lfu_cache 1.2.2

A simple constant time LFU cache implementation
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::collections::hash_map;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked;
use std::iter::{FromIterator, FusedIterator};
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::rc::Rc;

use crate::{Entry, LfuCacheIter};

pub(self) use freq_list::FrequencyList;
pub(self) use lfu_entry::LfuEntry;
pub(self) use node::Node;

use self::entry::{OccupiedEntry, VacantEntry};
use self::node::WithFrequency;

pub mod entry;
mod freq_list;
mod lfu_entry;
mod node;
mod util;

/// A collection that if limited to a certain capacity will evict based on the
/// least recently used value.
// Note that Default is _not_ implemented. This is intentional, as most people
// likely don't want an unbounded LFU cache by default.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
// This is re-exported at the crate root, so this lint can be safely ignored.
pub struct LfuCache<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> {
    lookup: LookupMap<Key, Value>,
    freq_list: FrequencyList<Key, Value>,
    capacity: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
    len: usize,

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
struct LookupMap<Key: Hash + Eq, Value>(HashMap<Rc<Key>, NonNull<LfuEntry<Key, Value>>>);

impl<Key: Hash + Eq + Debug, Value> Debug for LookupMap<Key, Value> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let mut dbg = f.debug_struct("LookupMap");
        for (key, value) in &self.0 {
            dbg.field(&format!("{:?}", key), &unsafe {

unsafe impl<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> Send for LfuCache<Key, Value> {}
unsafe impl<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> Sync for LfuCache<Key, Value> {}

impl<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> Drop for LookupMap<Key, Value> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        for (_, v) in self.0.drain() {
            unsafe { Box::from_raw(v.as_ptr()) };

impl<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> LfuCache<Key, Value> {
    /// Creates a LFU cache with at least the specified capacity.
    /// When the capacity is reached, then the least frequently used item is
    /// evicted. If there are multiple least frequently used items in this
    /// collection, the most recently added item is evicted.
    /// ```
    /// # use lfu_cache::LfuCache;
    /// let mut cache = LfuCache::with_capacity(2);
    /// // Fill up the cache.
    /// cache.insert("foo", 3);
    /// cache.insert("bar", 4);
    /// // Insert returns the evicted value, if a value was evicted.
    /// let maybe_evicted = cache.insert("baz", 5);
    /// // In the case of a tie, the most recently added value is evicted.
    /// assert!(cache.get(&"bar").is_none());
    /// assert_eq!(maybe_evicted, Some(4));
    /// cache.get(&"baz");
    /// // Otherwise, the least frequently value is evicted.
    /// assert_eq!(cache.pop_lfu(), Some(3));
    /// ```
    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            lookup: LookupMap(HashMap::with_capacity(capacity)),
            freq_list: FrequencyList::new(),
            capacity: NonZeroUsize::new(capacity),
            len: 0,

    /// Creates a LFU cache with no bound.
    /// This effectively turns the LFU cache into a very expensive [`HashMap`]
    /// if the least frequently used item is never removed. This is useful if
    /// you want to have fine-grain control over when the LFU cache should
    /// evict. If a LFU cache was constructed using this function, users should
    /// call [`pop_lfu`] to remove the least frequently used item.
    /// Construction of this cache will not heap allocate.
    /// [`pop_lfu`]: Self::pop_lfu
    pub fn unbounded() -> Self {

    /// Sets the new capacity.
    /// If the provided capacity is zero, then this will turn the cache into an
    /// unbounded cache. If the new capacity is less than the current capacity,
    /// the least frequently used items are evicted until the number of items is
    /// equal to the capacity.
    /// If the cache becomes unbounded, then users must manually call
    /// [`pop_lfu`] to remove the least frequently used item.
    /// If the cache was previously unbounded and is provided a non-zero
    /// capacity, then the cache now is bounded and will automatically remove
    /// the least frequently used item when the capacity is reached.
    /// [`pop_lfu`]: Self::pop_lfu
    pub fn set_capacity(&mut self, new_capacity: usize) {
        self.capacity = NonZeroUsize::new(new_capacity);

        if let Some(capacity) = self.capacity {
            while self.len > capacity.get() {

    /// Inserts a key-value pair into the cache.
    /// If the key already exists, the value is updated without updating the
    /// key and the previous value is returned. The frequency of this item is
    /// reset.
    /// If the key did not already exist, then what is returned depends on the
    /// capacity of the cache. If an entry was evicted, the old value is
    /// returned. If the cache did not need to evict an entry or was unbounded,
    /// this returns [None].
    // TODO: return a (Key, Value, Freq)
    pub fn insert(&mut self, key: Key, value: Value) -> Option<Value> {
        self.insert_rc(Rc::new(key), value)

