lib-ruby-parser 3.0.5

Ruby parser
authors = ["Ilya Bylich <>"]
description = "Ruby parser"
edition = "2018"
include = ["gen/**/*.rs", "src/**/*.rs", "", "Cargo.toml"]
license = "MIT"
name = "lib-ruby-parser"
repository = ""
version = "3.0.5"

# See more keys and their definitions at

default = []

# Uses external structures
compile-with-external-structures = []

# Link with C library that provides external structures
link-with-external-c-structures = []

# Link with CXX library that provides external structures
link-with-external-cpp-structures = []

# Forces building parser.y and all node files
rebuild-grammar = ["lib-ruby-parser-nodes", "rust-bison-skeleton"]

# Marker feature, indicates usage of rust nightly, used only in tests
nightly-features = []

# Enables optional dependencies for examples
run-examples = ["clap", "glob", "jemallocator", "pprof"]

onig = {version = "6", optional = true}

# Dependencies of examples
clap = {version = "3.0.0-beta.2", optional = true}
glob = {version = "0.3.0", optional = true}
jemallocator = {version = "0.3.2", optional = true}
pprof = {version = "0.4.2", features = ["flamegraph"], optional = true}

lib-ruby-parser-nodes = {version = "0.13.0", optional = true}
rust-bison-skeleton = {version = "0.28.0", optional = true}

debug-assertions = false

lto = true

debug-assertions = true