levenberg-marquardt 0.13.0

Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm built on top of nalgebra
//! Pivoted QR factorization and a specialized LLS solver.
//! The QR factorization is used to implement an efficient solver for the
//! linear least squares problem which is repeatedly required to be
//! solved in the LM algorithm.

use approx::assert_relative_eq;
use core::iter::repeat;
use nalgebra::{
    allocator::{Allocator, Reallocator},
    storage::{IsContiguous, RawStorage, RawStorageMut, Storage},
    DefaultAllocator, Dim, DimMax, DimMaximum, DimMin, Matrix, OMatrix, OVector, Vector,
use num_traits::Float;

use crate::utils::{dot, enorm, epsmch};

/// Pivoted QR decomposition.
/// Let `$\mathbf{A}\in\R^{m\times n}$`,
/// then this algorithm computes a permutation matrix `$\mathbf{P}$`,
/// a matrix `$\mathbf{Q}\in\R^{m\times \min\{n,m\}}$` with orthonormal columns
/// and an upper triangular matrix `$\mathbf{R}\in\R^{\min\{n,m\}\times n}$` such that
/// ```math
/// \mathbf{P}^\top \mathbf{A} \mathbf{P} = \mathbf{Q}\mathbf{R}.
/// ```
pub struct PivotedQR<F, M, N, S>
    F: nalgebra::RealField + Float + Copy,
    M: Dim + DimMin<N>,
    N: Dim,
    S: RawStorageMut<F, M, N> + IsContiguous,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<F, N> + Allocator<usize, N>,
    /// The column norms of the input matrix `$\mathbf{A}$`
    column_norms: OVector<F, N>,
    /// Strictly upper part of `$\mathbf{R}$` and the Householder transformations,
    /// combined in one matrix.
    qr: Matrix<F, M, N, S>,
    /// Diagonal entries of R
    r_diag: OVector<F, N>,
    /// Permution matrix. Entry `$i$` specifies which column of the identity
    /// matrix to use.
    permutation: OVector<usize, N>,
    work: OVector<F, N>,

impl<F, M, N, S> PivotedQR<F, M, N, S>
    F: nalgebra::RealField + Float + Copy,
    M: Dim + DimMin<N> + DimMax<N>,
    N: Dim,
    S: RawStorageMut<F, M, N> + Storage<F, M, N> + IsContiguous,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<F, N> + Allocator<F, DimMaximum<M, N>, N> + Allocator<usize, N>,
    /// Create a pivoted QR decomposition of a matrix `$\mathbf{A}\in\R^{m\times n}$`.
    pub fn new(mut a: Matrix<F, M, N, S>) -> Self {
        // The implementation is based more or less on LAPACK's "xGEQPF"
        let (m, n) = a.data.shape();
        let u1 = Dim::from_usize(1);
        let column_norms =
            OVector::<F, N>::from_iterator_generic(n, u1, a.column_iter().map(|c| enorm(&c)));
        let mut r_diag = column_norms.clone();
        let mut work = column_norms.clone();
        let mut permutation = OVector::<usize, N>::from_iterator_generic(n, u1, 0..n.value());
        for j in 0..m.min(n).value() {
            // pivot
            let kmax = r_diag.view_range(j.., ..).imax() + j;
            if kmax != j {
                a.swap_columns(j, kmax);
                permutation.swap_rows(j, kmax);
                r_diag[kmax] = r_diag[j];
                work[kmax] = work[j];
            // compute Householder reflection vector w_j to
            // reduce the j-th column
            let mut lower = a.rows_range_mut(j..);
            let (left, mut right) = lower.columns_range_pair_mut(j, j + 1..);
            let w_j = {
                let mut axis = left;
                let mut aj_norm = enorm(&axis);
                if aj_norm.is_zero() {
                    r_diag[j] = F::zero();
                if axis[0].is_negative() {
                    aj_norm = -aj_norm;
                r_diag[j] = -aj_norm;
                axis /= aj_norm;
                axis[0] += F::one();
            // apply reflection to remaining rows
            for (k, mut col) in right.column_iter_mut().enumerate() {
                let k = k + j + 1;
                col.axpy(-(dot(&col, &w_j) / w_j[0]), &w_j, F::one());
                // update partial column norms
                // see "Lapack Working Note 176"
                if r_diag[k].is_zero() {
                let r_diagk = unsafe { r_diag.vget_unchecked_mut(k) };
                *r_diagk *= {
                    let temp = Float::powi(col[0] / *r_diagk, 2);
                    Float::sqrt(Float::max(F::one() - temp, F::zero()))
                let z05: F = convert(0.05f64);
                if z05 * Float::powi(*r_diagk / work[k], 2) <= epsmch() {
                    *r_diagk = enorm(&col.view_range(1.., ..));
                    work[k] = *r_diagk;
        Self {
            qr: a,