    /// Like [`Self::insert`], but with an shared key instead.
    pub(crate) fn insert_rc(&mut self, key: Rc<Key>, value: Value) -> Option<Value> {
        let mut evicted = self.remove(&key);

        if let Some(capacity) = self.capacity {
            // This never gets called if we had to evict an old value.
            if capacity.get() <= self.len {
                evicted = self.pop_lfu();

        // Since an entry has a reference to its key, we've created a situation
        // where we have self-referential data. We can't construct the entry
        // before inserting it into the lookup table because the key may be
        // moved when inserting it (so the memory address may become invalid)
        // but we can't insert the entry without constructing the value first.
        // As a result, we need to break this loop by performing the following:
        //   - Insert an entry into the lookup mapping that points to a dangling
        //     pointer.
        //   - Obtain the _moved_ key pointer from the raw entry API
        //   - Use this key pointer as the pointer for the entry, and overwrite
        //     the dangling pointer with an actual value.
        self.lookup.0.insert(Rc::clone(&key), NonNull::dangling());
        let v = self.lookup.0.get_mut(&key).unwrap();
        *v = self.freq_list.insert(key, value);

        self.len += 1;

    /// Gets a value and increments the internal frequency counter of that
    /// value, if it exists.
    pub fn get(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Option<&Value> {
        let entry = self.lookup.0.get_mut(key)?;
        // SAFETY: This is fine because self is uniquely borrowed
        Some(&unsafe { entry.as_ref() }.value)

    /// Like [`Self::get`], but also returns the Rc as well.
    pub(crate) fn get_rc_key_value(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Option<(Rc<Key>, &Value)> {
        let entry = self.lookup.0.get_mut(key)?;
        // SAFETY: This is fine because self is uniquely borrowed
        let entry = unsafe { entry.as_ref() };
        Some((Rc::clone(&entry.key), &entry.value))

    /// Gets a mutable value and increments the internal frequency counter of
    /// that value, if it exists.
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Option<&mut Value> {
        self.get_rc_key_value_mut(key).map(|(_, v)| v)

    /// Like `get_mut`, but also returns the Rc as well.
    pub(crate) fn get_rc_key_value_mut(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Option<(Rc<Key>, &mut Value)> {
        let entry = self.lookup.0.get_mut(key)?;
        // SAFETY: This is fine because self is uniquely borrowed
        let entry = unsafe { entry.as_mut() };
        Some((Rc::clone(&entry.key), &mut entry.value))

    /// Removes a value from the cache by key, if it exists.
    pub fn remove(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Option<Value> {
        self.lookup.0.remove(key).map(|node| {
            // SAFETY: We have unique access to self. At this point, we've
            // removed the entry from the lookup map but haven't removed it from
            // the frequency data structure, so we need to clean it up there
            // before returning the value.

            let mut freq_node = unsafe { node.as_ref() }.owner;
            let detached = unsafe { freq_node.as_mut() }.remove(node);

            // freq_node no longer is being referred to by lfu_entry

            if unsafe { freq_node.as_ref() }.elements.is_none() {
                let freq_head = unsafe { Box::from_raw(freq_node.as_ptr()) };
                if self.freq_list.head == Some(NonNull::from(&*freq_head)) {
                    self.freq_list.head = freq_head.next;

            self.len -= 1;

    /// Gets the given key's corresponding entry in the LFU cache for in-place
    /// manipulation. If the key refers to an occupied entry, that entry then is
    /// immediately considered accessed, even if no reading or writing is
    /// performed. This behavior is a limitation of the Entry API.
    pub fn entry(&mut self, key: Key) -> Entry<'_, Key, Value> {
        let key = Rc::new(key);
        match self.lookup.0.entry(Rc::clone(&key)) {
            hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
                Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry::new(entry, &mut self.len))
            hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => Entry::Vacant(VacantEntry::new(
                &mut self.freq_list,
                &mut self.len,

    /// Evicts the least frequently used value and returns it. If the cache is
    /// empty, then this returns None. If there are multiple items that have an
    /// equal access count, then the most recently added value is evicted.
    pub fn pop_lfu(&mut self) -> Option<Value> {
        self.pop_lfu_key_value_frequency().map(|(_, v, _)| v)

    /// Evicts the least frequently used key-value pair and returns it. If the
    /// cache is empty, then this returns None. If there are multiple items that
    /// have an equal access count, then the most recently added key-value pair
    /// is evicted.
    pub fn pop_lfu_key_value(&mut self) -> Option<(Key, Value)> {
        self.pop_lfu_key_value_frequency().map(|(k, v, _)| (k, v))

