Module libafl::bolts

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Bolts are no conceptual fuzzing elements, but they keep libafl-based fuzzers together.


Compression of events passed between a broker and clients. Currently we use the gzip compression algorithm for its fast decompression performance.

Architecture agnostic processor features

LibAFL functionality for filesystem interaction

The Launcher launches multiple fuzzer instances in parallel. Thanks to it, we won’t need a for loop in a shell script…

A library for low level message passing

Implements a mini-bsod generator It dumps all important registers and prints a stacktrace. You may use the crate::bolts::os::unix_signals::ucontext function to get a ucontext_t.

Operating System specific abstractions

Wrappers that abstracts references (or pointers) and owned data accesses.

The random number generators of LibAFL

Poor-rust-man’s downcasts for stuff we send over the wire (or shared maps)

A generic sharememory region to be used by any functions (queues or feedbacks

Stores and restores state when a client needs to relaunch. Uses a ShMem up to a threshold, then write to disk.

Compiletime lists/tuples used throughout the LibAFL universe


Can be converted to a slice

Has a length field

Has a ref count


Gets current milliseconds since UNIX_EPOCH

Gets current nanoseconds since UNIX_EPOCH

Current time

Format a Duration into a HMS string