    /// Consume the QR-decomposition and transform it into
    /// a parametrized least squares problem.
    /// See [`LinearLeastSquaresDiagonalProblem`](struct.LinearLeastSquaresDiagonalProblem.html)
    /// for details.
    pub fn into_least_squares_diagonal_problem<QS>(
        mut self,
        mut b: Vector<F, M, QS>,
    ) -> LinearLeastSquaresDiagonalProblem<F, M, N>
        QS: RawStorageMut<F, M> + IsContiguous,
        DefaultAllocator: Reallocator<F, M, N, DimMaximum<M, N>, N>,
        // compute first n-entries of Q^T * b
        let (m, n) = self.qr.data.shape();
        let u1 = Dim::from_usize(1);
        let mut qt_b = OVector::<F, N>::from_iterator_generic(
        for j in 0..m.min(n).value() {
            let axis = self.qr.view_range(j.., j);
            if !axis[0].is_zero() {
                let temp = -dot(&b.rows_range(j..), &axis) / axis[0];
                b.rows_range_mut(j..).axpy(temp, &axis, F::one());
            qt_b[j] = b[j];
        self.qr.set_diagonal(&self.r_diag.rows_generic(0, m.min(n)));
        LinearLeastSquaresDiagonalProblem {
            column_norms: self.column_norms,
            upper_r: self.qr.resize_generic(m.max(n), n, F::zero()),
            // l_diag is a working array, the actual content does not
            // mather at this point.
            l_diag: self.r_diag,
            permutation: self.permutation,
            work: self.work,

/// Parametrized linear least squares problem for the LM algorithm.
/// The problem is of the form
/// ```math
///   \min_{\vec{x}\in\R^n}\frac{1}{2}\Bigl\|
///     \begin{bmatrix}
///        \mathbf{A} \\
///        \mathbf{D}
///     \end{bmatrix}\vec{x} -
///     \begin{bmatrix}
///         \vec{b} \\
///         \vec{0}
///     \end{bmatrix}
///   \Bigr\|^2,
/// ```
/// for a matrix `$\mathbf{A}\in\R^{m \times n}$`, diagonal matrix
/// `$\mathbf{D}\in\R^n$` and vector `$\vec{b}\in\R^m$`.
/// Everything except the diagonal matrix `$\mathbf{D}$` is considered
/// fixed.
/// The problem can be efficiently solved for a sequence of diagonal
/// matrices `$\mathbf{D}$`.
/// You must create an instance of this by first computing a pivotized
/// QR decomposition of `$\mathbf{A}$`, then use
/// [`into_least_squares_diagonal_problem`](struct.PivotedQR.html#into_least_squares_diagonal_problem).
pub struct LinearLeastSquaresDiagonalProblem<F, M, N>
    F: nalgebra::RealField + Float + Copy,
    M: Dim + DimMax<N>,
    N: Dim,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<F, N> + Allocator<F, DimMaximum<M, N>, N> + Allocator<usize, N>,
    /// The first `$n$` entries of `$\mathbf{Q}^\top \vec{b}$`.
    qt_b: OVector<F, N>,
    /// Upper part of `$\mathbf{R}$`, also used to store strictly lower part of `$\mathbf{L}$`.
    upper_r: OMatrix<F, DimMaximum<M, N>, N>,
    /// Diagonal entries of `$\mathbf{L}$`.
    l_diag: OVector<F, N>,
    /// Permution matrix. Entry `$i$` specifies which column of the identity
    /// matrix to use.
    permutation: OVector<usize, N>,
    pub(crate) column_norms: OVector<F, N>,
    work: OVector<F, N>,
    m: M,