    /// Evicts the least frequently used value and returns it, the key it was
    /// inserted under, and the frequency it had. If the cache is empty, then
    /// this returns None. If there are multiple items that have an equal access
    /// count, then the most recently added key-value pair is evicted.
    pub fn pop_lfu_key_value_frequency(&mut self) -> Option<(Key, Value, usize)> {
            .map(|WithFrequency(freq, detached)| {
                // SAFETY: This is fine since self is uniquely borrowed.
                let key = detached.key.as_ref();
                self.len -= 1;

                // SAFETY: entry_ptr is guaranteed to be a live reference and is
                // is separated from the data structure as a guarantee of pop_lfu.
                // As a result, at this point, we're guaranteed that we have the
                // only reference of entry_ptr.
                let key = match Rc::try_unwrap(detached.key) {
                    Ok(k) => k,
                    Err(_) => unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() },
                (key, detached.value, freq)

    /// Clears the cache, returning the iterator of the previous cached values.
    pub fn clear(&mut self) -> LfuCacheIter<Key, Value> {
        let mut to_return = Self::with_capacity(self.capacity.map_or(0, NonZeroUsize::get));
        std::mem::swap(&mut to_return, self);

    /// Peeks at the next value to be evicted, if there is one. This will not
    /// increment the access counter for that value.
    pub fn peek_lfu(&self) -> Option<&Value> {

    /// Returns the current capacity of the cache.
    pub const fn capacity(&self) -> Option<NonZeroUsize> {

    /// Returns the current number of items in the cache. This is a constant
    /// time operation.
    pub const fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns if the cache contains no elements.
    pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len == 0

    /// Returns if the cache is unbounded.
    pub const fn is_unbounded(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the frequencies that this cache has. This is a linear time
    /// operation.
    pub fn frequencies(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
        // TODO: Breaking change -> return impl iterator

    /// Sets the capacity to the amount of objects currently in the cache. If
    /// no items were in the cache, the cache becomes unbounded.
    pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {

    /// Returns an iterator over the keys of the LFU cache in any order.
    pub fn keys(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Key> + FusedIterator + '_ {

    /// Returns an iterator over the values of the LFU cache in any order. Note
    /// that this does **not** increment the count for any of the values.
    pub fn peek_values(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Value> + FusedIterator + '_ {
            .map(|value| &unsafe { value.as_ref() }.value)

    /// Returns an iterator over the keys and values of the LFU cache in any
    /// order. Note that this does **not** increment the count for any of the
    /// values.
    pub fn peek_iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&Key, &Value)> + FusedIterator + '_ {
            .map(|(key, value)| (key.borrow(), &unsafe { value.as_ref() }.value))

impl<Key: Hash + Eq + Debug, Value> Debug for LfuCache<Key, Value> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let mut dbg = f.debug_struct("LfuCache");
        dbg.field("len", &self.len);
        dbg.field("capacity", &self.capacity);
        dbg.field("freq_list", &self.freq_list);
        dbg.field("lookup_map", &self.lookup);

impl<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> FromIterator<(Key, Value)> for LfuCache<Key, Value> {
    /// Constructs a LFU cache with the capacity equal to the number of elements
    /// in the iterator.
    fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = (Key, Value)>>(iter: T) -> Self {
        let mut cache = Self::unbounded();
        for (k, v) in iter {
            cache.insert(k, v);

impl<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> Extend<(Key, Value)> for LfuCache<Key, Value> {
    /// Inserts the items from the iterator into the cache. Note that this may
    /// evict items if the number of elements in the iterator plus the number of
    /// current items in the cache exceeds the capacity of the cache.
    fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = (Key, Value)>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
        for (k, v) in iter {
            self.insert(k, v);

impl<Key: Hash + Eq, Value> IntoIterator for LfuCache<Key, Value> {
    type Item = (Key, Value);

    type IntoIter = LfuCacheIter<Key, Value>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

mod get {
    use super::LfuCache;

    fn empty() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::<u64, u64>::unbounded();
        for i in 0..100 {

    fn get_mut() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.frequencies(), vec![0]);
        *cache.get_mut(&1).unwrap() = 3;
        assert_eq!(cache.frequencies(), vec![1]);
        assert_eq!(cache.get(&1), Some(&3));

    fn getting_is_ok_after_adding_other_value() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.get(&1), Some(&2));
        cache.insert(3, 4);
        assert_eq!(cache.get(&1), Some(&2));

