leveldb_minimal 0.1.0

An minimal interface for leveldb
//! The main database module, allowing to interface with leveldb on
//! a key-value basis.

pub mod batch;
pub mod bytes;
pub mod cache;
pub mod compaction;
pub mod comparator;
pub mod error;
pub mod iterator;
pub mod kv;
pub mod management;
pub mod options;
pub mod snapshots;

use comparator::{create_comparator, Comparator};
use leveldb_sys::*;
use libc::c_char;
use self::error::Error;
use self::options::{c_options, Options};
use std::{ffi::CString, ptr, sync::Arc, path::Path};

struct RawDB {
    ptr: *mut leveldb_t,

impl Drop for RawDB {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

struct RawComparator {
    ptr: *mut leveldb_comparator_t,

impl Drop for RawComparator {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

/// The main database object.
/// leveldb databases are based on ordered keys. By default, leveldb orders
/// by the binary value of the key. Additionally, a custom `Comparator` can
/// be passed when opening the database. This library ships with an Comparator
/// implementation for keys that are `Ord`.
/// When re-CString a database, you must use the same key type `K` and
/// comparator type `C`.
/// Multiple Database objects can be kept around, as leveldb synchronises
/// internally.
pub struct Database(pub(crate) Arc<DatabaseInner>);

pub(crate) struct DatabaseInner {
    database: RawDB,
    // this holds a reference passed into leveldb
    // it is never read from Rust, but must be kept around
    comparator: Option<RawComparator>,
    // these hold multiple references that are used by the leveldb library
    // and should survive as long as the database lives
    options: Options,

unsafe impl Sync for DatabaseInner {}
unsafe impl Send for DatabaseInner {}

impl Database {
    fn new(
        database: *mut leveldb_t,
        options: Options,
        comparator: Option<*mut leveldb_comparator_t>,
    ) -> Database {
        let raw_comp = match comparator {
            Some(p) => Some(RawComparator { ptr: p }),
            None => None,
        Database(Arc::new(DatabaseInner {
            database: RawDB { ptr: database },
            comparator: raw_comp,

    /// Open a new database
    /// If the database is missing, the behaviour depends on `options.create_if_missing`.
    /// The database will be created using the settings given in `options`.
    pub fn open(name: &Path, options: Options) -> Result<Database, Error> {
        let mut error = ptr::null_mut();
        unsafe {
            let c_string = CString::new(name.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
            let c_options = c_options(&options, None);
            let db = leveldb_open(
                c_options as *const leveldb_options_t,
                c_string.as_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char,
                &mut error,

            if error.is_null() {
                Ok(Database::new(db, options, None))
            } else {

    /// Open a new database with a custom comparator
    /// If the database is missing, the behaviour depends on `options.create_if_missing`.
    /// The database will be created using the settings given in `options`.
    /// The comparator must implement a total ordering over the keyspace.
    /// For keys that implement Ord, consider the `OrdComparator`.
    pub fn open_with_comparator<C: Comparator>(
        name: &Path,
        options: Options,
        comparator: C,
    ) -> Result<Database, Error> {
        let mut error = ptr::null_mut();
        let comp_ptr = create_comparator(Box::new(comparator));
        unsafe {
            let c_string = CString::new(name.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
            let c_options = c_options(&options, Some(comp_ptr));
            let db = leveldb_open(
                c_options as *const leveldb_options_t,
                c_string.as_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char,
                &mut error,

            if error.is_null() {
                Ok(Database::new(db, options, Some(comp_ptr)))
            } else {