pub struct CholeskyFactor<'a, F, M, N>
    F: nalgebra::RealField + Copy,
    M: Dim + DimMax<N>,
    N: Dim,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<F, N> + Allocator<F, DimMaximum<M, N>, N> + Allocator<usize, N>,
    pub permutation: &'a OVector<usize, N>,
    l: &'a OMatrix<F, DimMaximum<M, N>, N>,
    work: &'a mut OVector<F, N>,
    qt_b: &'a OVector<F, N>,
    lower: bool,
    l_diag: &'a OVector<F, N>,

impl<'a, F, M, N> CholeskyFactor<'a, F, M, N>
    F: nalgebra::RealField + Copy,
    M: Dim + DimMin<N> + DimMax<N>,
    N: Dim,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<F, N> + Allocator<F, DimMaximum<M, N>, N> + Allocator<usize, N>,
    /// Solve the equation `$\mathbf{L}\vec{x} = \mathbf{P}^\top \vec{b}$`.
    pub fn solve(&mut self, mut rhs: OVector<F, N>) -> OVector<F, N> {
        for i in 0..self.work.nrows() {
            self.work[i] = rhs[self.permutation[i]];
        let (n, _) = self.work.data.shape();
        let l = self.l.rows_generic(0, n);
        if self.lower {
            for j in 0..n.value() {
                let x = unsafe {
                    let x = self.work.vget_unchecked_mut(j);
                    *x /= *self.l_diag.vget_unchecked(j);
                    .view_range_mut(j + 1.., 0)
                    .axpy(-x, &l.view_range(j + 1.., j), F::one());
        } else {
            for (j, col) in l.column_iter().enumerate() {
                let sum = dot(&self.work.rows_range(..j), &col.rows_range(..j));
                let x = unsafe { self.work.vget_unchecked_mut(j) };
                *x = (*x - sum) / *unsafe { col.vget_unchecked(j) };
        core::mem::swap(self.work, &mut rhs);

    /// Computes `$\mathbf{L}\mathbf{Q}^\top\vec{b}$`.
    pub fn mul_qt_b(&mut self, mut out: OVector<F, N>) -> OVector<F, N> {
        let (n, _) = self.work.data.shape();
        let l = self.l.rows_generic(0, n);
        if self.lower {
            for (i, col) in l.column_iter().enumerate() {
                out.rows_range_mut(i + 1..)
                    .axpy(self.qt_b[i], &col.rows_range(i + 1..), F::one());
                out[i] += self.qt_b[i] * self.l_diag[i];
        } else {
            for (i, col) in l.column_iter().enumerate() {
                out[i] = dot(&self.qt_b.rows_range(..i + 1), &col.rows_range(..i + 1));

impl<F, M, N> LinearLeastSquaresDiagonalProblem<F, M, N>
    F: nalgebra::RealField + Float + Copy,
    M: Dim + DimMin<N> + DimMax<N>,
    N: Dim,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<F, N> + Allocator<F, DimMaximum<M, N>, N> + Allocator<usize, N>,
    /// Compute scaled maximum of dot products between `$\vec{b}$` and the columns of `$\mathbf{A}$`.
    /// It computes
    /// ```math
    ///   \max_{i=1,\ldots,n}\frac{|(\mathbf{A}^\top \vec{b})_i|}{\|\mathbf{A}\vec{e}_i\|}.
    /// ```
    /// A fraction with column norm zero is counted as zero. If any
    /// of the computations are nan, `None` is returned.
    pub fn max_a_t_b_scaled(&mut self, b_norm: F) -> Option<F> {
        // compute max column of Ab scaled by column norm of A
        let b = &mut self.work;
        *b /= b_norm;
        let mut max = F::zero();
        for (j, col) in self.upper_r.column_iter().enumerate() {
            let scale = self.column_norms[self.permutation[j]];
            if scale.is_zero() {
            let sum = dot(&col.rows_range(..j + 1), &b.rows_range(..j + 1));
            let temp = Float::abs(sum / scale);
            if temp.is_nan() {
                return None;
            max = Float::max(max, temp);