    fn bounded_alternating_values() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::with_capacity(8);
        cache.insert(1, 1);
        cache.insert(2, 2);
        for _ in 0..100 {

        assert_eq!(cache.len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.frequencies(), vec![100]);

mod insert {
    use super::LfuCache;

    fn insert_unbounded() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();

        for i in 0..100 {
            cache.insert(i, i + 100);

        for i in 0..100 {
            assert_eq!(cache.get(&i), Some(&(i + 100)));
            assert!(cache.get(&(i + 100)).is_none());

    fn reinsertion_of_same_key_resets_freq() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 1);
        cache.insert(1, 1);
        assert_eq!(cache.frequencies(), vec![0]);

    fn insert_bounded() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::with_capacity(20);

        for i in 0..100 {
            cache.insert(i, i + 100);

    fn insert_returns_evicted() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::with_capacity(1);
        assert_eq!(cache.insert(1, 2), None);
        for _ in 0..10 {
            assert_eq!(cache.insert(3, 4), Some(2));
            assert_eq!(cache.insert(1, 2), Some(4));

mod pop {
    use super::LfuCache;

    fn pop() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        for i in 0..100 {
            cache.insert(i, i + 100);

        for i in 0..100 {
            assert_eq!(cache.lookup.0.len(), 100 - i);
            assert_eq!(cache.pop_lfu(), Some(200 - i - 1));

    fn pop_empty() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::<i32, i32>::unbounded();
        assert_eq!(None, cache.pop_lfu());
        assert_eq!(None, cache.pop_lfu_key_value());

    fn set_capacity_evicts_multiple() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        for i in 0..100 {
            cache.insert(i, i + 100);
        assert_eq!(cache.len(), 10);

    fn pop_multiple_varying_frequencies() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        for i in 0..10 {
            cache.insert(i, i + 10);
        for i in 0..10 {
            for _ in 0..i * i {
        for i in 0..10 {
            assert_eq!(10 - i, cache.len());
            assert_eq!(Some(i + 10), cache.pop_lfu());

mod remove {
    use super::LfuCache;

    fn remove_to_empty() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.remove(&1), Some(2));

        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 0);

    fn remove_empty() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::<usize, usize>::unbounded();

    fn remove_to_nonempty() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        cache.insert(3, 4);

        assert_eq!(cache.remove(&1), Some(2));


        assert_eq!(cache.remove(&3), Some(4));

        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 0);

    fn remove_middle() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        cache.insert(3, 4);
        cache.insert(5, 6);
        cache.insert(7, 8);
        cache.insert(9, 10);
        cache.insert(11, 12);


        assert_eq!(cache.frequencies(), vec![0, 1]);
        assert_eq!(cache.len(), 6);



    fn remove_end() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        cache.insert(3, 4);
        cache.insert(5, 6);
        cache.insert(7, 8);
        cache.insert(9, 10);
        cache.insert(11, 12);


        assert_eq!(cache.frequencies(), vec![0, 1]);
        assert_eq!(cache.len(), 6);



    fn remove_start() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        cache.insert(3, 4);
        cache.insert(5, 6);
        cache.insert(7, 8);
        cache.insert(9, 10);
        cache.insert(11, 12);


        assert_eq!(cache.frequencies(), vec![0, 1]);
        assert_eq!(cache.len(), 6);



    fn remove_connects_next_owner() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 1);
        cache.insert(2, 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.get(&1), Some(&1));
        assert_eq!(cache.remove(&2), Some(2));
        assert_eq!(cache.get(&1), Some(&1));

mod bookkeeping {
    use std::num::NonZeroUsize;

    use super::LfuCache;

    fn getting_one_element_has_constant_freq_list_size() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 1);

        for _ in 0..100 {
            assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 1);

    fn freq_list_node_merges() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        cache.insert(3, 4);
        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 1);
        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 1);

    fn freq_list_multi_items() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        cache.insert(1, 2);
        cache.insert(3, 4);
        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(cache.freq_list.len(), 1);

    fn unbounded_is_unbounded() {
        assert!(LfuCache::<i32, i32>::unbounded().is_unbounded());
        assert!(!LfuCache::<i32, i32>::with_capacity(3).is_unbounded());

    fn capacity_reports_internal_capacity() {
        assert_eq!(LfuCache::<i32, i32>::unbounded().capacity(), None);
            LfuCache::<i32, i32>::with_capacity(3).capacity(),

    fn clear_is_ok() {
        let mut cache = LfuCache::unbounded();
        for i in 0..10 {
            cache.insert(i, i);




        for i in 0..10 {