libafl 0.8.0

Slot your own fuzzers together and extend their features using Rust

LibAFL, the fuzzer library.

Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your own fuzzers together and extend their features using Rust.

LibAFL is written and maintained by

Why LibAFL?

LibAFL gives you many of the benefits of an off-the-shelf fuzzer, while being completely customizable. Some highlight features currently include:

  • fast: We do everything we can at compile time, keeping runtime overhead minimal. Users reach 120k execs/sec in frida-mode on a phone (using all cores).
  • scalable: Low Level Message Passing, LLMP for short, allows LibAFL to scale almost linearly over cores, and via TCP to multiple machines.
  • adaptable: You can replace each part of LibAFL. For example, BytesInput is just one potential form input: feel free to add an AST-based input for structured fuzzing, and more.
  • multi platform: LibAFL was confirmed to work on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android on x86_64 and aarch64. LibAFL can be built in no_std mode to inject LibAFL into obscure targets like embedded devices and hypervisors.
  • bring your own target: We support binary-only modes, like Frida-Mode, as well as multiple compilation passes for sourced-based instrumentation. Of course it's easy to add custom instrumentation backends.


LibAFL is a collection of reusable pieces of fuzzers, written in Rust. It is fast, multi-platform, no_std compatible, and scales over cores and machines.

It offers a main crate that provide building blocks for custom fuzzers, libafl, a library containing common code that can be used for targets instrumentation, libafl_targets, and a library providing facilities to wrap compilers, libafl_cc.

LibAFL offers integrations with popular instrumentation frameworks. At the moment, the supported backends are:

Getting started

  1. Install the Dependecies
  • The Rust development language.
    We highly recommend not to use e.g. your Linux distribition package as this is likely outdated. So rather install Rust directly, instructions can be found here.

  • LLVM tools
    The LLVM tools are needed (newer than LLVM 11.0.0 but older than LLVM 15.0.0)

  • Cargo-make
    We use cargo-make to build the fuzzers in fuzzers/ directory. You can install it with

cargo install cargo-make
  1. Clone the LibAFL repository with
git clone
  1. Build the library using
cargo build --release
  1. Build the API documentation with
cargo doc
  1. Browse the LibAFL book (WIP!) with (requires mdbook)
cd docs && mdbook serve

We collect all example fuzzers in ./fuzzers. Be sure to read their documentation (and source), this is the natural way to get started!

The best-tested fuzzer is ./fuzzers/libfuzzer_libpng, a multicore libfuzzer-like fuzzer using LibAFL for a libpng harness.



For bugs, feel free to open issues or contact us directly. Thank you for your support. <3

Even though we will gladly assist you in finishing up your PR, try to

  • keep all the crates compiling with stable rust (hide the eventual non-stable code under cfgs)
  • run cargo fmt on your code before pushing
  • check the output of cargo clippy --all or ./
  • run cargo build --no-default-features to check for no_std compatibility (and possibly add #[cfg(feature = "std")]) to hide parts of your code.

Some of the parts in this list may be hard, don't be afraid to open a PR if you cannot fix them by yourself, so we can help.