    /// Compute `$\|\mathbf{A}\vec{x}\| = \sqrt{\vec{x}^\top\mathbf{A}^\top\mathbf{A}\vec{x}}$`.
    pub fn a_x_norm(&mut self, x: &OVector<F, N>) -> F {
        for (i, (col, idx)) in self
                .rows_range_mut(..i + 1)
                .axpy(x[*idx], &col.rows_range(..i + 1), F::one());

    /// Solve the linear least squares problem
    /// for a diagonal matrix `$\mathbf{D}$` (`diag`).
    /// This is equivalent to solving
    /// ```math
    /// (\mathbf{A}^\top\mathbf{A} + \mathbf{D}\mathbf{D})\vec{x} = \mathbf{A}^\top \vec{b}.
    /// ```
    /// # Return value
    /// Returns the solution `$\vec{x}$` and a reference to a lower triangular
    /// matrix `$\mathbf{L}\in\R^{n\times n}$` with
    /// ```math
    ///   \mathbf{P}^\top(\mathbf{A}^\top\mathbf{A} + \mathbf{D}\mathbf{D})\mathbf{P} = \mathbf{L}\mathbf{L}^\top.
    /// ```
    pub fn solve_with_diagonal(
        &mut self,
        diag: &OVector<F, N>,
        mut out: OVector<F, N>,
    ) -> (OVector<F, N>, CholeskyFactor<F, M, N>) {
        let mut rhs = self.eliminate_diag(diag, out /* will be filled and returnd */);
        core::mem::swap(&mut self.work, &mut rhs);

    /// Solve the least squares problem with a zero diagonal.
    pub fn solve_with_zero_diagonal(&mut self) -> (OVector<F, N>, CholeskyFactor<F, M, N>) {
        let u1 = Dim::from_usize(1);
        let (_m, n) = self.upper_r.data.shape();
        let l = self.upper_r.rows_generic(0, n);
        let rank = self.r_rank();
        l.view_range(..rank, ..rank)
            .solve_upper_triangular_mut(&mut self.work.rows_range_mut(..rank));
        let mut x = OVector::<F, N>::zeros_generic(n, u1);
        for j in 0..n.value() {
            x[self.permutation[j]] = self.work[j];
        let chol = CholeskyFactor {
            permutation: &self.permutation,
            l: &self.upper_r,
            work: &mut self.work,
            qt_b: &self.qt_b,
            lower: false,
            l_diag: &self.l_diag,
        (x, chol)

    /// Compute if the matrix A has rank `$n$`.
    pub fn is_non_singular(&self) -> bool {
        let (_m, n) = self.upper_r.data.shape();
        self.m.min(n).value() == n.value()
            && !(0..n.value()).any(|j| unsafe { self.upper_r.get_unchecked((j, j)) }.is_zero())

    fn r_rank(&self) -> usize {
        let (_m, n) = self.upper_r.data.shape();
        let max_rank = self.m.min(n).value();
            .map(|i| unsafe { self.upper_r.get_unchecked((i, i)) })

    fn rank(&self) -> usize {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| self.l_diag.nrows())

    fn solve_after_elimination(
        &mut self,
        mut x: OVector<F, N>,
    ) -> (OVector<F, N>, CholeskyFactor<F, M, N>) {
        let rank = self.rank();
        let rhs = &mut self.work;

        let (_m, n) = self.upper_r.data.shape();
        let l = self.upper_r.generic_view((0, 0), (n, n));

        // solve L^T * x = rhs
        for j in (0..rank).rev() {
            let dot = dot(
                &l.view_range(j + 1..rank, j),
                &rhs.view_range(j + 1..rank, 0),
            unsafe {
                let x = rhs.vget_unchecked_mut(j);
                let diag = self.l_diag.vget_unchecked(j);
                *x = (*x - dot) / *diag;

        for j in 0..n.value() {
            x[self.permutation[j]] = rhs[j];
        let cholesky_factor = CholeskyFactor {
            l: &self.upper_r,
            work: &mut self.work,
            permutation: &self.permutation,
            qt_b: &self.qt_b,
            lower: true,
            l_diag: &self.l_diag,
        (x, cholesky_factor)

