Expand description

Schedule the access to the Corpus.


pub use queue::QueueScheduler;
pub use probabilistic_sampling::ProbabilitySamplingScheduler;
pub use accounting::CoverageAccountingScheduler;
pub use testcase_score::LenTimeMulTestcaseScore;
pub use testcase_score::TestcaseScore;
pub use minimizer::LenTimeMinimizerScheduler;
pub use minimizer::MinimizerScheduler;
pub use weighted::StdWeightedScheduler;
pub use weighted::WeightedScheduler;
pub use powersched::PowerQueueScheduler;


The Minimizer schedulers are a family of corpus schedulers that feed the fuzzer

The queue corpus scheduler for power schedules.

Probabilistic sampling scheduler is a corpus scheduler that feeds the fuzzer with sampled item from the corpus.

The queue corpus scheduler implements an AFL-like queue mechanism

The TestcaseScore is an evaluator providing scores of corpus items.

The queue corpus scheduler with weighted queue item selection from aflpp (https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/blob/1d4f1e48797c064ee71441ba555b29fc3f467983/src/afl-fuzz-queue.c#L32) This queue corpus scheduler needs calibration stage.


Feed the fuzzer simpply with a random testcase on request


The scheduler define how the fuzzer requests a testcase from the corpus. It has hooks to corpus add/replace/remove to allow complex scheduling algorithms to collect data.

Type Definitions

A StdScheduler uses the default scheduler in LibAFL to schedule Testcases. The current Std is a RandScheduler, although this may change in the future, if another Scheduler delivers better results.