libalgobsec-sys 0.0.1+

Unsafe bindings to the Bosch BSEC library
# libalgobsec-sys

Unsafe bindings to the [Bosch BSEC library](

## Important license information

The BSEC library is proprietary. Thus, it cannot be included in this crate and
its documentation need to be obtained separately. You are responsible for
adhering to that license in your products despite the source code of this crate
to generate the necessary bindings is published under a permissive license.

Note that the source code of this crate does not contain any of the BSEC source
code, API declartions, or documentation.

* [BSEC website to obtain your copy]
* [BSEC license terms at the time of writing]

## Usage

To be able to use this crate it needs to know where to find the BSEC header
files and library on your system. These paths are provided as the configuration
options `bsec_include_path` and `bsec_library_path` to the Rust compiler.

You can do this by creating a `.cargo/config` file in your crate with the
following content (adjust the paths accordingly):

rustflags = [
    '--cfg', 'bsec_include_path="/path/to/BSEC_1.4.8.0_Generic_Release/algo/normal_version/inc"',
    '--cfg', 'bsec_library_path="/path/to/BSEC_1.4.8.0_Generic_Release/algo/normal_version/bin/target-arch"',