    fn eliminate_diag<DS>(
        &mut self,
        diag: &Vector<F, N, DS>,
        mut rhs: OVector<F, N>,
    ) -> OVector<F, N>
        DS: Storage<F, N>,
        let (_m, n) = self.upper_r.data.shape();
        // only lower triangular part of self.upper_r is used in this function
        // we fill it now with R^T which is then iteratively overwritten with L.
        let mut r_and_l = self.upper_r.generic_view_mut((0, 0), (n, n));
        let mut r_and_l = self.upper_r.rows_generic_mut(0, n);
        // save diagonal of R so we can restore it later.
        for j in 0..n.value() {
            unsafe {
                *self.work.vget_unchecked_mut(j) = *r_and_l.get_unchecked((j, j));
        // eliminate the diagonal entries from D using Givens rotations
        let p5: F = convert(0.5);
        let p25: F = convert(0.25);
        for j in 0..n.value() {
            let diag_entry = unsafe { *diag.vget_unchecked(*self.permutation.vget_unchecked(j)) };
            if !diag_entry.is_zero() {
                self.l_diag[j] = diag_entry;
                self.l_diag.rows_range_mut(j + 1..).fill(F::zero());

                let mut qtbpj = F::zero();
                for k in j..n.value() {
                    if self.l_diag[k].is_zero() {
                    let r_kk = unsafe { r_and_l.get_unchecked_mut((k, k)) };
                    // determine the Givens rotation
                    let (sin, cos) = if Float::abs(*r_kk) < Float::abs(self.l_diag[k]) {
                        let cot = *r_kk / self.l_diag[k];
                        let sin = p5 / Float::sqrt(p25 + p25 * (cot * cot));
                        (sin, sin * cot)
                    } else {
                        let tan = self.l_diag[k] / (*r_kk);
                        let cos = p5 / Float::sqrt(p25 + p25 * (tan * tan));
                        (cos * tan, cos)
                    // compute the modified diagonal element of R and (Q^T*b,0)
                    *r_kk = cos * (*r_kk) + sin * self.l_diag[k];
                    let rhs_k = unsafe { rhs.vget_unchecked_mut(k) };
                    let temp = cos * (*rhs_k) + sin * qtbpj;
                    qtbpj = -sin * (*rhs_k) + cos * qtbpj;
                    *rhs_k = temp;

                    // accumulate the transformation in the row of L
                    for i in k + 1..n.value() {
                        let r_ik = unsafe { r_and_l.get_unchecked_mut((i, k)) };
                        let temp = cos * (*r_ik) + sin * self.l_diag[i];
                        self.l_diag[i] = -sin * (*r_ik) + cos * self.l_diag[i];
                        *r_ik = temp;
            self.l_diag[j] = r_and_l[(j, j)];
            r_and_l[(j, j)] = unsafe { *self.work.vget_unchecked(j) };

fn test_pivoted_qr() {
    use nalgebra::{Matrix4x3, Vector3};
    let a = Matrix4x3::<f64>::new(
        2.0,  1.,  4.0,
        0.0, 10., -1.0,
        0.0,  4.,  0.5,
        1.0,  0.,   0.,
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);

    assert_eq!(qr.permutation, nalgebra::Vector3::new(1, 2, 0));

    let column_norms = Vector3::new(2.23606797749979, 10.816653826391969, 4.153311931459037);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr.column_norms, column_norms);

    let r_diag = Vector3::new(-10.816653826391967, 4.1368161505254095, 1.0778765953488594);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr.r_diag, r_diag);

    let qr_ref = Matrix4x3::<f64>::new(
        1.0924500327042048 ,  0.3698001308168193 , -0.18490006540840964,
        0.9245003270420484 ,  1.9843572039046236 ,  1.9503830421256012 ,
        0.3698001308168194 ,  0.17618426468067802,  1.3732023003846023 ,
        0.                 , -0.                 , -0.9277499894840426 ,
    assert_relative_eq!(qr.qr, qr_ref, epsilon = 1e-14);

