lezeh 0.4.2

Work specific productivity commands. See https://github.com/sendyhalim/lezeh for details.


lezeh is a CLI tool to ease day-to-day engineering operations such as:

  • Merging feature branch (by convention, specific using phabricator task number) into master, this includes cleaning up (delete) the merged feature branch
  • Merge and run deployment commands

Crates.io Crates.io


Download binaries

Go to latest releases and download the binaries here

Binary OS
lezeh-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip Linux
lezeh-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip macOS

Building manually

This requires rust

make install


First create config file at ~/.lezeh, we're using Hjson format.

  # As of now, you just need to set phab config,
  # please see https://github.com/sendyhalim/phab for more details
  phab: {
    api_token: ...
    pkcs12_path: ...
    host: https://yourphabricatorhost.com
    pkcs12_password: ...
  ghub: {
    # This is your github personal token,
    # you need to register token with a full repository write access.
    api_token: abc123

  # Deployment command config
  deployment: {
    repositories: [
        # This is a unique key that will be used as hashmap key
        # for the repo.
        key: "repo-key"
        path: "repo-local-path"
        github_path: "username/reponame"
        deployment_scheme_by_key: {
          stg: {
            name: "Deploy to stg"
            default_pull_request_title: "Merge into stg"
            merge_from_branch: "master"
            merge_into_branch: "stg"
          prod: {
            name: "Deploy to prod"
            default_pull_request_title: "Merge into prod"
            merge_from_branch: "stg"
            merge_into_branch: "prod"


Deployment Command

# Below command will iterate all repositories under deployment.repositories config
# and do the following operations:
# * Make sure your local git data is updated by pulling remote git data from GH.
# * For each remote branches that contains the given task numbers:
#    - Print out phabricator task owner (assigned) for that specific branch.
#    - Create a PR for the matched branch.
#    - Merge the branch into master with SQUASH strategy
#    - Delete the remote branch
lezeh deployment merge-feature-branches <task_number> <task_number> <...>

# Merge repo (given repo key) based on given deployment scheme config.
# Example usage (based on above config example):
# lezeh deployment deploy repo-key stg
lezeh deployment deploy <repo_key> <scheme_key>