Expand description

Observers give insights about runs of a target, such as coverage, timing, stack depth, and more.


pub use stdio::StdErrObserver;
pub use stdio::StdOutObserver;
pub use map::*;
pub use cmp::*;
pub use stacktrace::*;
pub use owned::*;


The CmpObserver provides access to the logged values of CMP instructions

Concolic Tracing

The MapObserver provides access a map, usually injected into the target

A dynamic collection of owned observers, working only with unstable rust

the StacktraceObserver looks up the stacktrace on the execution thread and computes a hash for it for dedupe

The StdOutObserver and StdErrObserver observers look at the stdout of a program The executor must explicitely support these observers. For example, they are supported on the crate::executors::CommandExecutor.


A simple observer with a list of things.

A simple observer, just overlooking the runtime of the target.


Observers observe different information about the target. They can then be used by various sorts of feedback.

A trait for obervers with a hash field

A haskell-style tuple of observers