/// Test that for a wide matrix the QR is identical to the case
/// where the matrix is extended with zero rows.
fn test_wide_matrix() {
    use nalgebra::{Matrix2x4, Matrix4, Vector2, Vector4};
    let a1 = Matrix2x4::new(
        6., 4., 9., 8.,
        4., 0., 8., 7.,
    let a2 = Matrix4::new(
        6., 4., 9., 8.,
        4., 0., 8., 7.,
        0., 0., 0., 0.,
        0., 0., 0., 0.,
    let qr1 = PivotedQR::new(a1);
    let qr2 = PivotedQR::new(a2);
    assert_eq!(qr1.permutation, qr2.permutation);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr1.column_norms, qr2.column_norms);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr1.r_diag, qr2.r_diag);
    let qr_ref = qr2.qr.remove_rows(2, 2);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr1.qr.as_slice(), qr_ref.as_slice());

    let lls1 = qr1.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector2::new(7., -5.));
    let lls2 = qr2.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector4::new(7., -5., 0., 0.));
    assert_relative_eq!(lls1.qt_b, lls2.qt_b);

    let a1 = Matrix2x4::new(
        6., 0., 0., 0.,
        4., 0., 0., 0.,
    let a2 = Matrix4::new(
        6., 0., 0., 0.,
        4., 0., 0., 0.,
        0., 0., 0., 0.,
        0., 0., 0., 0.,
    let qr1 = PivotedQR::new(a1);
    let qr2 = PivotedQR::new(a2);
    assert_eq!(qr1.permutation, qr2.permutation);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr1.column_norms, qr2.column_norms);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr1.r_diag, qr2.r_diag);
    let qr_ref = qr2.qr.remove_rows(2, 2);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr1.qr.as_slice(), qr_ref.as_slice());

    let lls1 = qr1.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector2::new(7., -5.));
    let lls2 = qr2.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector4::new(7., -5., 0., 0.));
    assert_relative_eq!(lls1.qt_b, lls2.qt_b);

fn test_pivoted_qr_more_branches() {
    // This test case was crafted to hit all three
    // branches of the partial column norms
    use nalgebra::{Matrix4x3, Vector3};
    let a = Matrix4x3::<f64>::from_iterator(
            30.0, 43.0, 34.0, 26.0, 30.0, 43.0, 34.0, 26.0, 24.0, 39.0, -10.0, -34.0,
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let r_diag = Vector3::new(-67.683085036070864, -55.250741178610944, 0.00000000000001);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr.r_diag, r_diag, epsilon = 1e-14);

fn test_pivoted_qr_big_rank1() {
    // This test case was generated directly from MINPACK's QRFAC
    use nalgebra::{OMatrix, Vector5, U10, U5};
    let a = OMatrix::<f64, U10, U5>::from_fn(|i, j| ((i + 1) * (j + 1)) as f64);
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let r_diag = Vector5::<f64>::new(-98.107084351742913, -3.9720546451956370E-015, 0., 0., 0.);
    assert_relative_eq!(qr.r_diag, r_diag);
    let qr_ref = OMatrix::<f64, U10, U5>::from_column_slice(&[
        // matrix looks transposed in this form, this is a column slice!
        // column 1
          1.0509647191437625 , 0.10192943828752511, 0.15289415743128767, 0.20385887657505022,  0.25482359571881280,
          0.30578831486257535, 0.35675303400633790, 0.40771775315010045, 0.45868247229386300,  0.50964719143762560,
        // column 2
        -58.864250611045748  , 1.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , -0.44721359549995793,
          0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , -0.89442719099991586,
        // column 3
        -39.242833740697165  , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ,  0.0000000000000000 ,
          0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ,  0.0000000000000000 ,
        // column 4
        -78.485667481394330  , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ,  0.0000000000000000 ,
          0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ,  0.0000000000000000 ,
        // column 5
        -19.621416870348583  , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ,  0.0000000000000000 ,
          0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ,  0.0000000000000000 ,
    assert_relative_eq!(qr.qr, qr_ref);

fn default_lls(case: usize) -> LinearLeastSquaresDiagonalProblem<f64, nalgebra::U4, nalgebra::U3> {
    use nalgebra::{Matrix4x3, Vector4};
    let a = match case {
        1 => Matrix4x3::<f64>::from_iterator((0..).map(|i| i as f64)),
        2 => Matrix4x3::<f64>::from_iterator(
            [30., 43., 34., 26., 30., 43., 34., 26., 24., 39., -10., -34.]
        3 => Matrix4x3::new(1., 2., -1., 0., 1., 4., 0., 0., 0.5, 0., 0., 0.),
        _ => unimplemented!(),
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    qr.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector4::new(1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 4.0))

