lib_rapid 0.2.1

LibRapid - a library specifically built for mathematical calculations and scientific applications.
Formatting rules for contributing
If you want to contribute to LibRapid, be sure to follow these rules to have consistency in the code.
The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119](
§1 Curly braces
A opening curly brace `{` MUST be placed on the same line as its statement with a leading space, except
* the statement inside the curly braces is only one line, in which case the statement in the curly braces and the curly braces `{` and `}` MAY all be placed on the next line after the clause  with one space before and after the statement.

A closing curly brace `}` MUST be placed on a following line on the same column as the beginning of the beforegoing statement, except the rule for `{` is applied.

§2 Tabs and spaces
Tabs MUST be 4 spaces wide and MUST be applied where:
* A statement is inside curly braces and on a separate line,
* or a definition has occured inside curly braces.

Spaces SHOULD be applied where:
* Multiple types are declared in following lines to bring them onto the same column or
* multiple definitions after a `=` on following lines take place to bring them onto the same column.

§3 Types
Types MAY be inferred, even though a explicit type declaration is preffered.
When explicitly delcaring a type, the colon `:` is placed right after the name of the constant or variable.

§4 Operators
Arithmetic and bitwise operators `+`,`-`,`*`,`/`,`%`,`&`,`^`,`|`,`<<`,`>>` MUST have one trailing and leading space.

Logic operators `>`,`>=`,`<`,`<=`,`==`,`!=`,`&&`,`||` MUST have one trailing and leading space.

One SHOULD split up statements using `&&`,`||`, when one line is becoming too long (subjective to the editor). This MUST be done having a line break instead of a trailing space, while the right hand side MUST begin on the same column as the left hand side.

§5 Others
The substring `->` MUST have one trailing and leading space.
The characters `,`,`:` MUST have one trailing space.