lib_rapid 0.0.18

LibRapid - a library specifically built for mathematical calculations and scientific applications, while being optimized for speed.

LibRapid for Rust - Fast. Reliable. Lightweight.


The original idea comes from Pencilcaseman, I collaborated with him to get LibRapid into Rust. We're closely working together to provide
the best possible user experience and consistency over all libraries.


Depending on the current published LibRapid version and how many crates are in queue on, you may need to build the docs yourself.
To do that, simply git-clone this repository and then run `cargo doc`. After that, your documentation should be ready in src/target/doc/index.html.

How does it work?

The Rust-port of LibRapid is a derivative from the main library made for C++ and Python. It's goal is to be optimized for speedy calculations, mathematical and
scientific applications.


LibRapid for Rust is fully optimized - meaning your calculations for game scripts and maths will be faster as a result. All functions that are implemented bring new features to Rust, while being optimized for speed.

The main maintainer of this repository is @NervousNullPtr. The secondary maintainer is @Pencilcaseman.