fn test_into_lls() {
    // data was generated with Python implementation "lmmin" and SciPy MINPACK binding
    use nalgebra::{Matrix4x3, Vector3, Vector4};
    let a = Matrix4x3::<f64>::new(
        2.0,  1.,  4.0,
        0.0, 10., -1.0,
        0.0,  4.,  0.5,
        1.0,  0.,   0.,
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let lls = qr.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector4::new(1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 4.0));
    let qt_b = Vector3::new(-3.790451340872398, 1.4266308163005572, 2.334839404175348);
    assert_relative_eq!(lls.qt_b, qt_b, epsilon = 1e-14);

fn test_elimate_diag_and_l() {
    use nalgebra::{Matrix3, Vector3};
    let mut lls = default_lls(1);
    let rhs = lls.eliminate_diag(&Vector3::new(1.0, 0.5, 0.0), lls.qt_b);
    let rhs_ref = Vector3::new(-6.272500481871799, 1.731584982206922, 0.612416936078506);
    assert_relative_eq!(rhs, rhs_ref);

    // contains L
    let ldiag_ref = Vector3::new(-19.131126469708992, 2.120676250530203, 0.666641352293790);
    assert_relative_eq!(lls.l_diag, ldiag_ref);

    let r_ref = Matrix3::new(
    let r = Matrix3::from_iterator(lls.upper_r.view_range(..3, ..3).iter().copied());
    assert_relative_eq!(r, r_ref);

fn test_lls_x_1() {
    use nalgebra::Vector3;
    let mut lls = default_lls(1);
    let (x_out, _) = lls.solve_with_diagonal(&Vector3::new(1.0, 0.5, 0.0), Vector3::zeros());
    let x_ref = Vector3::new(0.459330143540669, 0.918660287081341, -0.287081339712919);
    assert_relative_eq!(x_out, x_ref, epsilon = 1e-14);

fn test_lls_x_2() {
    // R is singular but L is not
    use nalgebra::*;
    let a = Matrix4x3::from_column_slice(&[
        14., -12., 20., -11., 19., 38., -4., -11., -14., 12., -20., 11.,
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let mut lls = qr.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector4::new(-5., 3., -2., 7.));

    let rdiag_exp = Vector3::new(-44.068129073061407, 29.147349299100057, 0.);
    let rdiag_out =
        Vector3::from_iterator(lls.upper_r.view_range(..3, ..3).diagonal().iter().copied());
    assert_relative_eq!(rdiag_out, rdiag_exp);

    let diag = Vector3::new(2.772724292099739, 0.536656314599949, 0.089442719099992);
    let (x_out, _) = lls.solve_with_diagonal(&diag, Vector3::zeros());
    let x_exp = Vector3::new(-0.000277544878320, -0.046225239392197, 0.266720628065249);
    assert_relative_eq!(x_out, x_exp, epsilon = 1e-14);

fn test_lls_wide_matrix() {
    use nalgebra::{Matrix2x4, Matrix4, Vector2, Vector4};
    let a1 = Matrix2x4::new(
        6., 4., 9., 8.,
        4., 0., 8., 7.,
    let a2 = Matrix4::new(
        6., 4., 9., 8.,
        4., 0., 8., 7.,
        0., 0., 0., 0.,
        0., 0., 0., 0.,
    let mut lls1 = PivotedQR::new(a1).into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector2::new(23., -1.));
    let mut lls2 =
        PivotedQR::new(a2).into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector4::new(23., -1., 0., 0.));

    let diag = Vector4::new(1., 2., 8., 0.5);
    let b = Vector4::new(0.6301, 0.1611, 0.9104, 0.8998);
    let (x1, mut chol1) = lls1.solve_with_diagonal(&diag, Vector4::zeros());
    let (x2, mut chol2) = lls2.solve_with_diagonal(&diag, Vector4::zeros());
    assert_relative_eq!(chol1.solve(b), chol2.solve(b));
    assert_relative_eq!(lls1.upper_r, lls2.upper_r);
    assert_relative_eq!(x1, x2);

