libaes 0.1.2

AES cipher in safe Rust


This is a re-implementation of OpenSSL 1.1.1 AES core algorithms in safe Rust, with zero dependencies.

My original motivation is to find a correct, fast and minimal AES library in Rust, so that I can easily use it to interact with an existing data system that uses AES. But I was not able to find such a library so I decided to write one by porting AES core from OpenSSL 1.1.1 stable. This library strives to be:

  • Correct (as the original OpenSSL implementation)
  • Fast (as OpenSSL 1.1.1)
  • Safe Rust code only.
  • Minimal: no dependencies.

In v0.1.0, this library only supports 128-bit key with CBC mode. Automatic padding is included.


use libaes::Cipher;

let my_key = b"This is the key!"; // key is 16 bytes
let plaintext = b"A plaintext";
let iv = b"This is 16 bytes";

// Create a new cipher
let cipher = Cipher::new_128(my_key);

// Encryption
let encrypted = cipher.cbc_encrypt(iv, plaintext);

// Decryption
let decrypted = cipher.cbc_decrypt(iv, &encrypted[..]);


We use a NIST test data to verify the cipher, see the test code.


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