspects (only major at this moment)

/// language = 0 => English
/// language = 1 => French
pub extern "C" fn aspects(language: c_int) -> *const c_char {
    let lang: Language = match FromPrimitive::from_i32(language as i32) {
        Some(Language::English) => Language::English,
        Some(Language::French) => Language::French,
        None => Language::English,
    let data = svg_draw::all_aspects(lang);



  • Update connection with astrology crate


  • Update doc


  • Some function for extern c use (c -> rust -> c)