    let diag = Vector4::new(0.1, 20., 8.2, 1.5);
    let b = Vector4::new(0.851, 0.21, 0.629, 0.714);
    let (x1, mut chol1) = lls1.solve_with_diagonal(&diag, Vector4::zeros());
    let (x2, mut chol2) = lls2.solve_with_diagonal(&diag, Vector4::zeros());
    assert_relative_eq!(chol1.solve(b), chol2.solve(b));
    assert_relative_eq!(lls1.upper_r, lls2.upper_r);
    assert_relative_eq!(x1, x2);

    let (x1, mut chol1) = lls1.solve_with_zero_diagonal();
    let (x2, mut chol2) = lls2.solve_with_zero_diagonal();
    assert_relative_eq!(lls1.upper_r, lls2.upper_r);
    assert_relative_eq!(x1, x2);

fn test_lls_zero_diagonal() {
    use nalgebra::Vector3;
    let mut lls = default_lls(3);
    let (x_out, _l) = lls.solve_with_zero_diagonal();
    let x_ref = Vector3::new(87., -38., 10.);
    assert_relative_eq!(x_out, x_ref);

fn test_cholesky_lower() {
    use nalgebra::{Matrix3, Vector3, U3};
    let l = Matrix3::new(-1.0e10, 100., -1., 1., 1.0e8, 0.5, 1., 0.5, 100.);
    let mut chol = CholeskyFactor::<f64, U3, _> {
        l: &l,
        l_diag: &Vector3::new(2., 1.5, 0.1),
        lower: true,
        work: &mut Vector3::zeros(),
        permutation: &Vector3::<usize>::new(1, 0, 2),
        qt_b: &Vector3::new(1.0, 2.0, 0.5),

    let out_mul = chol.mul_qt_b(Vector3::zeros());
    let exp_mul = Vector3::new(2., 4., 2.05);
    assert_relative_eq!(out_mul, exp_mul);

    let out_solve = chol.solve(Vector3::new(1.0, 2.0, 0.5));
    let exp_solve = Vector3::new(1., 0., -5.);
    assert_relative_eq!(out_solve, exp_solve);

fn test_cholesky_upper() {
    use nalgebra::{Matrix3, Vector3, U3};
    let l = Matrix3::new(4., 7., 1., 123., 6., 8., 34., 34455., 9.);
    let mut chol = CholeskyFactor::<f64, U3, _> {
        l: &l,
        l_diag: &Vector3::new(1234.0, -1.5, -1e120),
        lower: false,
        work: &mut Vector3::zeros(),
        permutation: &Vector3::<usize>::new(2, 1, 0),
        qt_b: &Vector3::new(1.0, 2.0, 0.5),

    let out_mul = chol.mul_qt_b(Vector3::zeros());
    let exp_mul = Vector3::new(4., 19., 21.5);
    assert_relative_eq!(out_mul, exp_mul);

    let out_solve = chol.solve(Vector3::new(1.0, 2.0, 0.5));
    let exp_solve = Vector3::new(0.125, 0.1875, -0.06944444444444445);
    assert_relative_eq!(out_solve, exp_solve);

fn test_column_max_norm() {
    use ::core::f64::NAN;
    use nalgebra::*;
    let a = Matrix4x3::from_column_slice(&[
        14., -12., 20., -11., 19., 38., -4., -11., -14., 12., -20., 11.,
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let b = Vector4::new(1., 2., 3., 4.);
    let max_at_b = qr
    assert_relative_eq!(max_at_b.unwrap(), 0.88499332, epsilon = 1e-8);

    let a = Matrix4x3::from_column_slice(&[
        NAN, -12., 20., -11., 19., 38., -4., -11., -14., 12., -20., 11.,
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let b = Vector4::new(1., 2., 3., 4.);
    let max_at_b = qr
    assert_eq!(max_at_b, None);

    let a = Matrix4x3::zeros();
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let b = Vector4::new(1., 2., 3., 4.);
    let max_at_b = qr
    assert_eq!(max_at_b, Some(0.));

fn test_a_x_norm() {
    use nalgebra::*;
    let a = Matrix4x3::new(3., 6., 2., 7., 4., 3., 2., 0., 4., 5., 1., 6.);
    let qr = PivotedQR::new(a);
    let mut lls = qr.into_least_squares_diagonal_problem(Vector4::zeros());
    let result = lls.a_x_norm(&Vector3::new(1., 8., 3.));
    assert_relative_eq!(result, Float::sqrt(6710.));